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This clickable walkthrough will show you to take action on an applicant in the Applicant Table.
Fountain Exercise:
Take Action on an Applicant
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This clickable walkthrough will show you to take action on an applicant in the Applicant Table.

Fountain Exercise:Take Action on an Applicant


Starting at the Applicant Table, our goal is to take action(s) on an applicant to progress the hiring process for this Marketing role.

Click Recruiter Review to review the applicants currently in this stage.


Let's take a look at Torrance's Applicant Profile to see how she answered our Marketing Experience question.

From the Applicant Profile, we can see the answers provided by Torrance under the Details section. Her response looks great. Let's move her forward to an interview!


Click More actions.


Click Move to Next Stage.


Click Submit.

Torrance was moved to the Interview stage to schedule an interview with our team. Let's click the Interview stage to view the applicants there.


Click Interview stage.

Great, it looks like Torrance scheduled a time to meet with our team. She has her Interview scheduled for today. Let's send her a quick text to check in before the interview.


Click Torrance's name.


Click to start typing a text to Torrance


Click Send to send the text to Torrance.

Click to close the Applicant Profile.


Torrance had a great interview. Let's go ahead and move her over to the Approved staged!

Click Move to next stage.


Click Submit to confirm the move.


We've approved one applicant. Now we need to reject some applicants that didn't attend their interviews. Use the checkboxes on the left to select multiple applicants at once.

Click each checkbox to select an applicant.


Click the bulk Reject to reject multiple selected applicants at once.


Click the Select a Reason dropdown to choose a reason for rejecting these applicants.


Choose Missed session as the rejection reason.


Click Reject.


That's it! We successfully took action by moving a qualified applicant through the hiring process and rejected several unqualified applicants.
