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Adapted from    Pagé, M., & Jolicoeur, N. (2015).5). Prévenir le plagiat et la tricherie: pour une stratégie concertée et à long terme.
                                  Pédagogie collégiale vol. 28, n° 3, spring 2019
Linked to deliberate acts
Linked to the misuse of citation guidelines and rules
Promoting Academic Integrity
Means of Intervention
Plagiarism, fraud and cheating
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Adapted from Pagé, M., & Jolicoeur, N. (2015).5). Prévenir le plagiat et la tricherie: pour une stratégie concertée et à long terme. Pédagogie collégiale vol. 28, n° 3, spring 2019

Linked to deliberate acts

Linked to the misuse of citation guidelines and rules

Promoting Academic Integrity

enforcing academic integrity


Means of Intervention

of academic misconduct


pedagogical design


limiting the risks of academic misconduct





Plagiarism, fraud and cheating

Compared to in class lectures

1/3 as long

Synchronous lecture sessions

30 minutes/60 minutes

•To maximize student engagement, consider having both synchronous and asynchronous lectures...

Pedagogical Design in Distance Education

“Designing more authentic evaluations based on skill and performance rather than memorization. This entails the modification of learning activities, administrative procedures, evaluation criteria and the roles of instructors.” (Audet, 2011)


Adapting (continuted)

  • Use various evaluation methods that require students to reflect upon their learning experiences in different ways (not just in writing, as this can lead students to simply copy from their work).




  • Avoid broad and unspecific questions, as answers can often be found on the internet. If possible, add very specific details.



Evaluating Processes and Reflections




  • Use evaluations in a variety of situations, allowing for ample feedback.
  • Evaluations throughout the course .
  • Designing authentic evaluations.
  • Evaluating based on:

Designing Evaluations for Distance Education

  • Explaining the importance of the reflective process.
  • Raise awareness: explain what qualifies as plagarism, fraud and cheating.
  • Explaining good practices in terms of team work.
  • Having clear expectations in terms of citations/referencing norms.
  • Providing constructive criticism for students when plagiarism, fraud or cheating may have occurred.
  • Explaining why the assignemens are important; the impact that the skills/knowledge gained will have on the careers of students.

Making students aware of their responsibilities and best practices can and should be done in several ways:





  • Providing resources to make referencing/citing easier (ex: EndNotes, Zotero, Scribbr).
  • Being flexible with students (especially for the beginning of the semester) to reduce anxiety and ensure they reference correctly.
  • Limit the evaluation time if you want to avoid students consulting outside resources.
  • Developing large question banks and using software that randomly selects questions.
  • Using release conditions (ex: Courselink has features that prevent students from seeing discussions until they’ve submitted their work).
  • Using supervision technologies (i.e. Respondus) during online examinations.
  • Clarify expectations
  • Involve your students

omProviding resources tomake referencing/citing easier(ex: EndNotes, Zotero, Scribbr).Being flexiblewith students (especially for the beginning of the semester) to reduce anxiety and ensure they reference correctly.If you wish for students to refrain from consulting outside material, consider reducing the allowed timefor the evaluation. Developing large question banksand using software that randomly selects questions.Usingrelease conditions(ex: Courselink has features that prevent students fromseeing discussions until they’ve submitted their work).Using supervision technologies(i.e Respondus) during online examinations.e

  • Get to know your students

Methods for preventing fraud and plagiarism include pedagogical practices and administering evaluations in ways that promote academic integrity.


Turnitin (Dropbox Integration)

Ask for a verbal explanation from the student

  • A tool to detect plagiarism
  • When in doubt
  • Differences in style throughout an assignment.
  • Signs of “copy and paste”.
  • A bibliography in a different format.
  • A disparate layout.
  • Discrepancy between graphics/tables and references.
  • Many inactive websites in the bibliography.
  • Parts of the assignment appear in a Google search.
  • Detecting plagiarism

Methods of detectionand intervention include any strategies or tools that allow you to detect academic misconduct and to sanction against it.

Detection and Repression

Collège La Cité

Attribution. Non-commercial use. Sharing under the same conditions

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