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school team Slovakia, 2020/2021
How can we preserve Water?
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school team Slovakia, 2020/2021

How can we preserve Water?

Saving water in our gardens

Saving water - extending measures

The presentation contains various quizzes created via wordwall, kahoot, learning apps, involveme and genially.


Saving water in agriculture – more efficient irrigation

Saving water in agriculture – best practices

Saving water in our households – leaks

Saving water in our households – sinks

Saving water in our households – shower

Saving water in our households – laundry



Learning through gamification

You can choose a quiz from the offer and investigate the ways of saving water or discover more facts about water. It is also possible to use interactive elements (labelled as "+info") or recommended videos to get additional information.


Clean, fresh water is a limited resource. With all the severe droughts happening in the world, the limited supply of fresh water is becoming one of our most precious resources. Every person on earth needs water to survive. Without it, many of us would get sick and even result in death.

Why is it necessary to preserve water?

We can save water in our households, in agriculture, in industries, we should demand more effective laws and regulations.

This kahoot quiz consists of 10 slides. To play it, click on the interactive element in the picture and use kahoot.it on your mobile phones.


made by K.G. and H.H.


saving water in our households – shower

made by F.M. and N.M.

This kahoot quiz consists of 11 slides. To play it, click on the interactive element in the picture and use kahoot.it on your mobile phones.

saving water in our households – laundry

made by B.B. and V.D.

made by S.V. and K.L.

To play this quiz, just click on the interactive element in the picture.

This kahoot quiz consists of 11 slides. To play it, click on the interactive element in the picture and use kahoot.it on your mobile phones.

saving water in our households – leaks



saving water in our households – sinks

This learningapp consists of 10 slides. To play it, click on the interactive element in the picture.



made by S.B. and N.V.

saving water in our households – gardens

made by D.G.

This wordwall quiz consists of 10 slides. To play it, click on the interactive element in the picture.

saving water in our households – extending measures

made by M.Č. and V.H.

made by E.F.

This wordwall quiz consists of 10 slides. To play it, click on the interactive element in the picture.

This genially quiz consists of 10 question + 10 answer slides. To play it, click on the interactive element in the picture.



saving water in agriculture - more efficient irrigation

saving water in agriculture – best practices

made by Slovak school team


This wordwall quiz consists of 10 slides. To play it, click on the interactive element in the picture.

Origins of water quiz


This genially quiz consists of 10 slides. To play it, click on the interactive element in the picture.

Basics about water quiz


This wordwall quiz consists of 10 slides. To play it, click on the interactive element in the picture. You have 10 minutes to answer all questions.

Water footprint quiz

if you want to learn more, these quizzes provide further information about water


created by Beata Bojnanská, Vanessa Dekanová, Martina Černá, Vanessa Hallová, Nina Mochňacká, Ernest Fázik, Filip Moskal, Dominika Glosová, Simona Bilková, Kristína Golkovská, Hedviga Hlavnová, Nikola Vargová, Klára Lišková and Simona Vančová (classes 1.B, 2.B, 3.B, 4.B)

for eTwinning project eSTEM 2020/2021

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