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The Ocean's Depths

10. Interesting sea facts

9. Map

7. Gallery

6. Quote

5. Dives

4. What lives there?

3. The Challenger Deep

2. The deepest seas

8. Surprising species

1. Introduction


Introduction to the ocean's depths

Depths of the sea

The average ocean depth is 4.27 kilometers (14,000 feet), although there is a much deeper point called the Challenger Deep. This point lies under the western Pacific Ocean at the southern end of the Mariana Trench. It runs several hundred kilometers southwest of the island of Guam. The deepest point in the Atlantic Ocean is in the pit or trench north of Puerto Rico, which is 8.380 meters and 1.750 kilometers long.

2. The deepest seas and oceans

  1. Pacific Ocean - 10,924 m
  2. Atlantic Ocean - 9,219 m
  3. Indian Ocean - 7,455 m
  4. Southern Ocean - 7,236 m
  5. Caribbean Sea - 6,946 m

6. Arctic Ocean - 5,625 m7. South China Sea - 5,016 m8. Bering Sea - 4,773 m 9. Mediterranean Sea - 4,632 m 10. Gulf of Mexico - 3,787 m

2. The deepest seas and oceans

3. The Challenger Deep

The Challenger Deep is the deepest point, known to date, in the ocean, being over 11,000 meters deep.Located in the Mariana Trench in the heart of the Pacific Ocean, it has only been explored by Swiss inventor Jacques Piccard and US Marine Don Walsh in 1960, filmmaker James Cameron in 2012, and Victor Vescovo, a record-breaking businessman, reaching 10,928 meters deep.

4. Who lives in the deep sea?

Ocean dwellers

At 11,000 meters deep, it may seem complicated for species to survive. With more than 1,000 atmospheres, 4 degrees of temperature and total darkness, there, in addition to a lot of human pollution, in the words of Victor Vescovo, we can find xenophyophores, which are capable of withstanding such extreme conditions. These beings are sponge-shaped microorganisms and are believed to play a key role in the sediment cycle deposited on the seabed.

5. More visits to the Moon that to the bottom of the sea

It is true that visits to space and the moon have been much more proactive than those to the sea floor. The last explorer was a robot that mimicked the shape of a snail and reached 10,900 meters deep.

Specifically, we have visited the moon 8 times more than the sea depths. Why? Both scenarios pose dangers because of the conditions of those places.



Locate the deepest part of the sea!

"What we know is a drop, what we don't know is an ocean."

Isaac Newton

7. Gallery

8. The most interesting species we can find in the ocean

Photo: La Vanguardia

Four-toothed whales

Photo: La Vanguardia

Glowing Shark

Photo: La Vanguardia

Crab with a coral shell

Photo: La Vanguardia

The fish named Obama

Photo: La Vanguardia

The Casper Octopus

Photo: Queensland Museum

The Bob Marley Spider

9. Where are the other deep sea depths?

9. Where are the other deep sea depths?

10. The marine facts you should know

Oceans regulate the planet's climate, absorb carbon dioxide, provide much of the oxygen we breathe and the food we consume, but there is more...

square KM of frozen water on the planet

of the planet's oceans are protected

24.364.000 km


of the ocean is still unexplored

of Earth's surface is covered by water

95 %


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