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Miss: Mai Elmorsy

2.6 Soft tissue injuires

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teacher daywrite thankful message or qualities that you like in your teacher

Starter Activity 5min

Learning objectives :

-Identify different types of open soft tissue injuries.

  • Tissue – groups of cells that have a similar structure and act together to perform a specific function
  • Abrasion – the process of scraping or wearing away
  • Avulsion – the action of pulling or tearing away
  • Amputation – the action of surgically cutting off a limb


  • Laceration – a deep cut or tear in skin or flesh
  • Fracture – a crack or a break in a bone
  • Puncture – a small hole in the skin, caused by a sharp object
  • Minor – not very serious: easy to treat


  • Injuries where the skin is broken.
  • Blood is lost and wounds are open.
  • Vary from minor to serious injuries.

Open soft tissue injuries

Injuries to the skin, muscle, tendon or ligament. Not injuries to internal organs or hard tissue e.g. bone. Can be open or closed.

Soft tissue injuries

Fill in blanks 4min

  • Abrasion
  • Avulsion
  • Laceration
  • Puncturs
  • Amputation

Open soft tissue injuries

each group well make a presentation about type ofsoft tissue injurypresentation should include illustrative picture and Q matrix questiongroup will take about what is meant by softtissue injury and its types10 minafter finishing upload on LMS

Soft tissue injuries

  • When the skin is torn from the body.
  • Caused by scraping or grazing the skin off a rough surface.
  • Commonly found on the knees, elbows and hands.
  • Commonly caused by falling and tripping.

Abrasion Avulsion

Types of open soft tissue injuries

  • Caused by a sharp object going through the skin
  • A deep cut, may go through the skin to muscle tissue.
  • Major blood vessels and nerves may damaged.
  • Usually caused by a sharp object.
  • May be caused by a blunt object with impact.

Laceration Puncture

Types of open soft tissue injuries

  • Complete removal of part of the body.
  • Can happen due to an accident or can be intentional due to surgery.
  • Surgical amputation usually happens as part of the body is so badly damaged it needs to be removed


Types of open soft tissue injuries

LMS Activity3 MinThanks!

Starter activity