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By Blanca, Ciro and Uriel 
Les dones i  la ciència juntes, són imparables
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Fes click aqui per anar a una presentacio en catala

By Blanca, Ciro and Uriel

Les dones i la ciència juntes, són imparables

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Fes click aqui per anar a una presentacio en catala

Today we will talk about Biruté Galdikas, her biography, and her work.

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We chose her because of her story, her work, and because we like orangutans.

Biruté galdikas

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Biruté Galdikas.

We used tools like ChatGPT, The Translator, Google Meet, web pages, and YouTube to find ideas. Finally, we made a document with ideas and scripts.

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more information 1

Biruté is a woman who works very hard to help orangutans, but you probably don’t know her ideas as a scientist. Well, you are lucky because today we will tell you: Where she studied and who helped or motivated her to study orangutans.

She told the paleontologist Louis Leakey that she wanted to study orangutans in their natural h

more information 2

Biruté has done 5 things to help orangutans. She has done many things like talks and campaigns. Today, I will tell you about the 3 most interesting ones. The first is that in 1986, Biruté started the Orangutan Foundation International (OFI). This group helps orangutans and their homes in the rainforests of Borneo and Sumatra. OFI rescues orphaned or lost orangutans and helps them return to the wild.

She told the paleontologist Louis Leakey that she wanted to study orangutans in their natural h

more information 3

The second is that Biruté has given many talks, conferences, and workshops all over the world. She teaches people about the problems orangutans face. She also works with people in Borneo to find better ways to use the land while keeping the forests safe. Lastly, Biruté has been on many TV programs, like National Geographic, to share her work and love for orangutans.

She told the paleontologist Louis Leakey that she wanted to study orangutans in their natural h

Biruté spent 7 years and 7 months in Tanjung Puting, where she did all her studies and the site is now a national park.

Biruté was the first person to discover the first wild orangutan.

More things about Biruté

She told the paleontologist Louis Leakey that she wanted to study orangutans in their natural h

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Women faced many difficulties to become scientists, like being killed. But Biruté Galdikas and other women showed that with courage and determination, anything is possible.

The challenge of scientist women

Here you can see a book called Primates: The Intrepid Science by Jane Goodall, Dian Fossey and Biruté Galdikas and it is about those scientists.

A la nostra escola varem presentar a na Biruté Galdikas a partir del vídeo de Greenpeace "There's a Rang-tan in My Bedroom". Perquè nosaltres poguéssim entendre millor el tema de les mines del Congo i la feina de na Jane Goodall. El vídeo de Greenpeace era molt visual i ens ajudava a entendre la desforestació que hi havia allà. Per tant, a partir de na Biruté Galdikas, vam poder entendre millor què era el que passava a la selva del Congo.





A video in English
un video en Español
oficial cpsalgar webpage


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No només som infants, també som persones científics i volem ajudar el nostre planeta. Esperam que tu també ajudis.

Biruté Galdikas is a scientist who studies and protects orangutans. She has spent many years living in the jungles of Borneo to learn more about these animals

Biruté Galdikas

Biruté Galdikas

Biruté was born on May 10, of 1946 in Wiesbaden, Germany. Biruté. today, is alive and she is married. she have a son, her name is Binti Paul Galdikas.Biruté has traveled a lot. She lives in two places at the same time. One is the jungles of Borneo, and the other is in British Columbia.

Biruté talked to a paleontologist named Louis Leakey because she wanted to study orangutans. Louis agreed to help her. Biruté, her husband, and Louis went to the jungles of Borneo with help from National Geographic. Now, Biruté is working at Simon Fraser University in Canada. She also studied at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), where she started loving orangutans and met Professor Louis. As a fun fact, Biruté, Dian Fossey, and Jane Goodall are connected because Louis Leakey helped all of them.

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