Want to make interactive content? It’s easy in Genially!

Over 30 million people build interactive content in Genially.

Check out what others have designed:


Navigation bar

 Give users easy access to navigate your site and take action with navigation

Custom gift options

 Allow donors to choose their own gift amount, ensuring flexibility for all types of givers.

Giving day logo

 Use a logo to create a cohesive and engaging brand for your giving day

One-click matching gift searches
 Integrate tools that allow donors to check if their employer offers a matching gift program.

Giving thermometer A visual representation of the total amount raised against the goal.

Matching gift funds Promote available matching gifts from major donors or corporate sponsors

Donor wall Publicly recognize donors who opt-in, allowing them to see their name on a virtual wall.

Impact sections Use stories and videos to show how donations will make a difference, helping donors feel emotionally connected to their contribution.

Peer-to-peer fundraising tools Allow individuals or teams to set up personal fundraising pages to gather support from their networks.

Ambassador leaderboard Highlight which personal pages are driving the most donations.

Donor leaderboards Display top donors or groups of donors in real-time, either by amount given or by number of donations.

Recurring giving option 
Let donors easily set up recurring gifts.