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Improving evidence and information use in musculoskeletal physiotherapy

There’s so much research out there. It’s hard for physiosto make sense of it and use it with patients.This project wanted to makeevidence and information:


of physio appointments


with physios and patients

Creative Co-design


Researchers from the University of Sheffield used:

Easier toaccess

Clearer toshare

Key findings

Physios seek 'evidence on demand'

from colleagues, the internet and social media rather than search a research database.

Helping to create the conditions for better evidence and information use by physios and patients

Relationship building

This includes managing expectations, developing rapport and clear communication.

A person-centred approach

Evidence and information must be tailored to patients’ needs.

to develop tools to make it easier to use evidence in physio appointments

see prototypes

Observation We observed three physios from the same NHS Trust. One in primary care and two in secondary care outpatient settings. To provide context and understand the working environments.

Interviews Semi-structured interviews took place with 14 physios of differing grades and 13 patients. To understand the factors affecting evidence and information use in practice.

Creative Co-Design We used a blended approach to co-design. 18 physios and 10 patients completed activity workbooks and attended online workshops. A design researcher helped develop the creative activities used.

'Evidence on Demand' Physios are more likely to seek ‘evidence on demand’ than search a research database or read a full research paper in their busy day to day practice.

Relationship Building Forming a good physio-patient relationship is important. So patients have trust and confidence in their physio. Also in the evidence and information they receive. This could help patients to engage in their treatment plan.

A Person-centred approach Providing individualised care is important. This can have an impact on whether physios and patients use evidence and information.

Tools and prototypes

Prototypes were developed with physios and patients. These included:

Storyboards of a digital MSK Evidence and Information Hub.

Physio in a box

Resources for patients

Evidence in a box

Resources for physios


the NHS physiotheraphy service that took part are:

Updating a pre existing website to include some of the project findings.

One team now gives all patients a pre appointment information sheet. They have also used the ‘About me’ form during some test community assessment days.

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  • A pre-appointment booklet. So patients know what to expect.
  • An ‘About Me’ sheet for patients to complete, so their physio knows what to expect.
  • A personal rehab plan. So patients know what they need to do.

  • Simple evidence appraisal templates. So physios can critically assess all types of evidence they find.

Storyboards This digital concept would provide physios and patients easy access to all their evidence and information needs. This could be accessed before, during and after the physio appointment.

Evidence in a box These tools aim to help physios to reflect and be critical of the different types of evidence they access. This will help them to decide what is appropriate and safe to use in their practice.

Physio in a box

  • Pre appointment info This includes what the appointment will involve and how long it will last.
  • The 'about me' sheet Lets patients explain what is important to them. The physio can then focus on their individual needs.
  • The personal rehab plan The physio and patient complete this together. It will provide a record of the appointment for the patient to keep.