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Our real Desktops
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Our real Desktops

Have fun touching the objects.


Our vision for the future!

In our ideal workplace, we like to keep our dream future in sight, along with everything we aspire to achieve with enthusiasm and hard work.


Our plants, which never die.

We like to be surrounded by objects that make us feel good and hold sentimental value for us. For example, this Groot was a gift for Alicia and has been with her at work for a long time (more than 10 years). Additionally, she always proudly says that it is the only plant she can't kill.


Cool mugs for drinking hot coffee.

In an ideal workspace, there will always be a mug with hot coffee. It wakes us up and makes us feel more comfortable. And in a personalized mug like this one, it will be even more enjoyable, one of those mugs that were gifts from the employees at Nominalia.


Always surrounded by books.

Books are an infinite source of wisdom, and in an ideal workspace, there must be books that talk to us about the importance of habits, how to lead teams, improve our sales, or other topics of interest.


We love playing with Playmobil.

It's not all about work; we also like to have fun. That's why, in our ideal workspace, we have little figures that keep us companion and brighten our day. This little figure is a small treasure of Roser's, which she has had for many, many years.


Gamifying our tasks!

We like to be productive, but also to have fun. That's why we enjoy gamification apps and any other games that help us stay motivated. Alicia loves using the website Habitica.com to manage her habits and tasks. If you don't know this website, we highly recommend it!


The cPanel ball that answers all our questions

Better than any AI, any book, or any fortune teller, in our perfect workspace, we like to have tools that help us solve the most important life questions, like this cPanel ball of Miguel's. Although sometimes the answers it gives are a bit confusing...


Super computers.

Why settle for just 2 screens when we can have three? Like the super computer Miguel works with. You can't be more efficient than that.


We love our children's crafts.

We're a family-oriented group, and we enjoy surrounding ourselves with meaningful things, like this beautiful pencil holder made by Alicia's daughter, Iria. You can create real wonders with toilet paper rolls!


If we have to work remotely, we find ourselves adorable coworkers

We enjoy remote work, but we also enjoy companionship. That's why, in our ideal workspace, we like to have a coworker of some sort, even if it's a giant plush toy. This is the case for Claudia, who has been accompanied by Gaia, an adorable teddy bear named after her young daughter, since the pandemic began. When Claudia deals with a difficult client, she looks at Gaia and gets lost in its big eyes.


We love creativity.

We are creative and enjoy visually accompanying our challenges and goals. We have a visual board to illustrate our team OKRs, just like Alicia has at her desk with this mural created by all the colleagues at the Nominalia Phone department.


The best team from the SEU Olympic Games

We are a great team and we like to always keep that in mind.


Always surrounded by artwork.

In our ideal workspace, we hang the drawings of the most important artists in our lives, like this portrait of Filipa done by her daughter over 10 years ago. Her daughter drew Filipa wearing sky-high heels, even though Filipa never wears heels...


You can never have too many books!

We're avid readers, so we can never have enough books on our desks. Books that teach us strategies and techniques to do our jobs better and to be happier, like Silvia's towering pile of books that she's read so far in 2024.


The best gifts are those made with the heart.

Like this caricature that Silvia Mazzanti's marketing colleagues made for her when she turned 50. Here we can see how they joke about how Silvia conducts analyses (using an abacus), her somewhat retro style (with an 80s phone), and her love for sweets.


The Digital Mission.

Another one of our passions is space and the moon landing, which we like to reference as a business metaphor. Silvia always enjoys using it in her communications with her team at Register.it.


Proud to be a bit geeky

We love series and movies. For example, Silvia is a big fan of the Sherlock series starring Benedict Cumberbatch, and her daughter Benedetta gave her this figure as a gift.


We like green

In the ideal desk, plants and life are a must. We like to take care of the planet and we nurture our plants, like this little plant that keeps Jean-Claude company every day at work and that he takes care of lovingly.


We also like tradition.

Although we are deeply technological people, we also enjoy organizing our time with a classic paper planner, like this planner of Filipa's, where she writes down all her tasks and meetings.


We love to work our brains.

Our brains are like muscles, and we like to keep them in shape. That's why you're likely to find a Rubik's Cube, like this trendy one from Rares, on our perfect desk.


We're passionate about football!

We love sports and try to play them whenever we can. This little football card from Rares is very special to him, and he keeps it on his desk during his workday.


Team.blue values

We like to be aligned and work as a team, so we keep Team.blue's values and strategies visible on our desk so that we can all row in the same direction!


These are our real desks.

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