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Genially Lesson Plan
Created on June 28, 2024
Lesson Plan
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LISTENING (L) L2: Identifies specific information that is requested. Understand the main idea of an oral conversation and identify the tense in which it occurs. Can understand simple questions that request information about specific situations. He correctly interprets the oral information he receives in an elementary way as long as his interlocutor speaks slowly and clearly and is willing to cooperate.
Learning trajectory
SPEAKING (S) S2: Understands and communicates orally using basic expressions and tenses correctly according to the given context. Engage in conversations easily. Ask and answer simple questions with very brief expressions prepared in advance.
READING (R) R2: Understands simple written texts that are very frequently used. Recognizes basic words and phrases about actions that occur at the time of speaking or ended at a specific time in the past or are intended to be performed. Identify meanings from written information expressed in texts. Understands the general idea of simple texts on specific topics. Access short and simple written texts that give you the experiential enjoyment of reading.
WRITING (W) W2: Write sentences or short texts on topics of interest. Use spelling and punctuation rules correctly. Correctly uses the verbal tense in which the action it describes occurs, as well as the expressions of time. Use connectors appropriately to sequence the text if required.
Learning Unit: UNIT I
1.- Use the present continuous in its affirmative form to describe own or other people's actions that are happening at the moment of narration through texts, stories, cartoons or narratives.
LISTENING (L): The knowledge, skills and experiences that allow students to process an input, delivered in a spoken way in English, by one or more speakers, who may be their peers or members of the community. SPEAKING (S): The knowledge, skills and experiences that enable students to receive and process input from written texts in English produced by one or more authors.
READING (R): They are the knowledge, skills and experiences that allow students to receive and process input information from texts written in a foreign language (English), produced by one or more authors. WRITING (W): They are the knowledge, skills and experiences that allow students to produce appropriate written texts individually or collectively in a foreign language (English), which can be read by one or more readers.
LISTENING (L) Listening for gist: The student concludes the main idea in a conversation. It also understands the speaker's intention when addressing him, identifies questions, directions and instructions. Obtains the general idea of a conversation based on prior knowledge of the vocabulary and the context in which it takes place. Listening for detail: The student can understand basic questions and instructions, as well as identify what the speaker is specifically asking or instructing to formulate their simple response or take the indicated action. SPEAKING (S) Fluency: The student is able to communicate verbally using the vocabulary and tenses corresponding to his or her narrative intention. Examples: the student can describe people, places and objects. The student can ask questions and formulate answers according to the context. Using Functions: The student uses the appropriate vocabulary in his context. Example: Words for greetings, goodbyes, permissions, instructions, among others. Pronunciation: The student articulates the sounds appropriately, considering the correct accentuation of the words. Example: the letters of the alphabet and numbers. The student uses intonation and rhythm based on a communicative intention.
READING (R) Scanning: The student is able to find precise information in a text. Example: dates, names, places in the presented context (purchase receipt, a job advertisement, a travel itinerary). Skimming: The student is able to understand the intention or main idea of a text by reading key words (titles, subtitles), observing the images of the text, relating and deducing the intention of the text without having to read word by word. Example: Identify signs and regulations, understand the idea of a story or comic. WRITING (W) Spelling: The student is able to correctly write the vocabulary presented in each of the progressions, as well as the verbs in the corresponding grammatical tenses. Punctuation: The student makes correct use of punctuation marks. Examples: the question mark when asking a question, as well as the exclamation mark, apostrophes when indicating belonging or use of contractions with personal pronouns and the verb “to be” or the future “will”. Layout: The student knows the parts that make up a written product. Example: Write an email, letter or postcard identifying greeting, content and farewell. Coherence and cohesion: The student is able to link words or groups of words based on a communicative intention. Example: The use of connectors allows continuity to a piece of writing.
Fundamental contents of the progression The present continuous is used to refer to the actions that are happening at the moment we are talking. This tense is made up of the verb to be (am, is and are) plus a verb with -ing suffix, and may be accompanied by time expressions such as now, right now (right now) or at this moment (at this moment).
Fundamental contents of the progression:
Teacher mediation
Independent study
Seven hours (One hour per day of the week)
Three hours a week.
Time of development of the progression:
Stage 2: Lesson Plan
Opening activities
Development activities
Closing activities
One hour
Three hours
Three hours
Notebooks, pens, white sheets, pencils. With a brainstorm, students are asked about the present continuous in its affirmative form
Notebooks, pens, white sheets, pencils, text mark. Printed texts. Texts written in their notebooks. Oral or written narratives.
Notebooks, colored sheets, pens, pencils, mark texts. The notebook or written texts; where the actions that the aforementioned characters are carrying out at the moment were identified.
Checklist: Summary in your notebook.
Checklist: A summary where they identify and describe the actions of the characters they find in oral and printed texts.
Stage 3. Cross curricular contents
Learning styles within the campus are 80% of the student community has a kinesthetic learning style, 10% visual and 10% auditory. They are participatory, attentive, communicate assertively and work as a team. The activities they practice in their free time are listening to music, reading, playing sports and socializing. The problems for the development of student learning are marked by different situations such as economic, family, social and cultural situations. The situation that most afflicts the community is in relation to health and improving their eating habits. The campus has the Benito Juárez Scholarship for all students 100%, with the support of parents for each of the students in all academic activities carried out at the institution. Within the modular program of the Community Telebaccalaureate, it encourages student learning to be based on an interdisciplinary and transversal approach, based on participatory and experiential teaching and learning methods that favor a reflective and collaborative educational practice.
Project objectives
-Increase integration and inclusion in students and parents by 90%. -Elaboration and development of a transversal project (ecological axis) involving all areas, and including the psycho-pedagogical axis.
Educational Transversality enriches the training work in such a way that it connects and articulates the knowledge of the different learning sectors and gives meaning to disciplinary learning, establishing connections between the instructive and the training. Transversalism seeks to look at the entire school experience as an opportunity for learning to integrate its cognitive and formative dimensions, so it impacts not only the established curriculum, but also interprets the school culture and all the actors that are part of it. These training projects aim to offer a more meaningful education that students find useful and that allows them to build their life plan. This educational practice allows the expected learning to be contextualized in some existing situations. This form of learning puts scientific, humanistic and social knowledge into practice; Personal security is developed, as is the ability to search and select information with a critical and responsible attitude, to improve the academic achievement of the student body.
Project justification
Progressions of knowledge areas, socio-cognitive and socio-emotional resources
The sociocognitive resources are: *Mathematical Thinking. *Historical awareness. *Digital culture. Within the areas of knowledge: 1. Natural Sciences. 2. Social Sciences. 3. Humanities. Which correspond to a fundamental curriculum of the diamond of knowledge. Socio-emotional training has three purposes; 1.- Social Responsibility. 2.- Physical/body care. 3.- Emotional affective well-being The New Mexican School; With the expanded curriculum from socio-emotional training, it seeks to promote changes in mentalities, school and community environments that allow students to collaborate in positive changes in their environment, the objective of sustainable development, transversality of the gender perspective, culture of peace, human rights, generate agents of change, promote equal opportunities and social mobility through the school system.
Work schedule
The working hours, one hour a day and for a week and a half; being 5 hours a week plus 2 hours the other week and 3 hours of independent study.
Design instruments to assess progression development
Design instruments to evaluate cross-curricular projects
Cross-cutting Projects Checklist
Study: Rosa Isela de Santiago Ramìrez