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Review of the episodes of the AWARD Training Program

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Automated vehicles: fundamentals and applications

About this course


This course has been developed within the european project AWARD (All Weather Autonomous Real logistics operations and Demonstrations), bringing together industrials and researchers all over Europe.

We have created this resource to provide you with information about automated vehicles, their architecture and challenges of autonomous logistics.

Autonomous driving is already a reality, and holds the promise of safer roads and enhanced mobility.

What do you know about autonomous driving?



Use case: hub-to-hub shuttle

How does an autonomous vehicle work?

What is an autonomous vehicle?

Use case: automated baggage tractor

Use case: automated ship loading

Dealing with harsh weather conditions

Use case: automated forklift

There are 7 episodes to this course. Even though the different episodes can be explored independently, it is recommended to follow the suggested order if you are not familiar with automated vehicles. Click on the question mark to discover the gist of each episode. Click on "play" to access the episode!

The course

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All set! You now can start exploring the different episodes

Discover an example of autonomous pallet loading, unloading and transportation on a private site

Use case: automated forklift

Discover an example of hub-to-hub autonomous transportation from one industrial site to another

Discover an example of autonomous baggage transportation in the Oslo airport

Discover myths and realities about automated vehicles, the biggest challenges of automated driving and the levels of automation.

Discover the challenges of autonomous driving in rain, snow or fog, and the hardware and software solutions

Dealing with harsh weather conditions

Use case: automated baggage tractor

Discover an example of autonomous baggage transportation in the Oslo airport

Discover an example of autonomous pallet loading, unloading and transportation on a private site

Use case: automated ship loading

Discover an example of autonomous logistics in the Rotterdam port

What do you know about autonomous driving?

Not sure where to start? Take this short quiz to assess what you know about autonomous driving and what episodes to focus on!

Discover myths and realities about automated vehicles, the biggest challenges of automated driving and the levels of automation

Discover the architecture of autonomous vehicles, the different sensors and the process of autonomous driving

How does an autonomous vehicle work?

Discover the architecture of autonomous vehicles, the different sensors and the process of autonomous driving

Discover an example of autonomous logistics in the Rotterdam port

What is an autonomous vehicle?

Discover myths and realities about automated vehicles, the biggest challenges of automated driving and the levels of automation

Use case: hub-to-hub shuttle

Discover an example of hub-to-hub autonomous transportation from one industrial site to another

Discover the challenges of autonomous driving in rain, snow or fog, and the hardware and software solutions