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  • give the students a short test or worksheet with multiple choice or short-answer questions that gauge the knowledge the students acquired during the excursion or study trip. Students can complete the test or worksheet as they go along and optionally discuss their answers with their fellow-students; 

  • ask your students to write down their quantitative or qualitative observations and interpretations in a field notebook. Collect and assess them these notebooks afterwards. Optionally combine the field notebook with a more extensive written report;

  • ask your students to hold a presentation, individually or in group (orally or as a poster presentation), in which they discuss the general contents or specific topics of the excursion, BIP, summer school, ... vis-à-vis a specific target audience;

  • ask your students to record their reflections on the visit to various organisations, or their participation in activities abroad in a reflective journal, and ask them to make a comparative analysis with analogous organisations at home. 
Practical Examples 

Internationalisation Abroad

Map existing short-term initiatives at international partner institutions and encourage students to participate. Make sure the activities are recognised in the curriculum as a (n elective) course unit. In addition, study programme can organise their own short-term mobility initiatives. These initiatives are always embedded in a particular course unit and are a vital element to acquiring the course unit's learning outcomes. 

For more information, please consult the Education Tips and websites below: 

Short-term mobility sends students abroad for a shorter period of time than a full study-abroad term (e.g. one week). Examples are (joint) initatives with an international partner institution like Blended Intensive Programmes (BIP) or summer and winter schools. Other options are excursions, short-term work placements (< 1 month) or study trips. 
Short-term Internationalisation Initiatives Abroad 
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  • Blended Intensive Programmes - FAQ
  • ask your students to record their reflections on the visit to various organisations, or their participation in activities abroad in a reflective journal, and ask them to make a comparative analysis with analogous organisations at home.
  • International Excursions and Study Trips: What, How, Why?
  • Short-term Internationalisation Initiatives for Students


Practical Examples

  • give the students a short test or worksheet with multiple choice or short-answer questions that gauge the knowledge the students acquired during the excursion or study trip. Students can complete the test or worksheet as they go along and optionally discuss their answers with their fellow-students;
  • ask your students to write down their quantitative or qualitative observations and interpretations in a field notebook. Collect and assess them these notebooks afterwards. Optionally combine the field notebook with a more extensive written report;
  • ask your students to hold a presentation, individually or in group (orally or as a poster presentation), in which they discuss the general contents or specific topics of the excursion, BIP, summer school, ... vis-à-vis a specific target audience;

Internationalisation Abroad


Short-term mobility sends students abroad for a shorter period of time than a full study-abroad term (e.g. one week). Examples are (joint) initatives with an international partner institution like Blended Intensive Programmes (BIP) or summer and winter schools. Other options are excursions, short-term work placements (< 1 month) or study trips.

Map existing short-term initiatives at international partner institutions and encourage students to participate. Make sure the activities are recognised in the curriculum as a (n elective) course unit. In addition, study programme can organise their own short-term mobility initiatives. These initiatives are always embedded in a particular course unit and are a vital element to acquiring the course unit's learning outcomes. For more information, please consult the Education Tips and websites below:



Short-term Internationalisation Initiatives Abroad

Short-term Internationalisation Initiatives Abroad

In the Master of Science in Biology, students can take specific course units containing short-term internationalisation initiatives abroad. Through the International Course they can participate in a summer school, and through the International Project, they can contribute actively to the daily activities of an international research partner for a period of two-five weeks.

Short-term Internationalisation Initiatives Abroad

The BIP ‘Challenges of the future in Pediatric Rehabilitation’ is co-ordinated by Sétubal Polytechnic ESS/IPS (Portugal), in collaboration with REVAKI UGent (Belgium), Artevelde University of Applied Sciences (Belgium), Oulu University of Applied Sciences (Finland) and Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (Norway). The BIP is open to students of Rehabilitation Sciences and Physiotherapy, Occupational Sciences, Speech Language and Hearing Sciences and Nursing with a special interest in paediatrics. The BIP focuses on babies, young children and adolescents with a serious injury. The course starts with an online part (end of October - end of January), which students can take at their own leisure. This is then followed by an intensive six-day on-site programme in Portugal. Coaching sessions are alternated with group assignments and in-depth study, and the programme also contains a number of workshops given by lecturers from the different partner institutions. The different international teams prepare an interdisciplinary presentation on a specific case.

Short-term Internationalisation Initiatives Abroad

The ‘International Portfolio’ course unit is an elective in the Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, and the Bachelor of Science in Public Administration and Management. It comprises various short-term internationalisation initiatives (summer school, Blended Intensive Programme, international excursion, ...) students can choose and get validated in the context of this course unit, upon approval by the lecturer.

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