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My learning log
2023 - 2024
DU-DNL Anglais
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My learning log
2023 - 2024
DU-DNL Anglais
- Watch movies in English - Create some P.E. vocabulary posters - Attend English classes - Work on my grammar
How can I improve my English during this semester ?


*to be reviewed
Unit 56*: Verb -ing or to ... 1 Unit 57* : Verb -ing or to ... 2
Unit 26 : can, could and be able to Unit 27 : could and could have Unit 32*: must, mustn't, needn't
Unit 13*: Present perfect and past 1 Unit 14* : Present perfect and past 2
Unit 1 : Present continious Unit 2 : Present simple Unit 3 : Present continious and Present simpleUnit 4 : Present continious and Present simple 2
The units that I've worked on
English grammar in use


« th » to think = penser , thick = épais, /s/ to sink = faire naufrage, sick = malade
When I speak I have difficulty differentiating the /th/ sound from the /s/ sound.
old = vieux to hold = tenir edge = bord hedge = haie heat = chaleur eat = manger to hit = frapper it = ça
Le /th/
When I speak I often pronounce /h/ even though I know the word is written without it. But sometimes it can change the meaning of the word if I'm not careful


Le /h/
Pronunciation mistakes
Choose an object, and discover the vocabulary of this sport




If you want to know my opinion about these movies, you can click on the posters
MI 7
Les trois mousquetaires
hunger games

5 movies I have seen in 2023


I really liked this movie because not only it has a funny side but also a touching side. This movie defends a feminist approach but at the end there is a morality that encourages thoughts. In my opinion, the main actress, Margot Robbie, plays the role of Barbie with a really good precision. Finally, I really liked the soundtrack of the movie because the songs give a good mood

My opinion


Barbie and her friends live in Barbieland, a matriarchal society populated by different versions of Barbies and Kens. The Kens spend all their time playing at the beach when the Barbies run the world, holding prestigious jobs such as doctor, lawyer and politician. But one day, Barbie is suddenly stricken with worries about morality and she develops bad breath, cellulite and flat feet. To cure her afflictions, she will have to find the child playing with her in the real world because she is the key of the problem.


I was disappointed by this movie because I found that it brought nothing new compared to the first movies of the saga. Furthermore, I found the characters unlikable and the storyline not always credible. Due to the lack of novelty, I wasn't surprised and quickly understood what was going to happen

My opinion


More than 60 years before the four-part saga which told the adventures of Katniss Everdeen, the young Coriolanus Snow is chosen as District 12's mentor. He must supervise a certain Lucy Gray Baird, who represents the female tribute of District 12 during the 10th edition of the Hunger Games, a deadly competition organized by the Capitol to punish the Districts which had revolted a few years before, during the period called the "Dark Days"
I couldn't wait to see the movie because I always wanted to read the book of Alexandre Dumas but I never did, so I wanted to discover the story of The Three Musketeers. I wasn't expecting this story. If I liked the scenario, I was a little more disappointed by the psychology of the characters, particularly d'Artagnan who I imagined to be more confident. However, I found the actors very good, and I really liked the sword fight scenes.

My opinion



D'Artagnan, a fiery young Gascon, is left for dead after trying to save a young woman from being kidnapped. Once he arrives in Paris, he tries by all means to find his attackers, but he is unaware that his quest will lead him to the heart of a real war where the future of France is at stake
I found the movie so boring that I fell asleep during it.


My opinion


Ethan Hunt faces a new kind of enemy: an artificial intelligence called "the Entity" capable of influencing our world today like never before. Coming into possession of a clue that could allow anyone who manages to follow the trail to control the destiny of this AI, Ethan Hunt no longer follows orders, but assigns himself a mission: to put an end to the threat of the Entity by all means. But while he is hunted by the whole world, Ethan will discover that this Entity knows everything about him, has allied himself with enemies from his past before MI, and that to defeat it and save the future, he will have to sacrifice what he holds most dear in the world..
Historical movies are my favorite, which is why I loved Oppenheimer. I learned a lot about the creation of the nuclear bomb and I was amazed to discover this episode of the Second World War. In particular, I felt sad to think that people agreed to create this bomb knowing that it would kill millions of people. I was also impressed to learn that there were no special effects for this film because everything looks very real

My opinion



In December 1938, nuclear fission is discovered, which Oppenheimer realizes could be weaponized. In 1942, during World War II, U.S. Army General Leslie Groves recruits Oppenheimer to lead the Manhattan Project to develop an atomic bomb. Oppenheimer, who is Jewish, is particularly driven by the Nazis' potentially completing their nuclear weapons program. After the bombings of Nagasaki and Hiroshima, Oppenheimer will feel guilty and will try to convince President Truman to stop the weapons race in order to avoid further deaths
with Miss Brisset
with Miss Gleesson


English lessons
6e V
Example In the audio recording we could hear that a witch was hiding behind a tree so the students had to draw a witch behind the tree present in the drawing
When should I use THERE IS or THERE ARE ?
2 - Oral comprehension : The teacher gave the students a drawing of Halloween. From an audio, they had to add the elements they heard by drawing them
Examples There is a ghost behind the tree There are witches in the house
1 - From a picture projected on the board, the students had to make sentences to describe what they saw using the prepositions of places and the Halloween vocabulary they had seen in the previous lesson.
with Miss Gleesson
Wednesday, November 8th 2023


English Lesson
Her parents want her to do the washing up Her parents make her do the washing up His parents expect him to look after his brother Her parents don't let her go outside Her parents don't allow her to go outside
3e LCE
To make their sentences, students had to use some forms that express contraints
Examples of scenes A girl in front of a sink full of dishes A boy in his little brother's room
1 - From pictures projected on the board, the students had to make sentences to describe what they saw. The scenes showed people who were forced to do something.
with Miss Brisset


Friday, December 8th 2023
English Lesson

My Assessment

Le bilan que je tire de mon premier semestre de formation est plutôt décevant par rapport aux attentes que j’avais en début d’année. Cela s’explique par plusieurs raisons : Le niveau d’anglais : Tout d’abord, je pense que je n’avais pas mesuré le niveau préalable exigé pour pouvoir faire la formation. En effet, mon niveau actuel en anglais ne me permet pas de tenir une discussion fluide et c’est un problème lorsqu’on veut enseigner sa matière en anglais. Je pensais pouvoir progresser avec la formation grâce à des apports en lien avec ma discipline. Mais la formation est à mon goût trop général et je n’arrive pas à mettre en lien les théories dont on nous parle (CLIL) sans dénaturer la pratique de ma discipline (EPS). J’ai donc perdu en motivation au fil des semaines car les choses manquaient de clarté et je ne voyais pas où les choses menaient. Le manque de temps : J’ai essayé de travailler de mon côté sur mon anglais mais au fil des semaines j’ai pu y consacrer de moins en moins de temps ce qui a fortement limité ma progression. J’ai tout de même pu assister à des cours d’anglais dans mon collège, j’ai regardé beaucoup de films en anglais, j’ai discuté avec des amis qui ne parlent pas français mais mes problèmes persistent : je n’arrive pas à construire de phrases car je ne trouve pas mes mots rapidement, je bute sur la conjugaison, et j’ai des problèmes de prononciation. L’articulation pluridisciplinaire : D’autre part, ce qui m’a posé problème ce semestre, c’est de devoir proposer des projets en intégrant d’autres matières à la mienne en plus de l’anglais. En effet, concevoir des séquences EPS-Anglais est déjà novateur et difficile pour moi car je dois conserver un temps de pratique physique suffisant dans mes cours pour viser les apprentissages moteurs attendus par les programmes de ma discipline. Or, les différents travaux réalisés pendant la formation ce trimestre nécessitaient l’articulation de plusieurs matières. J’ai donc eu du mal à voir comment cela était objectivement réalisable. Le manque de préparation : Enfin, ce qui m’a le plus perturbé, c’est qu’il a fallu s’inscrire à la certification et envoyer son dossier alors que nous ne nous étions encore jamais entraîné à faire des séquences. J’ai eu la sensation de ne pas savoir où j’allais et c’est pour cette raison que j’ai fait le choix de ne pas m’inscrire cette année car je ne me sens pas du tout prêt. J’espère pouvoir progresser davantage au prochain semestre grâce aux cours d’anglais et je vais essayer de prendre plus de temps pour le travailler par moi-même. Même si la certification n’est plus un de mes objectifs, améliorer mon anglais reste une motivation afin de parler un anglais plus fluide.

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