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Перечень инерактивных заданий
Part 2
Part 1
English 7
Общие сведения
Характеристики плаката
Технические требования
Авторы: Белозорович Наталья Николаевна, Бардаш Наталья Александровна, 
учителя английского языка 
Государственного учреждения образования «Гимназия №1 г. Старые Дороги»
Многоуровневый интерактивный плакат
with pleasure
Unit 9 English
Unit 8 Travelling
Unit 7 Hit the road
Unit 6 Town and village
Unit 5 Sports
Unit 4 Friendship
Unit 3 Shopping
Unit 2 Personality
Unit 1 Appearance
Around the world
УМК Английский язык / Англійская мова : учебное пособие для 7-го кл. учреждений общ. сред, образования с белорус, и рус. яз. обучения (повыш. уровень) : с электронным приложением. В 2 ч. 
Video task
Notation keys
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Перечень инерактивных заданий

Part 2

Part 1

English 7


Общие сведения

Характеристики плаката

Технические требования


Авторы: Белозорович Наталья Николаевна, Бардаш Наталья Александровна, учителя английского языка Государственного учреждения образования «Гимназия №1 г. Старые Дороги»

Многоуровневый интерактивный плакат

with pleasure

Unit 9 English

Unit 8 Travelling

Unit 7 Hit the road

Unit 6 Town and village

Unit 5 Sports

Unit 4 Friendship

Unit 3 Shopping

Unit 2 Personality

Unit 1 Appearance

Around the world

УМК Английский язык / Англійская мова : учебное пособие для 7-го кл. учреждений общ. сред, образования с белорус, и рус. яз. обучения (повыш. уровень) : с электронным приложением. В 2 ч.

Video task

Notation keys


L12 Progress test

L11 "Appearance" Jeopardy Game

L10 Culture corner: St Patrick's Day

L9 I couldn't believe my eyes

L8 Introducing a character in a story

L7 What hairstyle is yours?

L6 Who is happy?

L5 Feelings and body parts

L4 Keep your chin up!

Play Baamboozle Appearance
Who wants to be a millionaire? Body idioms
Matching pairs Emojis
Quiz Body idioms
Match Desribing hair
Match Desribing people
Describe a character Template
Describe a hairstyle Pictures of hairstyles
Right order After summer
Sort out Describing characters

L3 What do they look like?

Test Unit vocabulary
Quiz Beaytiful/ugly
Match Proverbs
Match Feelings
Quiz St. Patrick's Day
Watch St. Patrick's Day
Match Appearance
Lable My face

L2 You look great!

Whack-a mole Look/look like
Lable A bit/very/rather

L1 You've changed a lot!


Match Used to
Choose English Bulldog
Fill in the gaps British Shorthair Cat
Fill in the gaps Modifiers with comparative adjectives
Help box Describe a person
Fill in the gaps A person then and now
Play Baamboozle Half a minute talk
Answer the questions Who do you admire?
Answer the questions What are you like?

L12 Progress test

L11 Board game "Half a minute talk"

L10 Culture coner: The British and their pets

L9 "My life then and now" Poster

L8 Personal growth

L7 Time to change for the better

L6 The person I admire

L5 I use to be a river ...

L4 I used to be different

Test Unit vocabulary
Guess a word Personal traits
Match Personal traits
Watch British Shorthair Cat
Watch English Bulldog

L3 Heroes Vs Villains

Balloon pop Synonyms (adjectives)

L2 Who do you take after?

True/False A Christmas carol 1
Quiz A Christmas carol 2
Quiz A Christmas carol 3
Quiz A Christmas carol 4
Test A Christmas carol 1
Answer the questions A Christmas carol 1-4
Sort out Wordbuilding (nouns)
Quiz Used to
Learn the words Vocabulary
Fill in the gaps Vocabulary test

L1 Zodiak signs


Play ABC game Alphabet Shopping
Flip tiles Kinds of advertising
Match Clothes (adjectives)
Answer the questions Let's talk about advertising
Unjumble the conversation In a shop
Answer the questions Shopping survey

L12 Progress test

L11 Board game "Alphabet Shopping"

Write the sentences Too/enough/ not enough
Grammar secret Present Perfect/ Present Perfect Cont.
Quiz Present Perfect/ Present Perfect Cont.
Do the test Lexical-grammar test
Choose "Since" or "for"
Project 2 Shopping
Project 3 Shopping in my life
Project 1 Shopping in my life
Write the sentences Present Perfect/ Present Perfect Cont.
Sort out It or they (clothes)
Complete the table Shopping in the UK
Complete the table The most unusual shops

L10 Culture coner

L9 Shops and shopping


L7 Many questions

L6 I've been waiting

L5 On sale

L4 Nation of shoppers

L3 Grandma's presents

L2 You are what you wear

L1 Shops and stores


Match A story of friendship ex.2d, p.155
Add the sentences The best friend
Help box Friendship questions
Labelled diagram Friends
Complete the table Best friends ex.1, p.170
Match Sayings about a true friend
Quiz Roald Dahl
Word search Character adjectives
Match Friendship expressions
1. Fill in the gaps 2. Choose Present Perfect/ Present Perfect Cont.
Quiz Present Perfect/ Present Perfect Continuous
Sort out "Like" questions
Correct the mistakes Either, neither, both, any, no, none
Fill in the gaps All, any, no, none

L12 Progress test

L11 Board game "Perfect"

L10 Culture coner: Friendship in literature

L9 Project time. Friendship survey

L8 The best friend of the year

L7 The story of friendship

L6 A true friend

L5 Ideal pet

L4 How many of your friends ...?


L2 What's your friend like?

L1 My friend


Quiz How to play cricket
Play Grammar race
Match Popular marathons
Match Famous sportsmen
Choose Present Simple Active /Passive
Test Both and, either or, neither nor, so do I, neither do I
Choose Infinitive or gerund
Complete the table The top world sporting events
Find the match The famous athletes of Belarus
Guess a word Sport definitions
Wordsearch Sports
Complete the dialogue How Liz keeps fit ex.1, p.48
Give advice Keeping fit
Anagram Sports
Watch How to play cricket
Project My favourite kind of sport
Watch The history of the Olympics
Watch Sport in Belarus

L12 Progress test

L11 Board game "Grammar race"

Complete the text The Olympic games

L10 Culture coner: London marathone

L9 My favourite sport

L8 The history of the Olympics

Learn the words Vocabulary

L7 Bat-and-ball games

L6 Great sporting events

L5 The top five

L4 I can't agree more

L3 Keeping fit

L2 Favourite sports

L1 The sports we do


Missing word The Amish
Flying fruit Town and village
Match Collocations
Quiz Minsk
Choose Sydney Opera House High Line Park
Fill in the gaps About Starye Dorogi
Complete the table Belarusian cities ex.2, p.71
Fill in the gaps Future Simple Active /Passive
Choose Present, Past, Future Simple Active/Passive
Fill in the gaps Past Simple Active /Passive
Anagram Vocabulary

L12 Progress test

Test Unit vocabulary
Project Around Starye Dorogi

L11 Board game "Skyscraper challenge"

Watch Who are the Amish people of America?

L10 Culture coner: The Amish

L9 A sightseeing tour

L8 What a sight!

L7 Do you know your country?

L6 Future cities

Fill in the gaps Asking for direction
Unjumble questons About neighbourhood
Quiz Do you know Starye Dorogi well?
Grooup sort Advantages and disadvantages
Learn the words Vocabulary

L5 Life in the past

L4 We'er lost!

L3 What's your neighbourhood like?

L2 The city or the countryside?

L1 City-dwellers and country folks


Fill in the gaps Auxiliary verbs ex.6f, p.111
True or false The public transport of Wellington
Matching pairs Vocabulary
Horse racing Vocabulary
Choose Article with place names
Quiz Future time explanation
Fill in the gaps Future time
Labelled diagram London sights
Group sort Countries and capitals
Fill in the gaps At the airport
Open the box Let's talk (Future times)
Group sort Ways to invite smb
Quiz About the Queen ex.1b, p.113
Match Cities and sights
Presentation London sights
Crossword Types of travelling
Test Unit vocabulary
Project 3 days in Starye Dorogi district
Match London sights

L12 Progress test

L11 Board game "Let's talk with a sand clock"

L10 Culture coner: Travel well in Wellington

L9 Travel itinerary

L8 Writing about your plans

L7 Wellington or Canberra?

L6 Royal itinerary

L5 Plans for the trip

L4 Around London

L3 Tickets for a guided tour

L2 My flight's on time

L1 Single or return?


Quiz London transport museum
True or False The Brest Railway Museum
Quiz Travel guide on Belarus
Play Baamboozle Conditional 0,1
Project example Travel blog around Belarus
Fill in the gaps Loch Lomond
True or false N. York Moors Railway
Logical order South Downs
Labelled diagram Landmarks of Belarus
Fill in the gaps Nesvizh Castle
Group sort Travelling vocabulary
Fill in the gaps Conditional 1
Choose Conditional 1
Choose Zero Conditionals

L12 Progress test

L11 Board game "It looks iffy to me"

Sort out Advantages and disadvantages
Unjumble Italian proverb

L10 Culture coner: Out and about on London's transport network

L9 Travel blog

L8 Belarus is worth visiting

L7 See three UK national parks by public transport

Learn the idioms Travelling idioms

L6 Safety tips

L5 Take a trip and take only photos!

L4 What is the best means of transport?

Whack-a mole Souvenirs

L3 Travelling is fun, isn't it?

L2 Travel blog tips

L1 Great travellers' code of conduct


Play Baamboozle Scavenger hunt
Match Interesting facts about the Welsh language
Test Matilda
Correct wrong statements Matilda
Quiz Can/could/be able to
Test Unit vocabulary
Help box Modal verbs
Watch Matilda
Help box Why do you learn English?
Flash cards "My progress" board
Answer the questions English in everyday life

L12 Progress test

Learn the words Vocabulary L5-6
Learn the words Vocabulary

L11 Scavenger Hunt

L10 Culture coner: The oldest language in Britain

L9 "My progress" board

L8 Welcome to our school language camp

L7 You never know when you will need English

L6 Have you done your homework?

L5 My English class

L4 Let's read in English

L3 I was able to ...

L2 My secret plan

L1 English in my life


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