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5. Find out more about Joy & what she likes
4. Find out more about Riley
3. Imagine Riley's introduction
2. Watch an extract to discover the story
1. Discover the characters
Speak like Joy ! Record yourself. --> introduce yourself, what you like and dislike.

Final task



1. Discover the characters

2) Someone at the board --> close your eyes We choose someone --> open your eyes Ask questions to find out who it is Ex : Is it a boy ? Is he tall ? Has he got brown hair ? = Does he have brown hair ?


1) I am a character from Inside Out. Ask questions to find out who I am. Ex : are you a boy ? Are you tall ? Have you got blonde hair ? = Do you have blonde hair ?


Help vocab To move = to go live in a different city A moving van To feel + emotion The countryside // the city The road = where we drive
3) Let's recap !
1) Watch & understand the situationTake notes on what you see 2) Watch again & take notes

2. Watch an extract

2) In groups : imagine the questions her classmates ask Riley to get to know her


4) Choose 1 of the 5 classmates on your notes --> introduce him / her Ex : Tom is 12 years old. He is ... / He has got ... / She lives in ...
3) Stand up and ask the questions to 3 classmates --> take notes
1) Watch the end of the extract and imagine what she says. Then check

3. Riley's introduction

4. Find out more about Riley

Find 3 verbs to say "like very very much"
d) What does Joy like ? Make sentences. Use different verbs of taste and expressions from the text.
a) Read the text b) Highlight all the things Joy likes (like in the example) c) Complete the sheet

5. Find out more about Joy

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