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On the following screen, we'll review these data points in order. This means we'll read them from bottom to top - this will lead us through the first action to the most recent.

Let's review the actions based on the data points below

First, we send an immediate command to the lock asking it to unlock (web toggle)

Now we asked it to 'lock' - note the previous command did not complete, so it was replaced!

our previous two commands were replaced with the new 'unlock' command

One more web toggle to place the lock back into 'unlocked'.

This time, our lock responded to the immediate command to 'pass' the request

The lock 'woke' on its scheduled hearbeat (loggedEventFile, as this was an action completed by the lock)

We know this Event was completed remotely due to the 'Wi-Fi' code in our value.

After waking, it completed the command and placed the lock into the 'unlocked' position.