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  • A part that affects social isolation
  • Used for Bullying
  • People can Snoop on other people
  • Fake news can spread quickly
  • Can be Addictive
Disadvantages of Social Media 
  • Build Relationships
  • Share your expertise
  • Increase your visibility
  • Eduate yourself
  • Connect anytime
Advantages of Social Media 
Social Media is basically a huge network/platform that allows the ability for anyone to be able to share, create, watch and read anything.
What is Social Media?
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What is Social Media?

Social Media is basically a huge network/platform that allows the ability for anyone to be able to share, create, watch and read anything.

Advantages of Social Media

  • Build Relationships
  • Share your expertise
  • Increase your visibility
  • Eduate yourself
  • Connect anytime

Disadvantages of Social Media

  • A part that affects social isolation
  • Used for Bullying
  • People can Snoop on other people
  • Fake news can spread quickly
  • Can be Addictive