BWT Career Development
Brooke Weston Trust
Created on April 3, 2023
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The Institute of Leadership is the professional membership body for an active, international community of over 50,000 leaders, managers, coaches and mentors.They create world–class tools, deliver award–winning e–learning and undertake practical research to help unlock individual leadership potential.
Leadership Tests
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Dimensions of Leadership
The Dimensions of Leadership is a unique learning resource that is based on their extensive research into the knowledge, skills, attitudes, behaviours and values of successful leaders.They have identified 49 components of leadership, grouped into 5 Dimensions. Each component has three Spotlights that delve deeper into key topics, giving you knowledge and skills to become a better leader.
Courses with an * are directly linked to BWT's "Fit to Lead?" attributes
The Healthy Workplace
Managing Performance
Delivering Outcomes*
Understanding HR
Sustaining Growth
Developing Talent
Aligning Values
Building Trust
Developing Strategy*
Leading Change*
Evaluating Risk*
Future Readiness
Critical Reflection*
Social Responsability*
Personal Brand
Learrning from Mistakes*
Time Management*
Decision Making*
Problem Solving*
Taking Initiative*
Leading in Different Contexts
Managing Upwards
Managing Meetings*
Dealing with Conflict*
Engaging Stakeholders*
Respecting Different Cultures*
Managing Customer Relationships*
Building Networks*
Leading Projects*
Appreciating Diversity*
The Institute of Workplace and Facilities Management (IWFM) is the body for workplace and facilities professionals.Their qualifications are internationally recognised and provide a world-leading framework for professional development in workplace and facilities management.
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Professional Development Pathway
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The Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH) is the Chartered body and largest membership organisation for health and safety professionals. Our vision is simple: a safe and healthy world of work.
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Competency Framework
The IOSH professional qualifications are based on the IOSH competency framework.Each unit within the IOSH professional qualifications has clear linkage to the competency framework, with direct alignment to the technical, core and behavioural competencies.
Source: IOSH
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The Professional Body for School Business Leaders is a nationally recognised professional body uniquely dedicated to supporting every version of the school business profession operating across our school system.ISBL’s principal function is to provide stakeholders with confidence in School Business Professionals (SBPs) as vital leaders in our education system. Well-trained and qualified SBPs provide schools with access to unique skills and important technical knowledge.
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Career Pathways & Qualifications
Competency Framework
The professional standards set out the core and specialist areas of competency required to operate at four tiers of practice from entry level to executive leadership.These standards also provide a framework for continued professional development, career progression planning and are designed to assist and compliment performance management.
Source: ISBL
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Other Business Professionals
Chief Finance Officer
Chief Operating Officer
Local Business Manager
CIPD is the professional body for human resources (HR), learning and development (L&D), organisation development (OD) and all people professionals – experts in people, work and change.Whether you’re starting out in the people profession or are an experienced professional, a CIPD qualification will give you the knowledge and skills you need to make an impact in your organisation and take your career to the next level.
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Profession Map
The Profession Map sets the international standard for HR professionals. It captures the knowledge and behaviours you need to learn, progress and make an impact at work. It works as a whole – none of its elements can be taken in isolation. The Profession Map works for all people professionals, whatever your role, level, specialism or industry.
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Source: CIPD
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CIPS, the Chartered Institute of Procurement & Supply, is a global membership organisation driving positive change across the procurement profession.As the awarding body for the profession we lead in education and training. Helping professionals advance their ambition.
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Global Standard Competency Framework
The 5 Levels of Competence
The 4 Pillars and 11 Themes for effective procurement and supply
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Source: CIPS
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There are a number of chartered institutes for Finance and Accountants, such as ACCA, CIPFA and CIMA.They offer training and qualifications in related subjects. Click each to find out more.
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CIPP, the Chartered Institute of Payroll Professionals, is the Chartered Institute for payroll, pensions and reward professionals in the UK. With more than 9,500 individuals benefitting from the CIPP’s membership benefits, support and education services, the Institute is dedicated to raising the profile of payroll in businesses across the UK and internationally.
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Courses on safeguarding are provided through a number of providers. Training is provided on subjects from annual updates and statutory training through to DSL and Leadership.Staff within all areas of the Trust will find useful training, whether they be in services, business, education, leadership or governors.Click on a provider to view a selection of courses available.
The Brooke Weston Trust supports teacher development through a number of different schemes, such as:
Online CPD Courses
BWT Professional Development Offer
The Golden Thread
Early Careers framework (ECF)
Continuous Professional Development (CPD)
Initial Teacher Training (ITT)
National Professional Qualifications (NPQ)
Golden thread
The Northamptonshire Teaching School Hub Support you and your school From initial teacher training to leadership
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DfE Teacher Development Plan
Teacher development Plan
From initial teacher training to leadership
From TEACHING to leadership
Developing expertise as....
Click a region to see examples of courses
Development of Teaching Practice Award
Professional Knowledge Award
Chartered College of teaching
Certificate in Education Research and Inquiry
Chartered Teacher Modules
Course Details
Certificate in evidence-informed practice
How to book
Course Details
Course Details
Course Details
Evidenced Based education
Enhance the quality of teaching and learning through innovative, impactful and engaging professional learning.
Teaching to activate hard thinking (adaptive teaching, building to independence,metacognition)
Course Details
Teaching to create a supportive environment and maximise opportunity to learn
Course Details
The power of video for visible progress in teaching
IRIS Technology
Course Details
Chartered College of teaching
Chartered Mentor Modules
Development of Teaching Practice Award (Mentor)
Certificate in Education Research and Inquiry
Course Details
Certificate in evidence-informed practice
How to book
Course Details
Professional Knowledge Award (Mentor)
Course Details
Course Details
- Duration and frequency: 3 months
- Meeting at agreed 2 weekly intervals at the individual school
- Contact: Charlotte Hawker-Smith
A bespoke programme that offers the opportunity to develop in house expertise of coaches/leaders to build capacity to support teachers to enhance their practice. The programme will teach coaches/leaders how teachers learn, how we can cultivate expertise and use instructional coaching to underpin incremental growth in teaching.
Aimed at: coaches/leaders of teacher development/middle leaders/senior leaders
BWT Teacher Educator Programme: working with coaches/mentors to develop teacher expertise through instructional coaching
Chartered College of teaching
Chartered Leadership Modules
Development of Teaching Practice Award (Leadership)
Course Details
Certificate in evidence-informed practice
How to book
Course Details
Professional Knowledge Award (Leadership)
Certificate in Education Research and Inquiry (Leadership)
Course Details
Course Details
- Duration and frequency: 1 academic year, monthly facilitated delivery with online self-study in between
- Contact: Charlotte Hawker-Smith
An opportunity for T&L leads in schools to achieve the NPQLTD whilst working as a specialist cohort group for the facilitated sessions. We will follow a peer group model that fosters collaboration to contextualise the learning for our schools in our Trust.
Aimed at: T&L leads in school
Ambition Institute’s NPQLTD: a specialist delivery group
Course Details
OLEVI Courses
At OLEVI we transform cultures to enable teachers and young people to thrive and succeed.
Outstanding Leadership in Education (OLE)
The Power of Coaching(Non-Teachers)
Course Details
Course Details
The Power of Coaching(Teachers)
Course Details
Evidenced Based education
Enhance the quality of teaching and learning through innovative, impactful and engaging professional learning.
Leading Behaviour and Culture, Evidence Based Education
Course Details
Leading Assessment, Evidence Based Education
Course Details
Leading T&L/Curriculum through Evidence Based Education’s the Science of Learning programme
Course Details
Step into COURSES
step into vice principal
step into Leadership
Course Details
Course Details
To find out more about CIPS and how they can support your career progression click
To find out more about applying and how Brooke Weston Trust can support you please speak with your line manager.
- Fundamentals of OSH principles and management systems
- Principles and application of OSH risk management
- Principles and application of OSH incident management
- Improving organisational OSH performance and culture
IOSH Level 3 Certificate in Occupational Safety and Health Principles and Practice
- Advanced OSH management principles in organisations
- OSH integration within an organisation
- Leading and influencing in OSH
IOSH Level 6 Diploma in Occupational Safety and Health Leadership and Management
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- Contact: Rachel Lawrence-Byron
What is the rationale? The programme recognises that all people are leaders, and that developing leadership ensures that well balanced challenge and support creates impact. You will engage with evidence-informed leadership pedagogy to discover how to lead and manage individuals, teams, and projects more effectively for greater impact.How does it work? This programme consists of 6 sessions, focused on developing your leadership with a series of post session challenges, completed over a term. The sessions are typically 2 hours and can be run during morning, afternoon, or twilight sessions. The programme has been designed for online, face to face or blended facilitation.What is the impact? Full attendance of this programme will enable you to: • Reflect honestly on your own strengths and weaknesses as a leader. • Articulate a compelling vision and lead an action plan to realise it. • Use various leadership skills to manage and lead individuals and teams to make an impact.
Outstanding Leadership in Education
- For more info click here
To find out more about IOSH and how they can support your career progression click
To find out more about applying and how Brooke Weston Trust can support you please speak with your line manager.
The American Institute of CPAs® (AICPA) and its predecessors have served the public interest for 136 years. The Chartered Institute of Management Accountants® (CIMA) was founded in 1919 and has helped shaped the profession for over a century. In 2017, they came together as AICPA & CIMA to forge a powerful international alliance that promotes accounting and finance in every corner of the world.Today, they serve 689,000 members, students and engaged professionals in 196 countries and territories. By providing exclusive guidance and specialized resources — including prestigious designations, certifications and credentials — they empower you to create an even brighter tomorrow, both for yourself and for the profession.
Examples of courses for teacher educators:
View available courses
Click a course for more information
For more information on the Early Career Mentor Training through the Northamptonshire Teaching School Hub please click here.
For more information on the BWT Masters in Education programme through the University of Leicester please click here.
OLEVI Power of Coaching – teachers OLEVI Power of Coaching – non-teachers OLEVI – Outstanding Leadership in Education (OLE) Click for more info.
To find out more about the Institute of Leadership and how they can support your career progression click
To find out more about applying and how Brooke Weston Trust can support you please speak with your line manager.
- Duration and frequency: 6 months,
- Meeting at 3 weekly intervals in person with online self-study in between
- Contact: Charlotte Hawker-Smith
This course provides an evidence-based overview of how and why a supportive environment and maximising the opportunity to learn helps both teachers and students, and what great teachers do to create it. You will connect this evidence to practical classroom techniques, and then practise selecting and adapting individual teaching strategies for different contexts to prepare for the next steps of your personalised professional development.N.B. through taking this programme, participants will complete a development cycle: identify, explore, focus, prepare, integrate and review a strategy to impact and move teaching practice forwards. This work could be used to submit as part of a Chartered Teacher module for accreditation.
Are you a teacher interested in “fostering a positive and supportive environment for all pupils, without exception”? EEF recommendation 1 in SEND in mainstream schools, guidance report ‘Pupils with SEND have the greatest need for excellent teaching and are entitled to provision that supports achievement at, and enjoyment of, school.’ Professor Becky Francis, Chief Executive of the Education Endowment Foundation. Taking part in this programme would involve a mixture of online self-study and collaborative group delivery of theory, working together as leaders to contextualise the research for our contexts.
Teaching to create a supportive environment and maximise opportunity to learn
On this programme, you will learn how to: • make sure professional development in your school is focused on a shared responsibility for improving outcomes for all pupils • diagnose what teachers know and can do, starting professional development from that point and adapting the approach based on developing their expertise • help teachers improve through evidence-based professional development focused on improving classroom teaching • gain an understanding of what teachers have learned by reviewing patterns of performance over a number of assessments • develop and lead a team of colleagues who can facilitate a range of professional development approaches • contextualise teacher development based on a variation of school, pupils and teacher needs. • contribute to a programme of professional development for mentors, trainees and early career teachers. Sessions will be delivered through a twilight model of regular training across the year, concluding with an assessment and accreditation.
Ambition Institute’s overview
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Leadership Opportunities – A free, rapid assessment tool
Take a free 10 minute leadership profile questionnaire to see how well you match up against the 5 Dimensions of Leadership: Authenticity, Vision, Achievement, Ownership and Collaboration.
Test yourself in the 49 components of Leadership and when you've met the standard in each dimension, book a conversation with an Institute approved certifier and gain independent recognition of your up to date leadership knowledge and capability.
Examples of courses for leaders
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View available courses
OLEVI Power of Coaching – teachers OLEVI Power of Coaching – non-teachers OLEVI – Outstanding Leadership in Education (OLE) Click for more info.
For more information on the BWT Masters in Education programme through the University of Leicester please click here.
- Duration: 3-12 months, online
- Contact: Rachel Lawrence-Byron
Do you want to be recognised for excellent professional knowledge? ✓ Demonstrate your strong professional knowledge of effective mentoring and how to support teachers to learn and develop✓ Engage with wider reading and core content to deepen your understanding of assessment principles, ready to showcase how you would apply this knowledge to support the development of classroom practice✓ Connect research to mentoring practice, explaining how you would interpret key ideas from education research within your area of specialismThere are three pathways to achieving the Professional Knowledge Award, meaning you can select the pathway that is most relevant for your role.
– for school-based mentors
Professional Knowledge Award
- For more info click here
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- Aimed at: leaders of assessment N.B. 2 colleagues from each school (e.g., middle and senior leader so impact is driven at both levels back in school)
- Duration and frequency: 1 academic year, meeting at monthly intervals in person with online self-study in between
- Contact: Charlotte Hawker-Smith
Do you lead assessment at middle or senior level and want to enhance your existing knowledge to affect departmental or whole school impact? Taking part in this programme would involve a mixture of online self-study and collaborative group delivery of theory, working together as leaders to contextualise the research for our contexts. EBE’s summary:
Leading Assessment, Evidence Based Education
Understanding Assessment - Gain a robust understanding of key assessment concepts, including our four pillars of assessment. Lay firm foundations for the practical design and analysis work of Modules 2 and 3.Designing Assessment - Enjoy working through a practical and iterative process of designing and trialling assessments – both formative and summative – with your pupils.Analysing Assessment - Analyse assessment data and fine-tune questions to improve formative and summative assessments. Develop practice in evidence-based curriculum planning and tracking progress.Leading Assessment - Create an evidence-based school assessment system. Define roles and responsibilities and improve policy and practice across your whole staff
- Duration: 3-6 months (online, self-directed)
- Contact: Rachel Lawrence-Byron
Are you ready to take the next step in your research engagement journey? ✓ Learn how to use inquiry as a mechanism for rigorous evaluation of school practices and to support school development✓ Undertake an evidence-informed inquiry project to gain deeper insights into existing school practice, with the ultimate aim to improve outcomes for the pupils you work with✓ Have choice and freedom to focus your inquiry on an area of school practice that is meaningful and relevant to you and your context
– for school leaders
Certificate in Education Research and Inquiry
- For more info click here
The ACCA (the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants), is a globally recognised professional accountancy body providing qualifications and advancing standards in accountancy worldwide. Founded in 1904 to widen access to the accountancy profession, they’ve long championed inclusion and today proudly support a diverse community of over 247,000 members and 526,000 future members in 181 countries.
Their forward-looking qualifications, continuous learning and insights are respected and valued by employers in every sector. They equip individuals with the business and finance expertise and ethical judgment to create, protect, and report the sustainable value delivered by organisations and economies. Guided by their purpose and values, their vision is to develop the accountancy profession the world needs. Partnering with policymakers, standard setters, the donor community, educators and other accountancy bodies, they’re strengthening and building a profession that drives a sustainable future for all.
- Duration and frequency: 6 months,
- Meeting at 3 weekly intervals in person with online self-study in between
- Contact: Charlotte Hawker-Smith
Are you a teacher interested in enhancing your existing practice in adaptive teaching, building to independence and metacognition for all pupils and particularly those with SEND? ‘The research suggests a group of teaching strategies that teachers should consider emphasising for pupils with SEND […] cognitive and metacognitive strategies […] explicit instruction […] scaffolding’ (Professor Becky Francis, Chief Executive of the Education Endowment Foundation, recommendation 2 in SEND in mainstream schools, guidance report).This course provides an evidence-based overview of why and how teachers can help their students to become independent and self-actualised learners. You will explore how this can be applied in the classroom, before practising selecting and adapting individual teaching strategies for different contexts to prepare for the next steps of your personalised professional development.Taking part in this programme would involve a mixture of online self-study and collaborative group delivery of theory, working together as leaders to contextualise the research for our contexts.
Teaching to activate hard thinking (adaptive teaching, building to independence, metacognition)
- Contact: Rachel Lawrence-Byron
What is the rationale? You will gain an understanding of the power of coaching and the impact that great coaching has on learning - being able to confidently apply several strategies to deepen the thinking of pupils; inspire colleagues to develop and grow; and become a more reflective and energised professional. As a credible coach, you will be able to coach informally, formally and in a structured way using the OLEVI Analytical Coaching programmeHow does it work? This programme consists of 3 sessions with a series of post-session challenges. These sessions are normally 3 hours in length.What is the impact? Full attendance of this programme will enable you to: • Understand and utilise fundamental coaching theory and skills with pupils and professionals to improve learning, thinking and well-being. • Coach using OLEVI’s informal, formal, and structured models with individuals. • Role-model courage, humility and discipline when engaged in coaching conversations.
The Power of Coaching
- For more info click here
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- For more info click here
Undertaking the Development of Teaching Practice Award with the Chartered College of Teaching provides an opportunity for you to focus intently on developing your mentoring expertise for the benefit of your mentees and the pupils they teach.✓ Explore the evidence around effective mentoring and the development of expertise and how this might apply within the context of your mentoring practice✓ Evaluate your current practice and choose an aspect of your mentoring to refine or develop further✓ Demonstrate your expertise and share effective practice in the unit assessment✓ Focus on developing effective mentoring approaches that will make a difference to teachers and pupils within your context.
– for mentors working with classroom-based teachers
Teaching Practice Award
- Duration: 3-6 months (online and self-directing)
- Contact: Rachel Lawrence-Byron
To find out more about CIPD and how they can support your career progression click
To find out more about applying and how Brooke Weston Trust can support you please speak with your line manager.
- Aimed at: leaders of learning (T&L or curriculum) N.B. 2 colleagues from each school (e.g., middle and senior leader so impact is driven at both levels back in school)
- Duration and frequency: 1 academic year, meeting at monthly intervals in person with online self-study in between
- Contact: Charlotte Hawker-Smith
Are you a middle or senior leader who wants to refine the existing practice in your school to align with latest evidence for what constitutes powerful learning over time?
Leading T&L/Curriculum through Evidence Based Education’s the Science of Learning programme
EBE summary:Module One - Explore the scientific evidence regarding the process of learning through reading: the essential cognitive systems, their functions and limitations, and the factors that affect them.Module Two - Understand the benefits and limitations of specific teaching strategies and find out how each strategy can play its part in helping a student move from novice to advanced states.Module Three - Apply concepts and strategies from the Science of Learning to curriculum planning in your subject or phase. Learn how to adjust examples and models to fit your context and your curriculum aims, and map learning activities to the stages of the cognitive development process.Module Four - Develop an implementation plan to help your colleagues apply strategies from the Science of Learning. Prioritise issues and plan how to address them with clearly-defined roles, responsibilities and activities for all involved in students’ learning
Taking part in this programme would involve a mixture of online self-study and collaborative group delivery of theory, working together as leaders to contextualise the research for our contexts.
CIPFA, the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy, is the professional body for people in public finance. Their 14,000 members work throughout the public services, in national audit agencies, in major accountancy firms, and in other bodies where public money needs to be effectively and efficiently managed.As the world's only professional accountancy body to specialise in public services, CIPFA's portfolio of qualifications are the foundation for a career in public finance. These include the benchmark professional qualification for public sector accountants as well as a postgraduate diploma for people already working in leadership positions.
They are taught by in-house CIPFA Education and Training Centre, as well as other places of learning around the world.They champion high performance in public services, translating experience and insight into clear advice and practical services. They include information and guidance, courses and conferences, property and asset management solutions, consultancy and interim people for a range of public sector clients.Globally, CIPFA leads the way in public finance by standing up for sound public financial management and good governance. They work with donors , partner governments, accountancy bodies and the public sector around the world to advance public finance and support better public services.
- Duration: 3-6 months (online, self-directed)
- Contact: Rachel Lawrence-Byron
Are you ready to take the next step in your research engagement journey? ✓ Learn about practitioner inquiry and how this can be utilised to support teacher professional learning and school development ✓ Undertake an evidence-informed inquiry project to gain deeper insights into your teaching or leadership practice, with the ultimate aim to improve outcomes for the pupils you work with✓ Have choice and freedom to focus your inquiry on an area of classroom or school practice that is meaningful and relevant to you and your context There are two pathways to achieving the Certificate in Education Research and Inquiry, meaning you can select the pathway that is most relevant for your role/career pathway
– for practising classroom teachers (inc. middle leaders)
Certificate in Education Research and Inquiry
- For more info click here
To find out more and how they can support your career progression click:
To find out more about applying and how Brooke Weston Trust can support you please speak with your line manager.
for ACCA
- Duration: 3-12 months, online
- Contact: Rachel Lawrence-Byron
Do you want to be recognised for excellent professional knowledge? ✓ Demonstrate your strong professional knowledge around teaching, learning and school leadership in three Professional Knowledge Examinations✓ Engage with wider reading and core content to deepen your understanding of assessment principles, ready to showcase how you would apply this knowledge to support the development of classroom practice✓ Connect research to your leadership practice, explaining how you would interpret key ideas from education research within your school contextThere are three pathways to achieving the Professional Knowledge Award, meaning you can select the pathway that is most relevant for your role.
– for school leaders
Professional Knowledge Award
- For more info click here
- Contact: Rachel Lawrence-Byron
What is the rationale? You will gain an understanding of the power of coaching and the impact that great coaching has on learning - being able to confidently apply several strategies to deepen the thinking of pupils; inspire colleagues to develop and grow; and become a more reflective and energised professional. As a credible coach, you will be able to coach informally, formally and in a structured way using the OLEVI Analytical Coaching programmeHow does it work? This programme consists of 3 sessions with a series of post-session challenges. These sessions are normally 3 hours in length.What is the impact? Full attendance of this programme will enable you to: • Understand and utilise fundamental coaching theory and skills with pupils and professionals to improve learning, thinking and well-being. • Coach using OLEVI’s informal, formal, and structured models with individuals. • Role-model courage, humility and discipline when engaged in coaching conversations.
The Power of Coaching
- For more info click here
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Are you committed to developing teaching expertise and ensuring teachers in your school have access to high-quality CPD that impacts on pupil outcomes?✓ Explore the evidence around the development of teacher expertise✓ Evaluate existing CPD practices in your context, identifying a specific area to refine or develop further✓ Demonstrate your expertise and share effective practice in the unit assessment✓ Focus on developing evidence-informed approaches to teacher CPD that will make a difference to pupils within your context
– for school leaders
Teaching Practice Award
- Duration: 3-6 months (online and self-directing)
- Contact:: Rachel Lawrence-Byron
To find out more about ISBL and how they can support your career progression click
To find out more about applying and how Brooke Weston Trust can support you please speak with your line manager.
- Aimed at: Aimed at: leaders of behaviour and culture N.B. 2 colleagues from each school (e.g., middle and senior leader so impact is driven at both levels back in school)
- Duration and frequency: 1 academic year, meeting at monthly intervals in person with online self-study in between
- Contact: Charlotte Hawker-Smith
Are you a leader interested in “fostering a positive and supportive environment for all pupils, without exception”? EEF recommendation 1 in SEND in mainstream schools, guidance report.
Leading Behaviour and Culture, Evidence Based Education
Creating school environments that remove barriers to learning and participation through high standards, positive relationships and wellbeing for all pupils is the foundation of the equitable experience we strive to create across our schools. Taking part in this programme would involve a mixture of online self-study and collaborative group delivery of theory, working together as leaders to contextualise the research for our contexts. EBE’s summary: This programme will help you to lead the development of supportive environments for learning in your school or college and give you the tools to ensure all colleagues can maximise every opportunity for learning. Explore why and how environments and behaviour affect learning, what great leaders and teachers do to optimise them and implement techniques to be confident that your collective approach to behaviour and culture is evidence-based.
‘Pupils with SEND have the greatest need for excellent teaching and are entitled to provision that supports achievement at, and enjoyment of, school.’ Professor Becky Francis, Chief Executive of the Education Endowment Foundation.
- Contact: Charlotte Hawker-Smith
Reflect and analyse See your lesson from a new perspective, completely in private and whenever it suits you. Use the analysis tools to gain deeper insights into the teaching and learning in your classroom and adapt your lessons accordingly to improve student outcomes. Share and collaborate Recording video clips enables effective coaching over distance, as colleagues can share their choice of teaching extract with their coach over the online platform, with the need for the coach to arrange cover. This is also great for peer group, developmental lesson observations and for giving and receiving valuable, contextualised feedback timestamped to precise moments in the lesson. No more feeding back with ‘can you remember the question you asked around 23 minutes into the lesson?!’ You can timestamp your comments linked to a precise moment from the clip shared. Build and engage Over time, and with permission from the individual, schools can build up a bank of concrete clips to demonstrate T&L strategies with your children in your classrooms to share amongst the wider staff as a powerful demonstration of what is possible in your context.
Do you want to overcome the restrictions of covering lessons to help colleagues share teaching strategies? This is an opportunity to use video clips of lessons to reflect individually and improve granular strands of practice alongside colleagues in a peer group structure of analysing what really makes an impact in our classrooms.
The power of video for visible progress in teaching
To find out more about CIPP and and how they can support your career progression click
To find out more about applying and how Brooke Weston Trust can support you please speak with your line manager.
- Available online, all teachers in BWT can opt to do this module independently.
- Contact: NTSH
Do you want to build and demonstrate your expertise in using evidence to inform your practice? ✓ Engage with articles and video content from renowned experts and practising teachers, and explore wider reading lists to deepen your understanding of evidence-informed pedagogy ✓ Find out where to locate trustworthy research and how to navigate its use ✓ Consider key education research and its implications for practice in your context The Certificate in Evidence-Informed Practice is designed for teachers and school leaders as well as those supporting teaching and teacher development, including mentors and teacher educators.
Certificate in evidence-informed practice
- For more info click here
– for teachers, school leaders and school-based mentors
- Award: Gives you a succinct overview of the basic skills and knowledge needed at this level
- Certificate: Provides you with a more comprehensive coverage of the subject
- Diploma/Extended Diploma: Provides the full package of skills, knowledge and understanding at this level
Qualifications are available at Levels 2 to 7. This means that whether you are a school leaver or want to study at a master’s level, the is an option to suit you.
Size Options
- Duration: 3-6 months (online, self-directed)
- Contact: Rachel Lawrence-Byron
Are you ready to take the next step in your research engagement journey? ✓ Learn about practitioner inquiry and how this can be utilised to support teacher professional learning and school development ✓ Be guided through each stage of the inquiry process – from undertaking a literature review, to choosing research methods, analysing data and sharing your findings ✓ Undertake an evidence-informed inquiry project to gain deeper insights into your teaching or leadership practice, with the ultimate aim to improve outcomes for the pupils you work with ✓ Have choice and freedom to focus your inquiry on an area of classroom or school practice that is meaningful and relevant to you and your context There are two pathways to achieving the Certificate in Education Research and Inquiry, meaning you can select the pathway that is most relevant for your role/career pathway
– for practising classroom teachers (inc. middle leaders)
Certificate in Education Research and Inquiry
- For more info click here
More info
- For more info click here
Are you committed to developing your teaching expertise, using evidence-informed approaches to achieve the best possible outcomes for your pupils?✓ Explore the evidence around the development of teacher expertise✓ Evaluate your teaching and choose a focus that is meaningful to you to refine or develop further ✓ Demonstrate your expertise and share effective practice in the unit assessment ✓ Focus on developing evidence-informed approaches that will make a difference to pupils within your contex
– for practising classroom teachers (inc. middle leaders)
Teaching Practice Award
- Duration: 3-6 months (online and self-directing)
- Contact: Rachel Lawrence-Byron
- Available online, all teachers in BWT can opt to do this module independently.
- Contact: NTSH
Do you want to build and demonstrate your expertise in using evidence to inform your practice? ✓ Engage with articles and video content from renowned experts and practising teachers, and explore wider reading lists to deepen your understanding of evidence-informed pedagogy ✓ Find out where to locate trustworthy research and how to navigate its use ✓ Consider key education research and its implications for practice in your context The Certificate in Evidence-Informed Practice is designed for teachers and school leaders as well as those supporting teaching and teacher development, including mentors and teacher educators.
– for teachers, school leaders and school-based mentors
Certificate in evidence-informed practice
- For more info click here
Contact: Andy Burns
Step into Leadership
This course is for those identified as a high performing current or future senior leader. Whatever your age, experience or background you have a common thread that runs through all of you – that thread is your moral purpose, your desire to improve the life chances of our pupils. This course is designed to fill in some of those gaps and experiences you do not learn on the NPQs.
Duration: 12 Months from October 2023
It is a practical course that has the following features:
Contact: Andy Burns
Step into Vice Principal
It is a practical course that has the following features: • Tailored to your needs, but also some general best practice. • Practice in a ‘safe’ environment • A VPP (Vice Principal Project) that you can talk about confidently at interview, that demonstrates you are well rounded in experience and in the leadership competencies. In this course we focus on the practicalities of stepping up from Assistant Principal/Senior Leader – what happens when you’re left in charge of the school.
Duration: 12 Months from January 2024
This course is for those high-performing members of senior team that have the potential and ambition to progress to Vice Principal.
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To find out more about IWFM and how they can support your career progression click
To find out more about applying and how Brooke Weston Trust can support you please speak with your line manager.
- Available online, all teachers in BWT can opt to do this module independently.
- Contact: NTSH
Do you want to build and demonstrate your expertise in using evidence to inform your practice? ✓ Engage with articles and video content from renowned experts and practising teachers, and explore wider reading lists to deepen your understanding of evidence-informed pedagogy ✓ Find out where to locate trustworthy research and how to navigate its use ✓ Consider key education research and its implications for practice in your context The Certificate in Evidence-Informed Practice is designed for teachers and school leaders as well as those supporting teaching and teacher development, including mentors and teacher educators.
– for teachers and school leaders
Certificate in evidence-informed practice
- For more info click here
Examples of courses for teachers:
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View available courses
For more information on the BWT Masters in Education programme through the University of Leicester please click here.
For more information on the Early Career Framework through the Northamptonshire Teaching School Hub please click here.
OLEVI Power of Coaching – teachers OLEVI Power of Coaching – non-teachers OLEVI – Outstanding Leadership in Education (OLE) Click for more info.
- Duration: 3-12 months, online
- Contact: Rachel Lawrence-Byron
Do you want to be recognised for excellent professional knowledge? ✓ Demonstrate your strong professional knowledge around teaching and learning and/or school leadership in three ‘Professional Knowledge Examinations’ ✓ Engage with wider reading and core content to deepen your understanding of assessment principles, ready to showcase how you would apply this knowledge to support the development of classroom practice ✓ Connect research to practice, explaining how you would interpret key ideas from education research within your area of specialism There are three pathways to achieving the Professional Knowledge Award, meaning you can select the pathway that is most relevant for your role.
– for teachers
Professional Knowledge Award
- For more info click here