Volleyball Infographic
Hanzen Margrethe Jornales
Created on March 5, 2023
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The standard volleyball court is composed of two squares 29 feet, 6 inches x 29 feet, 6 inches divided by a net. In men's volleyball, the net height is 7 feet, 11 58 inches, and in women's volleyball the net height is 7 feet, 4 18 inches. Antennae are attached to the net to mark the outside edges of the sidelines at the net. Any ball that contatcs the net outside of the antenna or goes outside or over the antenna as it is played to the other court is illegal and indicates a loss of the rally.
When one team wins three out of five sets or two out of three, the match is over. Except in a match deciding the final set (third or fifth), when the set is played to 15 points, a set is completed when one team reaches 25 points and has a 2-point lead. If a team does not have a 2-point lead when it reaches 25 points, play continues until a 2-point lead is established. A typical two-of-three-set match can last 45 minutes to an hour; a typical three-of-five-set match can last 90 minutes to two hours.
A typical indoor volleyball match consists of six players on the court who are assigned by serving order. The server is the player in the far right corner. Every time a team wins the serve from its opponent, the players must rotate clockwise in the order in which they began the match. When either side serves the ball, players must be in service order, but once the ball is in play, they can move to any position on the court. Players can re-enter the game as many times as they want, but most rules limit a team to 12 or 15 total substitutions per set. While the official rules of volleyball call for six players, the game can be played with any number less than six as long as the players on both sides are equal.
Above all, volleyball is a rebound team sport. During play, the ball must never come to a visible halt. When a ball is caught or thrown, or when contact with the ball lasts less than an instant, the contact is illegal and the opponent scores a point. A single player may not make two consecutive contacts with the ball. When playing the ball from a serve or an attack and the attempt is a single move to the ball, double contact is permitted. Only front-row players are permitted to attack the ball over the net in front of the attack line. To attack the ball, a back-row player must jump from behind the attacking line before the ball. It is legal to land in front of the attacking line. When blocking, players may only make contact with the ball if a portion of it has entered the airspace over the net or on their side, unless the opponent has used all three of their contacts.
Tops of uniforms must be clearly numbered so that officials can quickly identify serving orders and track substitutions. It is not required for teams to wear contrasting uniform colors, but it does make identifying faults on the network easier. The first referee has the authority to rule that jewelry and certain hard casts or braces are too dangerous to wear during competition. Volleyball players typically wear knee pads to make diving to the floor more comfortable, but they are not required. Volleyball can be played in any athletic shoe with a nonmarking sole. Volleyball shoes should keep your feet cool, reduce vertical and lateral forces caused by volleyball movements, and provide stability and traction.
A dynamic warm-up is recommended before beginning any exercise program, including volleyball. Increase the intensity of movement gradually from light to moderate to help increase blood flow and prepare muscles and joints for activity. Volleyball is a strenuous sport on the shoulder, so it is best to spend some extra time working on this important joint. Players can finish their warm-up by stretching lightly.
SAND VOLLEYBALL (Doubles) There is no center line, and violations are called only when interference is committed by a player. If antennae are not used, then the ball must pass between the net poles. Each set is played to 21 points, with teams switching sides every 7 points. A block touch is considered one of the team's three contacts. Players may use their hands to pass a serve only if their hands remain firm and simply deflect the ball. A sand volleyball is slightly larger and heavier than an indoor ball so that it is less reactive to wind. INTERNATIONAL (FIVB) The international game limits the number of substitutions to six each set. The libero cannot serve. Net violations are illegal only at the top 3 inches of the net. COED This game is played with the net at the men's height. When a team uses three contacts, at least one of the contacts must be made by a female player. REVERSE COED This game is played with the net at the women's height. All attacks by male players must be taken from behind the attack line.
The officiating crew includes the first referee, second referee, line judges, and the scoring table. The first referee is the head official and she executes her responsibilities from an elevated stand located at the net opposite the team bench and scorer's table. The second referee is located at the net pole closest to the scorer's table and team benches and is primarily responsible for ensuring that protocols are followed. Line judges are positioned in opposite corners of the court so that they can see their sideline on both sides of the net and the end line on their side of the net. Line judges must keep a steady eye on the play because they are asked to make calls on balls hit in or out and asked to call block touches and balls that cross the net over or outside of the antenna. Usually three people are at the scoring table, each with specific duties. The official scorer is charged with using a paper form to make sure that all points are accounted for in the proper rotation, identify the correct server for each team, track substitutions made, and record the number of remaining timeouts. A scoreboard operator makes sure that the visible score reflects the official scorer's score sheet. The third person tracks the entry and exit of the libero to make sure that she is replacing the legal players and serving in th correct rotation.
William G. Morgan, the physical director of the Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA) in Holyoke, Massachusetts, invented volleyball in 1895. It was created as an indoor sport for businessmen who found the new basketball game too strenuous.