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We're glad you asked. Relics were placed in containers called reliquaries.

Most people never actually saw a relic! They saw the reliquaries which enclosed them. 

Reliquaries came in a variety of shapes and sizes:
BUT What is a Reliquary?
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BUT What is a Reliquary?

We're glad you asked. Relics were placed in containers called reliquaries.Most people never actually saw a relic! They saw the reliquaries which enclosed them. Reliquaries came in a variety of shapes and sizes:

The Head of St. Eustance Reliquary

In early Christianity, a relic was a fragment of a saint’s body. These relics are called bodily relics. They were usually a saint's bones, teeth, and hair.

Some reliquaries, like this one, were shaped to depict the relic inside.

This reliquary can be interpreted as a restoration of one of its relics (part of the head of St. Eustace) to a more lifelike state.

The St Eustace Head Reliquary, n.d., British Museum: https://www.britishmuseum.org/collection/object/H_1850-1127-1

Unknown Hand Reliquary

In early Christianity, a relic was a fragment of a saint’s body. These relics are called bodily relics. They were usually a saint's bones, teeth, and hair.

Others reliquaries, like this one, can be interpreted as symbolic in shape. Most hand-shaped reliquaries did not contain relics of hands or fingers.

The hand represented the physical presence and touch of the saint.

Hand Reliquary, n.d., Victoria and Albert Museum, V&A: https://collections.vam.ac.uk/item/O69108/reliquary-unknown/

This reliquary is actually missing its relics, which would have been displayed behind the crystal in these rings.

The Holy Thorn Reliquary

In early Christianity, a relic was a fragment of a saint’s body. These relics are called bodily relics. They were usually a saint's bones, teeth, and hair.

The Holy Thorn Reliquary, n.d., British Museum: https://www.britishmuseum.org/collection/object/H_WB-67

Reliquaries could also be shaped to display their relics. As we will see, the display of relics demonstrated how they could be a sign of power and prestige.

It may be difficult to see, but above is a single thorn supposedly from the Crown of Thorns Jesus wore as he was crucified.

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