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the social




4.2 THEN


4. Nobility

3.2 THEN


2.2 THEN



1.2 THEN






The term peasantry emerged in Europe in the 19 th century for describing the small scale cultivating communities.Later on this concept started to have the meaning that refers as half the society that works in agriculture and half the culture based on it. A. L. Kroeber defined the peasantry as

  • peasantry lives in rural areas
  • they are for far for being the dominant class society
  • they don't have political autonomy
  • they contain the most amount of people


Nowadays peasantry consists of 1,3% of the Europe society, it's main role, its give food to the rest of the population.The way they obtain the goods have totally changed, nowaday thanks to different types of machines we can have a farm that a 100 years later would occupy one hectare, it occupies 150 meters.apart from the obtaining of goods, the type of them have also changed, having a big variety of them, from cereals to animals


The way they worked was more rural, without any machine or device that could accelerate the process of cultivation or procreation of animals. Also the quantity of this goods is a 500% less nowadays.

past role

The society in the past had a similar role than nowadays which is give goods and money to the nobility they were ruled by apart from subsisting themselves.They consisted of more than 50% of the european population.



the term bourgeoisie first started as the class that started to live in the city, later it divided into two terms. The lower and upper bourgeosie based on the amount of money and land they owned.With it, the upper class had more power on the society but had less quantity, instead the lower bourgeisie consisted on almost all the people living on the city around an 80%.This class was based of mercaders and artisans and also the workers of the named liberals profesions, this class started to emerged after the feudal capitalism and start of the old regime.


Bourgeoise surrounds between the 10 and the 15% of the european population even thought it changes from each country.the most amount of these people is located on the north west of europe.

nowadays role

Nowadays this society class has almost dissapeared as a group of people and now it has acquired a meaning refering people above the media in terms of money


After that moment, the bourgeoisie started to gain a lot of importance, even at some point they were able to take the power of countries after several revolutions and strikes.

past role

Bourgeoisie had a very important role after it appeared on the city. At the beginning they didn't have any power, but all the power started to grow when in Italy some bourgeoisie gained the total control of the banks of Europe.



Basically, Clergy is the social class, which dedicates his life to God and to spread his word.But this is not all true, because along the time the clergy has also participated in politics, and has contained family of famous nobles.This social class had had one of the biggest powers of all the time, and is, for sure the social class that has better maintained his definition, which is mentioned in the first sentence.


Nowadays role

Nowadays, the social class of clergy, is based on people that spreads the word of god in mass and give their life to them.The present Clergy is classified as: deacons and priests< bishops<bruise and on the top of the piramid the Pope. Apart from the bottom of the piramid consisting on the people believing in God.Nowadays they don't jave power at all apart from the Vaticano where it resides all the money of the church and the most important people.This is why there is a lot of tourism to it, because is the central base of the Christhianism.


past role

This social class in the past, was one of the most important and powerful one for a long time, even tho it had some bad things, such us it had to make reforms because of the actions done by the people of this social class. This actions goes from corruption because some nobles put in their childs on important positions, in order to maintain their power and economy, because of the big quantity of money the church had to some priests and bigger roles of the church, had sex which was prohibited and even worse, they sexually abused children.



The nobility has been the social class, that had changed the most.This is because has changed the things it does and also the power they have.Basically nobility is the group of people belonging to the highest social class in a country,the aristocracy.This definition has being maintained in some way, because in the past, a noble couldn't marry with a worker, and now it can. Which has completely changed some of the important families of nobles.


Nowadays role

Even thought that nowadays there are still nobles, they don't have the power they used to have, but they can still subsist because of their title.This means, that nowadays, the nobility don't have the power to choose political things which before they could.For summing up, nowadays the nobles only have the title of the family and just that, no power at all.


past role

The nobility in the past characterized by constant changes in his role and status in Europe.First, they held a priviledged position in society, often enjoying significant political and economic power.Many of them, had positions in the government and the military.Later on, because of different wars and revolutions, the people started to get revolutionary ideals of liberty,equality and fraternity. Which led on the strip off, of some nobles titles lands and priviledges.Despite these changes the nobility continued to play an important role, maintaining part of its power.



For concluding we have chosen this presentation because we think that for knowing who we are and how we have reached here, we have to learn how we were and the role we played.And with these presentation we have learnt that the society is always changing, it doesn't stop a moment for very social class, from the poorest to the richest.



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