Created on December 25, 2022
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group 3 (class 51) Van Lang university
Hi everyone. We are group 3 from English class 51, of the Van Lang university Our group consists of 6 members:
We feel that the problem: " SAVING THE WILD" is a painful and alarming one. Wild nature and especially animals are gradually becoming less and disappearing completely, even some species have become extinct. So our team decided to choose this topic for the presentation, in order to present the danger. And hopefully, through our presentation, we will spread some of the urgency of the Wildlife Rescue issue.
And here is the presentation of my group, everyone follows!
Overview of wild animals
Wildlife refers to undomesticated animal species, but has come to include all organisms that grow or live wild in an area without being introduced by humans.
Wildlife can be found in all ecosystems. Deserts, plains, grasslands, woodlands, forests and other areas.
Some wildlife threaten human safety, health, property, and quality of life. However, many wild animals, even the dangerous ones, have value to human beings. This value might be economic, educational, or emotional in nature.
In many countries around the world, Protected Areas, Protected Areas or National Parks have been established to protect wild species as well as to protect their natural habitat.
Wildlife overview
Grand Teton National Park
Amazon Rainforest and Wildlife Sanctuary
The conservation of wild species is carried out in two popular forms
In-situ conservation
Ex-situ conservation
Rare and precious animals are those that are valuable in terms of: food, medicinal herbs, fine arts, technological materials, ornamental, scientific, export, .... and are animals that live in the wild whose numbers have declined over the past 10 years.
2, Situation of rare and wild animals in the world today
As we have seen, wildlife plays a very important role in life. It can be said that wild animals are extremely valuable natural resources, making an important contribution to creating ecological balance and ensuring a healthy living environment for humans.
The situation of wild animals and rare animals is at red alert level and very endangered.
So what is the current reality of rare and wild animals?
The situation of wild animals and rare animals is at red alert level and very endangered.
General situation of the wild world
General situation of the wild world
The situation of wild animals and rare animals is at red alert level and very endangered.
The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) estimates that over the past two generations, animals have halved, and each year between 10,000 and 100,000 species are on the verge of extinction.
The situation of wild animals and rare animals is at red alert level and very endangered.
Asia is home to rich biodiversity and is also a region where ecosystems are under pressure from economic development.
In Vietnam, many wildlife species are facing the risk of extinction due to illegal trade and consumption for various purposes such as food, medicine, jewelry...
The situation of wild animals and rare animals is at red alert level and very endangered.
The endangered situation of animals in danger of extinction
The situation of wild animals and rare animals is at red alert level and very endangered.
Many wildlife species in the world are falling into extinction due to misconceptions about the effects of their body parts, leading to an increase in animal poaching.
Every 15 minutes, an elephant is killed for its tusks
The situation of wild animals and rare animals is at red alert level and very endangered.
The situation of wild animals and rare animals is at red alert level and very endangered.
All 8 species of pangolin are threatened with extinction
The situation of wild animals and rare animals is at red alert level and very endangered.
The situation of wild animals and rare animals is at red alert level and very endangered.
Nearly 600 animal species are classified as endangered in the Red Book
The situation of wild animals and rare animals is at red alert level and very endangered.
More than 100 species of animals that could not be classified previously in the Red Book, are considered threatened with extinction
The situation of wild animals and rare animals is at red alert level and very endangered.
Why protect rare animals?
The protection of wildlife in the wild is a very important issue
Currently, in the world, there are about 1,556 species of wild animals identified as endangered and near-extinction in need of urgent protection
In the tropical forests, the habitat of more than half of the living things that currently exist on earth is also shrinking
Benefits of wildlife protection
The situation of wild animals and rare animals is at red alert level and very endangered.
Contribution to medicine: Antibiotics, pain relievers, anti-cancer drugs, and hemophilia.
Biodiversity: Currently, there are about 15 million creatures living on earth. Especially for species that play an important role in the ecosystem, their extinction will have unpredictable consequences.
In the United States, more than a quarter of prescriptions are reported to contain substances found in plants and animals
The situation of wild animals and rare animals is at red alert level and very endangered.
Therefore, it is very important to protect wildlife because if they are harmed, their medical benefits will also disappear.
Process II
This case will send a warning to people about the impact of climate change as well as environmental pollutants
Example: The decline in falcon and eagle populations in the mid-20th century is a strong warning about the dangers of the pesticide DDT
Environmental regulation: The protection of wildlife is very important in regulating and assessing the quality of the environment.
Agricultural benefits: Using insects and insectivores to destroy plant pests is an alternative that is both safe, effective, and environmentally friendly, with a lower cost than synthetic chemicals.
The situation of wild animals and rare animals is at red alert level and very endangered.
Invisible values: A source of inspiration for artists and those interested in wildlife
The situation of wild animals and rare animals is at red alert level and very endangered.
Historical interest: Protecting wildlife helps to pass on the invaluable values of nature to future generations
The situation of wild animals and rare animals is at red alert level and very endangered.
Causes of animal extiction
There are two main causes of animal extinction in ecosystems
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Subjective cause: Human
The situation of wild animals and rare animals is at red alert level and very endangered.
Subjective cause: Human
The rapidly growing population, polluting the environment, warming the earth, causing climate change has indirectly caused the extinction of animals
Cutting down forests, burning forests for cultivation has caused many rare and precious plants to go extinct and animals without a place to live.
Hunting, over-exploiting, indiscriminately makes many species of creatures unable to grow and reproduce new generations
Subjective cause: Human
Within 40 years, the number of wild animals decreased by 58% due to human activities, forecasting that this decrease will increase to 67% by 2020
The situation of wild animals and rare animals is at red alert level and very endangered.
Interspecies competition in the ecosystem…
Natural disasters: Such as tornadoes, floods, droughts, volcanic eruptions….
Types of diseases: Taeniasis, Anthrax…
Consequences when rare/wild animals go extinct
Animals are endangered: Imbalances between species and thus reducing the quality of the food chain
Loss of genetic diversity
Complete extinction of species
Human evolution
Consequences of endangered animals: serious consequences
The situation of wild animals and rare animals is at red alert level and very endangered.
Destruction of ecosystems and natural resources
The situation of wild animals and rare animals is at red alert level and very endangered.
we won't just make the species in question disappear. lost but also the other species it has nurtured.
Can reduce the natural resources we are used to using. For example, bees are very important to humans
Measures to protect rare animals
In order to protect rare animals, it is necessary to strengthen the protection of their habitat, ban hunting, illegal trade, strengthen breeding and build nature reserves.
Urgent solution to protect wildlife
it is necessary to have urgent solutions to stop the illegal trade and consumption of these animals in our country.
The situation of wild animals and rare animals is at red alert level and very endangered.
- Have effective deterrent measures
- Investigate and strictly handle the leaders of the illegal trade in rare and precious animals
-Put endangered species on the list of national conservation
- Put an end to bear farming
- Tighten management of private tiger farms and allow tigers to breed uncontrollably
- Destruction of seized rhino horn and ivory stock
The prevention of hunting and illegal animal trade is essential. Besides, now in Vietnam, there are many protected areas established with the purpose of protecting animals from threats from the surrounding.
The situation of wild animals and rare animals is at red alert level and very endangered.
So are these sanctuaries a good environment for animals to thrive?
Today in the sanctuaries these animals are allowed to live in a free environment, are cared for, treated for wounds, nurtured and restored to their natural instincts until the individuals are fully qualified. conditions for release back into the natural habitat.
The situation of wild animals and rare animals is at red alert level and very endangered.
Thanks to the electric fence system, the animals are able to live in a natural environment. This solution is not dangerous but only anvil and has been widely used around the world in sanctuaries and zoos.
As a student I need:
The situation of wild animals and rare animals is at red alert level and very endangered.
- Propagandize to people about the role and danger of extinction of rare animals so that everyone can participate in protection
- Report to the authorities actions such as hunting, illegal trading ... rare animals
- Register to participate in the volunteer program to protect rare animals
- Participate in propaganda activities to raise awareness of animal protection for relatives and friends around
My group's presentation ends here. We hope that it will leave a lot of impressions on you, and above all it will spread the inspiration to protect wildlife in particular and the ecological environment in general. Thank you to everyone who followed my team's presentation. Thank you very much!
The situation of wild animals and rare animals is at red alert level and very endangered.