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This circulation map aims to trace the evolution of the word "led" in both its uses as a past participle and as an abbreviation. It will first show the origins of the word while defining its different meanings and uses. Then, through examples from different texts, this map will follow the transformation of "led" from the 19th century to its modern use as "LED." This map will demonstrate the constantly changing nature of language and how it evolves alongside us.


Works Cited



led to LED



Origins of "led"

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Origin: Old English during the early 15th century. Definition: 1 A heavy or bulky thing that is being carried or is about to be carried. 2 A weight or source of pressure borne by someone or something. 3 A lot of something.


Origin: Old English during the early 16th century. Definition: 1 A vein of metal ore in the Earth. 2 A rich source of something.


Origin: Germany during the Middle High Ages (1050-1350) Definition: In English, leiten means "to conduct or direct with authority specifically with physical contact."


Leiten to Led

Each use of the word "led" appears to have one thing in common. The primary focus is to direct someone or something in a certain way. Whether it be in a specific direction, down a specific road, or into a specific mindset/state of being, the goal is to guide.

Past Tense
Origin: Old English during the 16th - 17th century. Definition: 1 Cause a person or animal to go by holding them by the hand, halter, or rope while moving forward. 2 Be a route or means of access to a particular place or in a particular direction. 3 Be in charge or command of. 4 Have the first place in (a competition); be ahead of (competitors). 5 Have or experience (a particular way of life).


By the 1800s, "led" and its various definitions have been fully integrated into standard English. It has become a common and widespread word, its uses appearing in a variety of texts such as music, fiction, political writing, documentative writing, etc.


"The Miss-led General" from 1808: In this example, "led" is being used as a suffix to the words "miss," "old-woman," and "slave." The purpose of this is to convey those words as a sort of state of being. In this instance, "led" is being used to show influence or control over the speaking group.


"Thais led the way" from 1803: In this example, the word "led" is being used to show that a certain audience or group is being guided in a specific direction or to a particular destination. This is the most common and popular use of the word.

"Led On! Step by Step, Scenes from Clerical, Military, Educational, and Plantation Life in the South" from 1898: In this example, "led" is used in relation to a path or route to a destination. Instead of a person being charged with guiding, this use more pertains to the physical world.

"A Narrative of Facts which Led to the Presentment of the Rt. Rev. Benj. T. Onderdonk, Bishop of New-York" from 1845: In this example, the author uses "led" to describe the content or quality of one's life. This use of the word is slightly less common.


LEDs are invented by Nick Holonyak based on the work of Oleg Vladimirovich Losev in 1962. Progress was slow at first but eventually, the public realized that the many advantages that came with using LEDs undoubtedly outweighed that of their fluorescent predecessors. The featured video briefly discusses the history of LED lights and their benefits.



Not only did LED lights last longer, but they were also safer, more cost-effective, easier for companies to mass produce, and resulted in more satisfied consumers. To the right is a video that walks through the process of how LEDs are made.

Origin: 1960s abbreviation Definition: A light-emitting diode (a semiconductor diode which glows when a voltage is applied).
Past Tense
Origin: Old English during the 16th - 17th century. Definition: 1 Cause a person or animal to go by holding them by the hand, halter, or rope while moving forward. 2 Be a route or means of access to a particular place or in a particular direction. 3 Be in charge or command of. 4 Have the first place in (a competition); be ahead of (competitors). 5 Have or experience (a particular way of life).


Led to LED


With the development of LED lights, literature takes a shift in focus to technology and its applications. "Led" began appearing in popular texts less in its verbal form, and primarily in relation to this new advancement in lighting. These texts began discussing LED uses in classrooms, workplaces, marketing, and the future. There also came a rise in concern for the widescale impact and energy crisis these developments might cause.

In this example, the author is of course referring to LED lights, but where are the dots? When it comes to acronymns, most of us are familiar with the format of putting periods between each capitalized letter. But in this example, the author uses not only "LED" but also "CEO" without this format. This is because acronyms that are three letters or longer are exempt.


Language is a contantly moving and changing form of communication. This change is perpetuated by the fast moving variety that the internet brings. With each technological advancement we make as a society, the words we speak will continue to shift. Who knows, in another hundred years, we might even have one more meaning for "led."


Works Cited

Thais Led the Way: From Alexanders Feast. United Kingdom, J. Bland, 1803. Barrett, Eaton Stannard. The miss-led general, by the author of the Rising Sun. United Kingdom, n.p, 1808. Porter, Anthony Toomer. Led On! Step by Step, Scenes from Clerical, Military, Educational, and Plantation Life in the South, 1828-1898. United Kingdom, G. P. Putnam's sons, 1898. Cangeloso, Sal. LED Lighting: A Primer to Lighting the Future. United States, O'Reilly Media, 2012. Trapier, Paul. A Narrative of Facts which Led to the Presentment of the Rt. Rev. Benj. T. Onderdonk, Bishop of New-York. United States, Stanford & Swords, 1845. CircuitBread. (2019). History of Led Lights (light emitting diodes) | Basic Electronics. YouTube. Retrieved September 26, 2022, from https://youtu.be/a0_TpENvYBw. Science Channel. (2016). Led Tubes | How It's Made. YouTube. Retrieved September 26, 2022, from https://youtu.be/5L7IPkgM-e0.

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