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Amazonic ecosystem!


king cobra

brown bear


which one of this animals is amazonic?

It is the largest rodent in the world, reaching a length of one and a half meters and a height of 0.65 meters; weighing about 50 kilograms.

Here is a video about capybaras, (Hydrochaeris)

Thats true!

Find the amazonic bird

Find the amazonic bird

The colorful toucans fill the treetops of the Amazon rainforest with life. Its unmistakable large downward curved beak and intense colors make it one of the best known birds and related to the habitats that occur along the entire length of the Amazon River.

Good one!

Oh! where is my amazonic fish?!?!

Piranhas are usually called several species of fish with voracious carnivorous habits (occasionally or in their juvenile stages also omnivores)1 that live in the rivers of warm-temperate and warm waters of South America. The denomination includes some genera within the Serrasalminae subfamily, which also contains typical herbivorous and omnivorous fish genera. Piranhas measure between 15 and 25 cm in length, although specimens that exceed 34 cm have been found


Thats wrong!

Ouh :(