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It is understood that language is a complex and wide phenomena, whose components interact and influence mutually. In this way, language is seen as a concept that not only entails linguistic construction, but also cognitive, social and cultural aspects of its users. 
It is suggested to apply a variety of methods, such as portfolios, anecdotal registers, individual or collaborative research projects, reports, oral and written tests and presentations, among others (roleplay, interviews, etc). 
To certificate the achieved learning, the teacher can utilize different summative evaluation methods that reflect the OAs (comprehend, produce, knowledge and fluency)
Four strands
Digital citizenship
Integrated approach
Development of identity
Project- based/problem solving based L
Creation of realities
The curriculum throughout the years
Abilities reinforced
Main focus
4th grade
3rd grade
Elements to be considered when teaching English
Specification from 2nd to 4th grade of high school
Unpacking the national curriculum
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It is understood that language is a complex and wide phenomena, whose components interact and influence mutually. In this way, language is seen as a concept that not only entails linguistic construction, but also cognitive, social and cultural aspects of its users.

It is suggested to apply a variety of methods, such as portfolios, anecdotal registers, individual or collaborative research projects, reports, oral and written tests and presentations, among others (roleplay, interviews, etc).

To certificate the achieved learning, the teacher can utilize different summative evaluation methods that reflect the OAs (comprehend, produce, knowledge and fluency)

Four strands Digital citizenship Integrated approach Development of identity Project- based/problem solving based L Creation of realities



The curriculum throughout the years

4th grade

3rd grade

Abilities reinforced


Main focus


Elements to be considered when teaching English


Specification from 2nd to 4th grade of high school

Unpacking the national curriculum

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