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IMPORTANTE: Anota los códigos que te serán entregados para poder cumplir con éxito esta misión. ¡Que comience la aventura!


Help Héctor to reunite with his daughter Coco, for this it is necessary to complete each of the missions, where you will be accompanied by some members of the family. IMPORTANT: Write down the codes that will be given to you to be able to fulfill this mission successfully. Let the adventure begin!

Mission 1

Granny Elena has lost her glasses, can you help her discover the first code? To do this you must complete the following mission.

Open your eyes

Find out by dragging the magnifying glass, then click on the clue found

Descúbrela arrastrando la lupa, luego haz click sobre la pista encontrada

Clue 1


It has four equal sides

Find out by dragging the magnifying glass, then click on the clue found

Descúbrela arrastrando la lupa, luego haz click sobre la pista encontrada

Clue 2

It isn´t a circle

Find out by dragging the magnifying glass, then click on the clue found

Descúbrela arrastrando la lupa, luego haz click sobre la pista encontrada

Clue 3

Now that you know the clues, what is the correct answer?


Excelent! Your first code is: 5


Mission 2

Hi, I'm mom Imelda. your second mission will be ...



Excelent! Your second code is: 7

Mission 3

Miguel´s Family...


Listen & touch

Excelent! Your second code is: 9

Mission 4

Don´t loose your head...



Excellent! Your last code is: 2

Insertar los cuatro códigos

Insert code

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