Gods & Godesses
Luciana Lopez Scaramutti
Created on March 11, 2021
This is my Stock character presentation. In here I included all the information I needed to complete this task.
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By: Luciana López
Gods andGoddesses
A God is a character that has a high range of power and he's not human. This ia a supreme being that is worshiped and respected. Most of the time, Gods are representatives of something. For example Demetre is the goddess of agriculture.
All of these gods have something in common. What they have in common is that they are not human. These characters are superior and that is what human nature admires. All of these Gods and Goddesses are powerful and respected. Also, they are ingenious and intelligent.
Demeter is the goddess of harvest, fertility, and grain. Demeter was one of the twelve Olympian gods that lived on Mount Olympus. She was very important to farmers in Greece. Demeter was very powerful and immortal. Her powers were having control over the growing of grains and the harvest. She had control over making plants grow or not grow and control over the seasons. Demeter had control over the weather sometimes and could make people hungry.
Hermes is the son of Zeus. He is the messenger of the gods and the conductor of the death of Hades. He also was the god of roads and doorways, he was the protector of travellers. Any fortunate occurrence would be attributed to Hermes. He was also the patron of music and sometimes he created music itself.
Zeus is the god of all gods. Zeus was the ruler of heaven, according to the Greek poet, Homer heaven was located in mount Olympus which is the highest mountain in Greece. Zeus is bad tempered, his weapons which he needs are a thunderbolt and a scepter.
Name of God
Name of God Description Zeus Zeus is the god of all gods. Zeus was the ruler of heaven, according to the Greek poet, Homer heaven was located in mount Olympus which is the highest mountain in Greece. Zeus is bad tempered, his weapons which he needs are a thunderbolt and a scepter. Hermes Hermes is the son of Zeus. He is the messenger of the gods and the conductor of the death of Hades. He also was the god of roads and doorways, he was the protector of travellers. Any fortunate occurrence would be attributed to Hermes. He was also the patreon of music ans sometimes he created music itself. Demeter Demeter is th goddess of harvest, fertility, and grain. Demeter was one of the twelve Olympian gods that lived on Mount Olympus. She was very important to farmers in Greece. Demeter was very powerful and immortal. Her powers were having control over the growing of grains and the harvest. She had control over making plants grow or not grow and control over the seasons. Demeter had control over the weather sometimes and could make people hungry.
Examples Around the World
Character Traits
What human nature is reflecting is we must like some traits and admire this stock character because it is still a familiar character. Over the years, Gods and Goddesses have been really important characters in myths, legends, and cultures. Something almost every of these characters have are powers, infinite knowledge, and power over certain things. These are some characteristics I believe people admire of Gods and Goddesses. Also, usually Gods are worshiped, meaning they have a high position and they are powerful. Goddesses are also portrayed as beautiful. Gods and Goddesses are portrayed like this because we like these traits. Most humans want to be powerful so we can also agree that we see Gods and Goddesses as someone we desire to be in the future. Some people even imitate them because they want to feel that type of power over different things, people, or animals.
Not always Gods think humans are useless, some want to help them like Prometheus.
Towards others
Another difference is that each God and Goddess have a different role and powers. Also, some Gods are superior to others as well as Goddesses. This could be because of their powers or achievements.
Roles and Values
Some of the Gods and Goddesses use their powers correctly and with good intentions but some do otherwise and use them with bad intentions.
Good vs Bad
IB Learner Profile
An IB learner profile I think this stock character lacks is reflective. I think this because in many myths, when a God or Goddess make mistakes they get mad and make the wrong choices and usually punish themselves or even other people for their mistakes. In conclusion, most of the time, Gods and Goddesses won't like to accept their mistakes and move one, instead they blame it on others.
An IB learner profile my stock character possesses is thinkers. The reason why I chose this Ib learner profile for my stock character is because Gods and Goddesses make ethical decisions and used their knowledge to create humans with different characteristics.
The significance of Gods and Goddesses in many religions and myths is that they created humans. Since they created humans, people think they have to pray these gods to recieve protection and help from them. Myths sometimes include characters that aspire to be like Gods and Goddesses but in real life people who believe in this worship them and respect them. Also, their purpose is to put order in people's lifes. Usually, people and characters think that the world was created by a God and that is why they respect them.
Significance & Purpopse
Information for Zeus: Ducksters. "Ancient Greece for Kids: Zeus." Ducksters, Technological Solutions, Inc. (TSI), www.ducksters.com/history/ancient_greece/zeus.php. Accessed 11 March 2021. Information for Hermes: Ducksters. "Greek Mythology: Hermes." Ducksters, Technological Solutions, Inc. (TSI), www.ducksters.com/history/ancient_greece/hermes.php. Accessed 11 March 2021. Information for Demeter: Ducksters. "Greek Mythology: Demeter." Ducksters, Technological Solutions, Inc. (TSI), www.ducksters.com/history/ancient_greece/demeter.php. Accessed 11 March 2021. Pictures of IB Learner Profiles: "IB Learner Profile Posters- Upper Primary by Ideas by Jillian | TpT." https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/IB-Learner-Profile-Posters-Upper-Primary-3047148. Accessed 11 Mar. 2021. "Learner profile for IB students | International Baccalaureate ...." https://www.ibo.org/benefits/learner-profile/. Accessed 11 Mar. 2021.
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