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Iván M. Jorrín Abellán
BCOE Research Catalyst
The Interactive Research Methods Lab: A Resource for our students and faculty that can be embedded in D2L Courses
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Iván M. Jorrín AbellánBCOE Research Catalyst 1/19/2021

The Interactive Research Methods Lab: A Resource for our students and faculty that can be embedded in D2L Courses

5. How to embed the IRML in D2L Courses

4. Services provided to faculty and students

3. IRML's virtual space

2. IRML's physical space

1. Introduction


The Interactive Research Methods Lab (IRML) is a new initiative in the Bagwell College of Education that offers an innovative space providing students and faculty with personalized instruction and practical experience of generating core qualitative, quantitative, and mixed-methods research designs, using Augmented Reality interactive contents (ARC). The IRML offers: - a physical interactive space located in room BEB 403 in the Bagwell College of Education. The physical space provides an itinerary organized around the nine steps of Hopscotch. Each step is placed on a customized decal on a dry-erase surface, where users can write down ideas and make decisions based on the information provided via original augmented reality contents. - a virtual interactive space.

The IRML's physical space is located in room BEB 403

Learn to use the lab

The IRML's physical space is located in room BEB 403


The IRML's virtual space can be access in:

The IRML's virtual space includes a 360° virtual tour that replicates the physical space (see below).


Description of services provided to faculty and students:

OPTION B: Embed the 360 Virtual tour

OPTION A: Embed the IRML's website

How to embed the IRML in D2L Courses

Open a course in D2L & Select the module in which you would like to embed the IRML's website

1. Open a course in D2L2. Select the module in which you would like to embed the IRML's website3. Click on "Upload/Create/Create Link"3. Include a Title: Interactive Research Methods Lab 4. Include the following URL: https://irml.kennesaw.edu 5. Create

OPTION A: Embed the IRML's website

How to embed the IRML in D2L Courses

Open a course in D2L & Select the module in which you would like to embed the IRML's website

1. Open a course in D2L2. Select the module in which you would like to embed the IRML's 360 Virtual Tour3. Click on "Upload/Create/ Create a file"2. Enter a Title: IRML 360 Virtual tour 3. Click on the "</>" icon in the lower right side of teh screen 4. Paste after “<body style="font-family: 'Lato', sans-serif;”>” the following code: <div data-aspect-width="16" data-aspect-height="9" class="snap-embed"><span>IRML 360 Virtual Tour</span><a href="https://seekbeak.com/v/V6za7rnYqeZ" target="_blank">Snap Content</a></div><script async src="https://seekbeak.com/js/sbembed.js" charset="utf-8"></script> 5. Save

OPTION B: Embed the 360 Virtual tour

How to embed the IRML in D2L Courses

OPTION B: Embed the 360 Virtual tour

How to embed the IRML in D2L Courses

For questions or doubts, please send us an email to: IRML@kennesaw.edu

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