Created on June 22, 2020
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Alternative Tales
The Little Thumbling
Beauty and the beast
Snow White
Sleeping Beauty
Beauty and the beast
Hansel and Gretel
Little Blue Riding Hood
Lina and the Three Bears
The Little Red Riding Hood and the Bear
The Little Red Riding Hood and the Bear
The Three Little Santa Claus
The Tiny Mean Gingerbread Man
The Nasty Gingerbread Man
The Three Little Pigs and the Wolf
The Return of the Three Bears
The Little Green Riding Hood and Company
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The 3 Little Santa Claus
Contes en compétition
Hansel and Gretel
Once upon a time, a well-off family lived in a beautiful farm in a very big forest. The parents had two cute children, but they didn’t want them. Their names were Hansel and Gretel. One day, their parents decided to abandon the children in the forest. When they abandoned them, the kids were very sad and they walked for a long time. At some point, they arrived in front of a delicious and warm house made of candies. They knocked on the door and a witch opened it.
She invited them in the house. Inside, there were a fireplace, furniture and a rocking chair. But her invitation was a trap. Every day, they cleaned the witch’s house and she made them lick the floor afterwards. She tied them to a tree because she wanted to eat them. Hansel and Gretel cried and yelled. They were desperate. Suddenly, Hansel had an idea… Hansel forgot he had a knife in his pocket. Therefore, he used it to detach himself and his sister.
When the old lady came to give them food, she saw that they ran away. She chased them. They ran during twenty minutes. The witch caught up the kids. They tried to escape but it was useless. After, she made them fat and cooked them. She enjoyed eating them. She lived happily ever after and she got married to a hunter. They had plenty of children.
Beauty and the Beast
Once upon a time, a beautiful but mean girl named Belle lived in a big city. Belle had two kind brothers Jack and Alex. Their father, Henri, was a rich explorer and he always traveled the world. This family was friends with all of the villagers. One day, Henri left home to explore new territories. He asked his children what gift they wanted, Alex and Jack asked for a pet and Belle asked for a box full of jewellery.
Then, the father left home riding a horse. When he took a break he got off the horse and he saw a little diamond, a second and a third. He ran to a big castle where lived a strong and terrible Beast. Not so far, there was a small box and inside this box there were a lot of jewellery. All of a sudden, the Beast appeared and put the father into jail. The Beast allowed Henri to call his family. Unfortunately, Belle answered the phone and when her father asked for help she said: “I can't help you”.
However, Alex and Jack heard the conversation and ran to help their father. Belle's brothers tried to convince belle to come with them but Belle had to go to the hair dresser and refused to help her father. When Belle finished her brushing she returned home and she realised her brothers really left home and she felt guilty. She decided to join her brothers. When she found them, Alex and Jack were in a big hole and they were shouting. Belle help her brothers to get out from the hole and she apologised and they carried on their way.
Finally, they arrived to the Beast’s castle and when they opened the door they saw the ugly Beast. Alex vomited but strangely Belle fell in love with the Beast! The Beast locked up the siblings too and the siblings waited for someone to deliver them. When the villagers discovered that the siblings had left to deliver their father they panicked and decided to go to the castle and kill the Beast.
The villagers arrived to the castle with fire or weapons and started to search for the siblings. They found Henri, Belle, Alex and Jack then they ran to escape from the castle but Belle saw the Beast who was attacked by others villagers. Belle took a weapon, ran to the Beast and saved him. Finally, Jack, Alex, Henri and the villagers went home and Belle and The Beast fled far away and we never ever heard about them again.
Snow White
Once upon a time, there was a princess named Snow White because her skin was very very white. She lived in a royal castle with her stepmother. Her stepmother was ugly, horrid, cunning and jealous of Snow White. Her stepmother drowned snow white’s dad in the river. Everyday, her stepmother asked to the water : "Who is the prettiest ?" "It is you." answered the man's reflexion on water.
They asked to Snow White to play hide and seek.She accepted and she counted. At the same time, she met a woman. Her stepmother was disguised as a beautiful girl. She said to Snow White : "Do you want an apple ?" But, she gave her the wrong apple and died. Snow White went back to the castle. One day, she went to the lake and saw her dad in the water. "Dad" she cried. "Dad, it's me" She fell into the water and died. In the end, she stayed with her dad forever.
But one day, it answered : "It is Snow White because, she is my daughter !" Her stepmother was angry and she called the gardian to kill Snow White. Snow White heard the conversation and decided to escape in the forest. When she arrived in the dark forest ,she found a nice house. She was very tired and she decided to rest. When she woke up,she found food and fruits on the ground. She decided to clean the house and three hours later, seven children and orphan dwarfs arrived.
The Little Thumbling
Once upon a time there were parents. They had eight children. One day, they decided to take a walk in the woods. They picked up chesnuts. They had big coat thus they were hot. They had pants, but that is all. To sum up this family was very poor. Once day the parents and their children went to the forest and they abandoned their children. One of the children climbed a tree to find a path but he fell and broke his arm . Later, they saw a house.They went to the big house but they felt someone around. There was a big ogre.
But it was too late. They found the house but when they entered, they saw their parents ... dead ! They cried and cried. To sum up: they did not live happily ever after.
The wife welcomed them in the house. And then she said : « you are at the ogre's green house, so hide ». The children began to be afraid . They hid under the table. The big ogre arrived and ate a big nugget. But, he smelt the children. Then, he said : "I’m tired ". So, he went to bed. The children saw his boots and were intrigued. They went next to the boots, they put on the boots. They saw that they were magic boots because the boots did a giant step. After they had stolen the boots. They searched for their parents’house
Sleeping Beauty
One upon a time there were a king and the queen who had a daughter. Her name was Aurora. For her birth ,the king and queen organised a party .Two fairies are guests. They offered a present for her to be beautiful. The second present was for to be courageous . The third was for her to be happy . But a witch arrived and said that she going to cast a spell for her 16th birthday: she will fall asleep until a prince arrives.
And when the countdown was over, Aurora woke up. She ran to her parents' house but they were not here. She said: "I slept for 100 years!" She began a new life, made friends and had children.
They got scared.They asked the fairies to raise their daugter until her 16th birthday. Sixteen years later… In the fairies’s house, nothing happened as they planned . Aurora who didn't like the fairies came back to her parent’s house. But it was her birthday, so she fell asleep... ... for 99 years. The fairies prepared the New Year's Eve. They put Aurora in a cupboard for the party.
Once upon a time, there was a young girl named Cinderella who was sad because of her parent’s death. Her stepmother was very mean and had a son. One day, they had a big ball with a prince. Cinderella asked to her stepmother to go but she didn’t want her to. On the same night, Cinderella found a beautiful dress in pieces. She cried and a fairy arrived in her bedroom. She repaired the dress and helped Cinderella go to the ball.
The stepmother married the prince. Cinderella was alone but she had a family now: her stepbrother.
Cinderella danced all night with the handsome prince. During the ball, Cinderella saw her stepmother and ran to her home. She lost her shoe on the way. The prince took the shoe. The next day, he searched for Cinderella everywhere. He went to her house, but the stepmother locked Cinderella in her bedroom. The stepmother tried the shoe and it was the good size so she went to the castle with the prince. Cinderella was still locked but her stepbrother helped her.
Once upon a time, in an abandoned forest, there lived three brown bears. These bears were of different sizes, one little, one medium and one huge. These bears were very kind. Near the forest, lived a little girl. She was ten years old. The girl had Goldilocks. One day, the little girl went in the forest. She picked a flower and sang. After a while, She got lost. She looked for a very long time. When the night fell, she saw a flash of light. The little girl rushed to the light. When she arrived, she saw a cottage.
- I was picking flowers and I got lost ! - Ooh... answered the bear mothers. - Me too, I love flowers, said the little bear. Can you show them, please? - With pleasure! Lina took the flowers in her basket and she put them on the table. The little girl had many colors: one blue, one red, one pink, one yellow and one purple. The little bear was amazed! But Lina saw one last flower in her basket. This flower was a magic flowers.
She opened the door and she saw three bears. The little girl was afraid and she hid behind a tree. The big bear went to see what was happening. - Who is it? - Hello, my name is Lina, I am ten years old and I am lost in this forest. - Come in! - Thank you very much. The little girl entered the bear house. - How did you get lost? said the bear mother.
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The little girl blew on this magic flower because this flower had grass. And one, two, three, Lina was in her home. She called her grand-ma. - Grand-ma! Grand- ma! - OH MY GOD, my little girl! Said the grand-ma. - I love you! - I love you too!
Once upon a time, in a fabric of little cakes in the shape of gingerbread men for children, a little gingerbread man woke up… He wasn’t like the other gingerbread men because he was so hungry that he woke up. After he woke up, he ate all the other gingerbread men ! When the men arrived in the fabric, they saw the gingerbread man, who was bigger. The men were panic-stricken, so they ran away.
And after two minutes, only breadcrumbs remained. The men and children of the city were so happy ! Then the fabric started to make more gingerbread men for all children of all cities !
The gingerbread man got out of the fabric to be on the lookout for other gingerbread men to eat. But he did not find any. Then, he left the fabric, and…Men went to look for all the children of the city, who hadn’t eaten gingerbread that day. Then the gingerbred man found, in front of him, children, a lot of children. He understood : the men had called all the children of the city around the fabric. And unfortunately for him, the children flinged themselves on the giant gingerbread man.
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Twenty years after she tasted porridge and slept in the beds of the 3 Bears, Goldilocks lived in Paris. She lived in the 16th arrondissement she earned a lot of money because she was a model for Dior. After he came back from the Giant’s castle. Jack decided to get married with a beautiful Goldilocks. Together, they had a girl and her name is Silverlocks. When she was 6 years old, the Bears decided to visit Paris.
Goldilocks decided to invite the Bears for dinner. When the Bears arrived, they talked together. They told how their life had changed. The Bears Family loved Silverlocks. Goldilocks and Jack went in the kitchen… And the Bears kidnapped Silverlocks! They went to the Eiffel Tower. They tied her up. The Bears left Silverlocks here and left.
The Bears were very angry. It took the family a lot of time to come to Paris, because there was a train strike. When they finally arrived, they shouted “Hello Paris“. Suddenly, on an underground poster, they saw an advertising for the Dior with Goldilocks. The Bears went to Goldilocks’ appartement to make peace with her.
A beautiful day, the angel of Silverlocks came to visit her parents. Shocked to see their daughter, Jack and Goldilocks died.
When Jack and Goldilocks arrived at the Eiffel Tower, the father Bear their said: “Whether you kill your daughter or you kill your self !” Silverlocks’s parents decided to kill their daughter. PAN ! The Bears had the feast and came back to their house. The parents of Silverlocks lived happily ever after… without their daughter.
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Once upon a time, there was a beautiful home. But, who lived in this home ? They were Lia and her mother! Everyone called the girl “the little green riding hood” because she had a green riding hood. One day, the mother received a phone call from the grandmother. Worried, the mother called her girl. “Lia -Yes mom ? -It’s about your grandmother … -Yes...and ? -She is sick”
And the animal and the girl ran, ran and ran ! He crushed a lot of flowers. When the wolf arrived, he came in the house of the grandmother and he ate the old woman ! The wolf, who was full, began to asleep. At that time, the little green riding hood entered. She was so furious because she lost the race and not because her grandmother was dead. She took a knife and she brandished it to kill the wolf.
The mother asked her daughter to bring one tacos and a pot of honey to her grandmother. The little green riding hood didn’t want to, but she had to. She left for the cottage. On the way a bush moved. Who was it ? That was the mean wolf ! He met the little green riding hood. He said: “ - Hello ! Where are you going ? -I must bring food to my grandmother… -Delicious ! Do you want to race ? -Of course ! -Are you ready ? Three… two… one… go !”
-Don’t worry, the past is in the past ! Later, when they finished to eat, Mister Goupil had an idea : “Let’s go to the night-club-forest !” Everybody agreed and they went. That was a beginning of a nice friendship because they lived happily ever after...
Suddenly, a fox came in and he said : “No ! Don’t touch the wolf ! -Why ? And; who are you ? Asked the girl. -I’m Mister Goupil, the wolf’s friends. My friend is very kind, except for the food ! -And…? -I can take you to the best restaurant of hot-dog ! " The girl agreed and when the wolf woke up, they went in the restaurant. They took a “friendly hot dog” and they shared it. Lia said : -I ‘m so sorry that I tried to kill you, Wolf...
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Once upon a time, there was an old couple. This couple had three bad children. The first killed frogs, the second tortured rabbits and the third ate them ( the frogs and the rabbits ). But were they happy together ? They lived in a little cottage. One day, the three children decided to make a mean live gingerbread man. They put in their mixture : - strawberry jelly for the head - raspberry jelly for the legs and the arms and gingerbread for the body, of course !
The tiny mean gingerbread man
But the gingerbread man became crazier and killed the first and the second children. The third child decided to kill the gingerbread man using every possible way. He tried to eat the gingerbread man, but the gingerbread man ran too fast for him and he killed the couple ! The third child, who was the last in life, was very angry ! He took a chair and he threw it on the gingerbread man. But the gingerbread man destroyed the chair with his gun and began to shoot the last child !
But they didn’t have enough gingerbread. So they crafted a very tiny gingerbread man. They made a sugar gun to kill every one on his way. And they were happy for the work they did together. Soon after, the tiny mean gingerbread escaped and ran away. But where did he go ? On his way, he killed a horse, a monkey, a donkey, a bear and a lion. He decided to come back to his cottage. The brothers, who saw the damage he did, decided to eat the gingerbread man.
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He missed he target. The tiny nasty gingerbread tried again. When the gingerbread man tried to reload his gun, the third child ate him. That was the end of the tiny gingerbread man. Some years later, the third child, who killed the gingerbread man, married a beautiful woman in a very pretty castle. They have many children and they lived happily ever after !
Once upon a time a little red riding hood lived with her mother in a cottage. The little red riding hood bring chocolate, muffin, honey and pudding in a basket to grand mother. In the forest a bear ordered to the little red riding hood : -Give me your honey! -No it is for my grand mother ! Said the little red riding hood.
The Little Red Riding HoodAnd the Bear
The little red riding hood arrived at the mother’s castle, the little red riding hood bazooka and killed the hunter and took her grand mother. She ate all the muffins and pudding. And she lived with her mother in the castle happily ever after.
The bear moved towards the little red riding hood. The little red riding hood threw the pot of honey on the bear. Bees came on and stung the bear. The bear wasn’t happy. The little red riding hood left. The bear arrived at the grand-mother’s castle and hid at the grand-mother it went below the grand-mother’s bed. The hunter took a grenade launcher and went to the grand-mother’s castle to ask the grand-mother to kill the bear. When he arrived at the grand-mother’s castle, the bear sprang out of bed the hunter killed the bear with her grenade launcher.
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Once upon a time, there were three little pigs who were the cousins of the ones in a previous story. They lived in a huge forest, in a house made of bricks, because the wolf destroyed the houses made of straw and twigs. They were in security the wolf was starved and he wanted to eat some little pigs again. The wolf found the three little pigs ‘ house and he decided to come closer.
The three little pigs and the wolf
The three little pigs were scared and decided to go to the cellar which was under the house. They looked for something to defend themselves. They found a weird lamp bought in a second hand shop a long time ago . When they took it, a genie suddenly appeared .The genie : « Tell me what you want; I will be your slave ! - oh genie please can you help us because the wolf was hungry and he want to eat us -okay i will find something to kill the wolf . »
The three little pigs made a porridge for Christmas. The wolf smelt the porridge and ran to the house. The three little pigs saw the wolf out of the door . The house had traps and video cameras . The pigs : « Why is the wolf here ? - Hum! Hum!Hum! I’m going to eat you! Said the wolf . -Why do you want to eat us ? -Because I’m hungry ! »
The wolf cried : "Noooooooooo !" The thre little pigs said : «The wolf went away » The wolf: "Please can you help me, I'm going to die" 10 years later : The wolf was dead and the three little pigswere really old. The three little pigs lived happily ever after.
The genie made a stun gun to paralyse the wolf because he had poison in his mouth . After the wolf was paralysed the three little pigs danced and sang of joy ! But it was not finished because the wolf wasn’t dead. The three little pigs said: « The wolf must be on a desert island.» The genie : « if you want,your wishes will come true .» The genie sent the wolf to a desert island.
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Once upon a time in a little farm, there lived 3 little pigs. These 3 little pigs wanted to travel and leave the farm, but they weren’t allowed to. They liked to roll around in the mud, they liked to eat the grass, but they got bored. The first pig was very, very, greedy and fat. The second one was cute, and the third one was wise. On Christmas Eve, around 2 in the afternoon, Santa Claus arrived at the little farm and saw the 3 little pigs. He was starving before the Christmas presents delivery. He decided to catch 1 little pig for him and 2 pigs for his reindeer.
The three little Santa Claus
They began in one house, then two, then three. But suddenly they saw that they were being followed. Five beefs were driving the carriage ; - the police arrive! Says the cutest pig... and Santa Claus is with them! - you have to land says the wisest pig. The pigs landed as expected and the police began to scold them and then Santa Claus went to the Christmas presents delivery.
Santa Claus tried to catch a little pig but, another pig jumped on him and Santa Claus. The three little pigs, who wanted to travel the word, jumped in Santa Claus’s sleigh. The greedy pig said: - Oh, no I'm getting vertigo! - Be quiet please! And enjoy the sight! said the third pig. He was angry. The pig who was upset said: - Okay; but remember the round of Christmas presents!
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The little pigs disappointed went in a forest and made a fire. They left the farm! The night passed and… Surprise! Santa Claus did not forget them! Finally : “ Being with people we love is enough” isn't it?
Once upon a time, there was a beautiful girl who lived with her mother, who was called Marinette. The daughter had red hair and blue eyes. They lived in a little lost village. Her mother was sick and her father was dead. Marinette called her daughter « the little blue riding hood ». One day, the mother’s little blue riding hood said : — My daughter, bring to your grand-mother a bowl of milk and an apple. — Granny will be so happy !
The Little Blue Riding Hood
— I don’t know… — Do as you like. She went on walking. The next day, the little blue riding hood went to the birthday party. She was surprised to see a wolf. — Hello, it’s me ! — It’s you ? Oh yes ! — Are you Mister Beans ? Said a guard. — Hummmm… No ! — Are you Mister Split ? — No. »
She went in the forest. The little blue riding hood picked the apples. Suddenly, she saw a big wolf in a bush. She was afraid but the wolf was sad, he cried. — Why are you crying ? — I am not crying… he said. A silence followed. — You aren’t nasty, for a wolf. — Yes but I don’t like the hunters and I can’t bear humans. — Tomorrow, I will go to the princess’s birthday party. Will you come ?
The wolf let the guard go and he fled. He thought of the little blue riding hood. He ran a long time. When he arrived in the forest, the wolf felt sad because he didn’t find his friend who was lying on the grass. When he found her, the wolf sat close to her and took her in his arms. As if by magic, the little blue riding hood woke up. She saw the wolf who cried. The little blue riding hood stood up and left the forest with the wolf. They had many little wolves and they lived happily ever after.
Could the wolf cross the door ? Was he on the list ? — Your name please ? — Hummm… Mister… WOLF ! The guard looked on the list. The wolf wasn’t on it ! The girl, who was desperate, ran in the forest. She ran into a tree and she fainted from the shock in the forest. The wolf intercepted the guard and asked him where was the little blue riding hood. — In the forest, said the guard.
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