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A World of Sports

Argh, I hate sports! To prove it, I have stolen the trophy of the next FIFA World Cup!

L. Haquet - Ac. Rouen

I don't like sports, but I am a good sport! I will give you one last chance to find the FIFA World Cup Trophy. I hid it in my study. To know where I live, solve this first puzzle!

Whoa, not so fast!Wait 20 seconds andtry again!

1) Watch the following video about the history of the Olympic Game: 2) Do the crosswords to test your understanding!

Basketball STEP 1 Ask your teacher for the following grid to help you solve the puzzle. STEP 2 Read all the clues and find out how old each player is, how tall he is, and at which level he plays. 1. Owen is older than Jim, but younger than Austin. 2. Tony plays at an advanced level. He is neither 1.55 m nor 1.79 m tall. 3. The 13-year-old teenager is 6 cm shorter than the 12-year-old teenager. 4. The 12-year old teenager is more experienced than the 13-year-old teenager, but the 15-year-old is more talented than he is. 5. Austin is taller than Jim, but shorter than Owen. 6. The teenager who plays at a beginner level is not 1.55 m tall. STEP 3 Fill in the blanks. (Note: you will get the clue if you have at least 10 correct answers!)


The negative consequences of not exercising Can you find the 9 negative consequences of not exercising?

OK, the safe was not that hard to find. The question is: "Can you open it?". Ask your teacher for the QR code and scan it with Mirage Make.

Titre 2


Images from Pixabay and Wikipedia