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Give an Opinion


receipts, sweeping, maintenance, solution


Second Conditionals
NarrativeDrawing Conclusions


Today's Lesson

Level 7 Unit 8 Lesson 3

Troublesome Tourists

Get Thinking!

How can people create less waste?


the Jet Setpeople who have a lot of money and spend it on fancy thingsIf I keep working this hard, maybe I can be part of the jet set in the future.

teacher tips



How clean is your city?
Paul pulled his street cleaner onto Main Street and almost dropped his coffee when he saw the state it was in. Plastic water bottles and cardboard coffee cups were strewn all over the wide, beautiful street. There were old receipts from souvenir shops stuck in the flower pots and piles of old papers, chips wrappers and plastic bags blowing into the gutters. Paul sighed and pulled out his broom. The street cleaning machine could pick up small amounts of litter, but there was no way it could deal with this level of trash.


teacher tips

He spent over an hour sweeping the street, but as soon as he finished sweeping a section, he would turn around and see that the throngs of tourists had already left a new layer of trash. The trash cans on the corners were so full that people had begun piling rubbish on the ground below them, and this rubbish also blew out into the middle of the street. Paul crossed his arms and looked down the street in disgust. Then he pulled out his phone and called his boss.


“If I don’t get some help down here, I am going to have to quit,” he joked as soon as his supervisor answered. Lauren sighed, “Yeah Paul, I already heard from the maintenance crew about all the trash and the broken street lights. I am talking to the city planning committee tonight.” "Well, what should I do in the meantime?” Paul asked. “There is no way I can get this street clean by myself.” “I’ll send Penny over with the garbage truck. If you two can just keep the trash cans emptied, maybe people will start to use them instead of the ground.”


“That’s great, thank you so much, Paul answered. “But, the mayor is not going to like having a big, stinky garbage truck on the main street all day,” Paul heard his boss take a deep breath before she responded,”Well, if the mayor doesn’t like it, she will have to help me come up with a better solution,” Lauren said angrily. “In fact, I might go over to talk to her right now. By the time the planning committee meets tonight, the whole city might be drowning in refuse.”


teacher tips

  1. What is Paul's problem?
  2. What is Paul's boss's attitude about this problem?
  3. What does Paul have to do for the rest of the day?



Fill in the Blanks

The department needs to come and fix the lights.

I hate the floor. It is a very boring job.

I can't find my and I want to return this.

I need a to this problem!

  • 30
  • Quicksand
  • black
  • 20
  • gauche
  • avec
  • 1000
  • 1

Make a Sentence

  • maintenance
  • sweeping
  • trapped
  • grate
  • lull
  • solution
  • receipts
  • #FFB340
  • #D04720
  • #EEB72B
  • #E94D65
What I read...


teacher tips


I would travel around the world if I had an airplane
If I won a million dollars, I would buy a green dress.


Second Conditionalif + past, wouldwould (if + past)

teacher tips

Second conditoinal tells something that is not very likely.
I would do fifty backflips on the moon.

teacher tips

Space Is the Place


Example 3
Example 2
Example 1
Restate the opinion
Reason 3
Reason 2
Reason 1

Give an Opinion

teacher tips


What is the mayor going to address the sanitation problem?

teacher tips


Listen to the podcast13:30-16:00Be ready to tell your teacher why the student likes to see the Raptors.

How do you find a solution to your problems?

Exit Interview
