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BY: Sebastián Figueroa Domínguez 00512902 Sebastián Larrea Robles Gil Jorge Eduardo Ibarra García Cyan Castillo Veraza 00406472 María Paula Domínguez Becerril 00474114

The Family Bonachera

Atention you have several endings

Rain lashed against the grimy windows of my office, blurring the already-uncertain glow of the gaslight. The stench of stale tobacco and despair clung to the air like a second skin. I, Inspector Alistair Wick, hunched over a file, its contents painting a grim picture. Louis James, a man whose wealth could pave a private road to Buckingham Palace, was dead. Not from natural causes, mind you. Murdered. James, they said, was a man of secrets. His sprawling mansion perched on the cliffs overlooking the churning sea was a monument to his success, but whispers followed him like a stray cat. Whispers of shady business dealings, of enemies hidden in the opulent shadows of high society. Now, he was silenced, sprawled in his own study, a single, crimson stain blooming on his starched white collar. A shiver traced its way down my spine. The rich and powerful, they thought themselves untouchable. Yet, here I was, the metaphorical bloodhound sniffing after the truth. This wouldn't be some petty street thug's work. No, Louis James' murderer was someone who knew the game, someone who could navigate the glittering world of wealth and privilege with deadly precision. A glint of steely resolve sparked in my eyes. This case, it reeked of power plays and hidden agendas. But Inspector Wick wasn't known for backing down. No matter how high and mighty the killer, justice would be served. The game was afoot, and I, for one, was ready to play.

The plot

Make your way through Louis' mysterious murder To continue your investigation, make sure to fill out the blanks with the correct words. Be safe and good luck, you´ll need it...

The letter

B) might have
A) must have
My Dearest Mrs. Blue, I hope this note catches you well. As I sit down to write, I rewind all those years together and the magnificent life we have built. I know I _______ (must have / might have) made tons of mistakes along the way, but my love and respect for you will always prevail amidst any issue. Considering the latest events and as I meditate towards the future, I feel compulsory to express my final desires. You must have noticed that I have been quite thoughtful recently. The truth is, I _______ (couldn’t have / mustn’t have) imagined my life without you by my side. Your support and company couldn’t have represented the world to me. As my condition commenced to decay, I have understood how critical it is to safeguard your well-being and safety. That is why I have made the choice to leave everything to you. You _______ (must have / might have) suspected about my plans, but I need to ratify them clearly in this message. My estate, savings, and any other assets we own are now yours. I _______ (couldn’t have / mustn’t have) request a better companion, and I hope this decision brings you some ease and certainty. You might have thought about what the future holds, and I need you to know that my main worry is your joy and stability. Please comprehend that this decision was made from love and the desire to provide for you in the finest way I can. You _______ (may have / couldn’t have) questioned my reasons, but I promise you they shoot from a place of deep care and kindness. Take care of yourself and know that you must have always been beloved. Forever yours, Louis
A) couldn´t have
B) mustn´t have
My Dearest Mrs. Blue, I hope this note catches you well. As I sit down to write, I rewind all those years together and the magnificent life we have built. I know I must have made tons of mistakes along the way, but my love and respect for you will always prevail amidst any issue. Considering the latest events and as I meditate towards the future, I feel compulsory to express my final desires. You must have noticed that I have been quite thoughtful recently. The truth is, I _______ (couldn’t have / mustn’t have) imagined my life without you by my side. Your support and company couldn’t have represented the world to me. As my condition commenced to decay, I have understood how critical it is to safeguard your well-being and safety. That is why I have made the choice to leave everything to you. You _______ (must have / might have) suspected about my plans, but I need to ratify them clearly in this message. My estate, savings, and any other assets we own are now yours. I _______ (couldn’t have / mustn’t have) request a better companion, and I hope this decision brings you some ease and certainty. You might have thought about what the future holds, and I need you to know that my main worry is your joy and stability. Please comprehend that this decision was made from love and the desire to provide for you in the finest way I can. You _______ (may have / couldn’t have) questioned my reasons, but I promise you they shoot from a place of deep care and kindness. Take care of yourself and know that you must have always been beloved. Forever yours, Louis
My Dearest Mrs. Blue, I hope this note catches you well. As I sit down to write, I rewind all those years together and the magnificent life we have built. I know I must have made tons of mistakes along the way, but my love and respect for you will always prevail amidst any issue. Considering the latest events and as I meditate towards the future, I feel compulsory to express my final desires. You must have noticed that I have been quite thoughtful recently. The truth is, I couldn’t have imagined my life without you by my side. Your support and company couldn’t have represented the world to me. As my condition commenced to decay, I have understood how critical it is to safeguard your well-being and safety. That is why I have made the choice to leave everything to you. You _______ (must have / might have) suspected about my plans, but I need to ratify them clearly in this message. My estate, savings, and any other assets we own are now yours. I _______ (couldn’t have / mustn’t have) request a better companion, and I hope this decision brings you some ease and certainty. You might have thought about what the future holds, and I need you to know that my main worry is your joy and stability. Please comprehend that this decision was made from love and the desire to provide for you in the finest way I can. You _______ (may have / couldn’t have) questioned my reasons, but I promise you they shoot from a place of deep care and kindness. Take care of yourself and know that you must have always been beloved. Forever yours, Louis
A) must have
B) might have
My Dearest Mrs. Blue, I hope this note catches you well. As I sit down to write, I rewind all those years together and the magnificent life we have built. I know I must have made tons of mistakes along the way, but my love and respect for you will always prevail amidst any issue. Considering the latest events and as I meditate towards the future, I feel compulsory to express my final desires. You must have noticed that I have been quite thoughtful recently. The truth is, I couldn’t have imagined my life without you by my side. Your support and company couldn’t have represented the world to me. As my condition commenced to decay, I have understood how critical it is to safeguard your well-being and safety. That is why I have made the choice to leave everything to you. You might have suspected about my plans, but I need to ratify them clearly in this message. My estate, savings, and any other assets we own are now yours. I _______ (couldn’t have / mustn’t have) request a better companion, and I hope this decision brings you some ease and certainty. You might have thought about what the future holds, and I need you to know that my main worry is your joy and stability. Please comprehend that this decision was made from love and the desire to provide for you in the finest way I can. You _______ (may have / couldn’t have) questioned my reasons, but I promise you they shoot from a place of deep care and kindness. Take care of yourself and know that you must have always been beloved. Forever yours, Louis
A) couldn´t have
B) mustn´t have
My Dearest Mrs. Blue, I hope this note catches you well. As I sit down to write, I rewind all those years together and the magnificent life we have built. I know I must have made tons of mistakes along the way, but my love and respect for you will always prevail amidst any issue. Considering the latest events and as I meditate towards the future, I feel compulsory to express my final desires. You must have noticed that I have been quite thoughtful recently. The truth is, I couldn’t have imagined my life without you by my side. Your support and company couldn’t have represented the world to me. As my condition commenced to decay, I have understood how critical it is to safeguard your well-being and safety. That is why I have made the choice to leave everything to you. You might have suspected about my plans, but I need to ratify them clearly in this message. My estate, savings, and any other assets we own are now yours. I couldn’t have request a better companion, and I hope this decision brings you some ease and certainty. You might have thought about what the future holds, and I need you to know that my main worry is your joy and stability. Please comprehend that this decision was made from love and the desire to provide for you in the finest way I can. You _______ (may have / couldn’t have) questioned my reasons, but I promise you they shoot from a place of deep care and kindness. Take care of yourself and know that you must have always been beloved. Forever yours, Louis
A) may have
B) couldn´t have
Continue with your path, to the next slide
My Dearest Mrs. Blue, I hope this note catches you well. As I sit down to write, I rewind all those years together and the magnificent life we have built. I know I must have made tons of mistakes along the way, but my love and respect for you will always prevail amidst any issue. Considering the latest events and as I meditate towards the future, I feel compulsory to express my final desires. You must have noticed that I have been quite thoughtful recently. The truth is, I couldn’t have imagined my life without you by my side. Your support and company couldn’t have represented the world to me. As my condition commenced to decay, I have understood how critical it is to safeguard your well-being and safety. That is why I have made the choice to leave everything to you. You might have suspected about my plans, but I need to ratify them clearly in this message. My estate, savings, and any other assets we own are now yours. I couldn’t have request a better companion, and I hope this decision brings you some ease and certainty. You might have thought about what the future holds, and I need you to know that my main worry is your joy and stability. Please comprehend that this decision was made from love and the desire to provide for you in the finest way I can. You may have questioned my reasons, but I promise you they shoot from a place of deep care and kindness. Take care of yourself and know that you must have always been beloved. Forever yours, Louis

Well done detective!!!

Investigation instructions

C) Do
To read the full investigation report, you must complete it. Some of the answers are very similar, but there's only a correct answer. So, read carefully all the text. Once you have chosen the correct one, you will advance automatically to next page. Good luck detective.
C) Do
C) Did
B) Makes
A) Made

Question 1)

Case: Murder of Louis Bonachera Location: bonachera Mansion Case ID: 0072738718910837480183 Case Summary: On July 8, 2024, at approximately 11:00 pm, a 911 call was received reporting a homicide at the Bonachera Mansion. The victim, Louis Bonachera, was found dead in the mansion’s study with a gunshot wound to the chest. Ms Altagracia, the victim’s lover, was the one who 1)_____ the call. According to Ms. Bonachera, her husband, was 2)____ business calls in his study when he had an argument with his son, José Bonachera. After the argument, Mr. Bonachera locked himself in. Registering the phone, data was obtained from an attempt to 3)____ a call from the studio. After a half-hour of the attempt, Mr. Bonachera was found death. Mr. Bonachera was involved in a variety of businesses, mainly investing as a major partner in a film production company. The victim had a small family; llittle brother and son.


C) Making
C) Done
B) Mading
A) doing

Question 2)

Case: Murder of Louis Bonachera Location: bonachera Mansion Case ID: 0072738718910837480183 Case Summary: On July 8, 2024, at approximately 11:00 pm, a 911 call was received reporting a homicide at the Bonachera Mansion. The victim, Louis Bonachera, was found dead in the mansion’s study with a gunshot wound to the chest. Ms Altagracia, the victim’s lover, was the one who 1)made the call. According to Ms. Bonachera, her husband, was 2)____ business calls in his study when he had an argument with his son, José Bonachera. After the argument, Mr. Bonachera locked himself in. Registering the phone, data was obtained from an attempt to 3)____ a call from the studio. After a half-hour of the attempt, Mr. Bonachera was found death. Mr. Bonachera was involved in a variety of businesses, mainly investing as a major partner in a film production company. The victim had a small family; his wife, llittle brother and son.


Question 3)

Click on the shinning...

C) Do
C) Making
B) Made
A) Make

TIP! somewhere, there's a clue for next page

Case: Murder of Louis Bonachera Location: bonachera Mansion Case ID: 0072738718910837480183 Case Summary: On July 8, 2024, at approximately 11:00 pm, a 911 call was received reporting a homicide at the Bonachera Mansion. The victim, Louis Bonachera, was found dead in the mansion’s study with a gunshot wound to the chest. Ms Altagracia, the victim’s lover, was the one who 1)made the call. According to Ms. Bonachera, her husband, was 2) making business calls in his study when he had an argument with his son, José Bonachera. After the argument, Mr. Bonachera locked himself in. Registering the phone, data was obtained from an attempt to 3)____ a call from the studio. After a half-hour of the attempt, Mr. Bonachera was found death. Mr. Bonachera was involved in a variety of businesses, mainly investing as a major partner in a film production company. The victim had a small family; llittle brother and son.g


Question 4

There might be something important, why don't you look somewhere to click and find out your next tasks?




Scan the QR code or click the link to get a clue!


Sorry, you failed! Because of your mistake, you will have to answer again the questions since the beginning.

Wrong answer

Sorry, you failed! Because of your mistake, you will have to answer again the questions since the beginning.

Wrong answer

The forensic report

Complete the forensic surgeon report using compound adjectives.

Report: Case: Homicide of Louis Bonachera Date: July 8, 2024 Investigation officer: Wick Victim: Louis Bonachera , 57. years-old, Male Time of death: estimated between 10:00 pm and 11:00 pm on july 7 Cause of death: Single gunshot wound to the chest Scene description: Upon arrival at the scene, I observed a large, _________ mansion with a commanding view of the sea. The interior was decorated, with expensive furniture, artwork, and antiques of_________. The victim, Louis Bonachera, a _______ citizen, was found in his study, lying on the floor in a pool of his own blood. A single gunshot wound was evident to the chest. The study was in disarray, with papers scattered across the desk and drawers left open. A bottle of ________ whisky was on the desk. A broken glass lay on the floor near the body. There were no signs of forced entry. Evidence: A single gunshot bullet was recovered from the victim's body. A set of faint and smudged fingerprints were found on the murder weapon, a rare and expensive antique pistol. A torn and crumpled piece of paper was found in the victim's hand. Conclusión: Based on the evidence, it is clear that Louis Bonachera was murdered by a _______ murderer. The motive for the murder is still unknown, but the investigation is ongoing.










Clinically- proven


Upon arrival at the scene, I observed a large, _________________ mansion with a commanding view of the sea.
Complete the sentence of the report with the words in the box:










Clinically- proven


The interior was decorated, with expensive furniture, artwork, and antiques of_____________
Complete the sentence of the report with the words in the box:










Clinically- proven


The victim, Louis Bonachera, a _____________ citizen, was found in his study, lying on the floor in a pool of his own blood. A single gunshot wound was evident to the chest.
Complete the sentence of the report with the words in the box:










Clinically- proven


The study was in disarray, with papers scattered across the desk and drawers left open. A bottle of _____________whisky was on the desk.
Complete the sentence of the report with the words in the box:










Clinically- proven


Based on the evidence, it is clear that Louis Bonachera was murdered by a _____________ murderer. The motive for the murder is still unknown, but the investigation is ongoing.
Complete the sentence of the report with the words in the box:

have been / would be

have been / would not been

had been / would not have been

would be / have been

had been / would not have been

had been / would not have been

She claims that if she _________(be) at home at that time, she ________(be) able to attend the family dinner.She mentions an alibi with a witness who saw her leave at 8:30 pm, the witness confirms this but mentions that he saw her leave her house very angry. She believes that the murder could be Louis' brother because she says he is obsessed with her, since she remembers. As a important fact, she has Depression diagnosticated by a her Dr.

Name: Blue White Age: 45 years Gender: Female Description: Blonde woman of medium height with blue eyes very well dressed. Relation: Louis wife Criminal record: N/F Testimonial:


would been

would not have been

will be

Would not had been


Would have been

He claims to be at his house resting at 9:50 pm. He says that he saw his nephew Joseph arguing with Louis about an affair before the murder occurred. He states that if his house is 10 minutes from his brother's house, he ___________(be) visiting him, and at the possible time the murder was reported, he would have already been at his house.

Name: Vector Bonachera Age: 50 years Gender: Male Description: Man, 6'6 feet tall, white skin, blue eyes, gray hair, Former Marine. Relation: Lous Brother Criminal record: N/F Testimonial:


had been / could had have

be / will be

had been / would been

was / would had

were / could have

was / could have had

He confirms that he did indeed fight with his father but denies killing him. He explains that the argument was provoked because he discovered about the affair between his father and his girlfriend Altagracia, but right after the fight he left his house at 9:55 pm to argue with his girlfriend. He believes that her girlfriend could have been the murderer because when he arrived at her house he did not find her. He also mentions that if she ______(be) always very interested in his money, she ________ (have) a motive. As a important fact: He frequently has anger attacks without reason

Name: Jose Bonachera White Age: 24 years Gender: Male Description: Man, 6'5 feet tall, white skin, black eyes, black hair. Relation: Louis Son, Altagracia Boyfriend Criminal record: Multiple Extreme violence crimes Testimonial:


had arrived / would be

had arrived / would have been

arrive / will be

arrived / would be

would arrived / had been

would arrived / was

She was the one who called the police from Louis' house. She claims that if she ________(arrive) at the house around 10:40 pm, it was because Louis had called her at 9:55 pm about the argument with his son to end their relationship. She thinks that if the murderer was Blue, it _________(be) because she had been suspecting her husband's infidelity for a long time. She claims that there was no one else in the house at the time of her arrival but that Blue's car was there. As a important fact: She has narcissism, delusions of grandeur.


18Name: Altagracia Catalina Maria Antonieta de las Fuentes Cordova de Jesus Age: 20 years Gender: Female Description: Woman of medium height, white skin, red hair with blue eyes, She has been with multiple millionaire couples who have died while she was dating them Relation: Jose 18Girlfriend / Louis Mistress Criminal record: N/F


C) keep track of
C) run away with
B) catch up on
A) look down on

Question 1)

Inspector Wick has gathered some information from the mansion, but needs your help to interpret it. Use the list of three-part phrasal verbs below to complete the sentences and uncover clues about the suspects. Inspector Wick needed to _______ the latest evidence in the case.

Vector hoped to _______ his brother's fortune after the murder.

Question 2)

C) break away from
C) cash in on
B) hold on to
A) give up on
C) run away with
C) put up with
B) come up with
A) get rid of

Question 3)

Blue White tried to _______ any incriminating evidence.

Jose didn't _______ inheriting his father's troubled business.

Question 4)

C) keep up with
C) run away with
B) look forward to
A) give in to
C) come up with
C) look out for
B) hold on to
A) break in on

Question 5)

Altagracia had to _______ a believable story quickly.

To continue, use the machine with which Detective Wick was able to discover the message.

To continue with the case, Inspector Wick has gathered some cryptic messages from the mansion. Enter the Qr code and match the following phrasal verbs with their corresponding meanings.

Select the best lens you have for this investigation to continue with the case.

Inspector Wick needs your help to solve this crossword filled with three-part phrasal verbs related to the murder case. o continue with the case you will need the answers 2, 3, 4 and 5 of the cross word to find a part of the clue. Scan the following Qr Code to find the crossword puzzle and continue.

Hold out for

Hold up with

Hide away in

Coded Message: 11 - 9 - 15 - 2 / 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 / 9 - 16

Replace each number in the coded message with the corresponding letter from the phrasal verbs and decipher the following code that will help you reveal the first part of the clue

2.- L _ _ _ _ /_ _ _ _ / _ t : 12-13-13-14 / 9 -16 -10-13 / 9 -103.- _O /_ _AY / _ _T_: 15 13 / 4-5-6-7 / 8-9-10-11 4.-_ _ _E /U _ /W_ _ _: 20-13-21-2 / 23-24/ 8-9-10-11 5.-G_ _ / _WA_ / _I_ _: 1-2-3 / 4-5-6-7/ 8-9-10-11

According to the phrasal verbs found earlier in the crossword puzzle, find the hidden message. Each number corresponds to a letter in three-part phrasal verbs related to the case.

Investigator, You've intercepted a coded message containing numbers.

There's something in the shrubs

Vector is hide out in the garden

Vector is hide away in the yard

Investigators, it's time to put the pieces together, use the last to clues to have the complete clue:

The time has come to discover the hidden clue.Scan the Qr code and find all the phrasal verbs and at the end the final part of the clue would be revealed.

Complete the report of the lawyer with Adjetive clauses.

The veredict

You failed to complete the testimony so the jury got the wrong person, complete it with the correct conditionals.


D. Was obsessed-with his wife and had partial fingerprints on the murder weapon.

C. Was a disgruntled employee.

B. Was having an affair with his wife.

A. Was financially indebted to him.

Mr. Bonachera was found in his study with a gunshot wound to his chest and a revolver lying on the floor. The most likely motive for the murder is that Mr. Bonachela was killed by someone who:

D. Paracetamol

C. Motivated-to-eliminate-his-brother who was cheating on his wife.

B. Angry about his brother's infidelity.

A. Jealous of his brother's success.

The fact that Mr. Bonachera's brother was obsessed with his wife suggests that he may have been:

C. A strong indication of his involvement in the crime that scentence him.

B. Not-enough-evidence-to-convict-him-of-murder.

A. Inconclusive evidence of his guilt.

The partial fingerprints of Mr. Vector on the murder weapon are:

D. He die in a car accident

C. Accidentally shot himself while cleaning his gun.

B. Shot and killed by his brother who was jealous

A. Killed during a robbery gone wrong.

The most likely scenario for the murder of Mr. Bonachela is that he was:

D. Insufficient evidence to reach a verdict

C. Guilty of murder.

B. Guilty of manslaughter.

A. Not guilty.

Based on the evidence presented, the most likely verdict in the trial of Mr. Bonachela's brother is:
Play again

Thanks to your sharp wit and relentless investigation, the killer has been unmasked and justice has prevailed. The Bonacheras, grateful and relieved, look at you with eyes full of hope. Their home, once steeped in mourning, is now filled with laughter and the joy of children. You have done more than solve a case; you have restored peace to a family and demonstrated the power of truth. Congratulations, detective. You have done a remarkable job.

The end

Play again

Despite your relentless pursuit and unwavering dedication, the killer has managed to evade capture. The evidence, though compelling, was not enough to secure a conviction. The Bonacheras, their trust in the justice system shaken, are now forced to live in constant fear, their lives forever tainted by the shadow of the lurking menace. As you walk away from the Bonachera residence, their haunted eyes etched in your memory, you bear the weight of your failure. The echoes of their unspoken pleas for justice haunt your every step, a constant reminder of the darkness that still lingers.

The end

Play again

The dense forest conceals me, my heart pounding in fear as the marine approaches, knife in hand. Me, the detective who dared to uncover his crimes, am now his prey, destined for execution in the depths of these woods. The only thing I see is red

The end



Sorry, you failed! Because of our mistake, you will have to answer again the questions.

Wrong answer
