Proyecto Final Literatura infantil y censura
Sara Rodil Alonso
Created on July 5, 2024
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Children's literature and censorship: Third Year at Malory Towers, by Enid Blyton
Sara Rodil Alonso
Tutor: Sergio Lobejón Santos
Curso 2023/2024
Grado en Filología Moderna: Inglés
Table of contents
04. Background information
08. Conclusion
09. Bibliography
07. Findings and results
03. Research questions
05. Methodology
02. Aims of the study
06. Analysis
01. Introduction
- Research on censorship in democratic Spain
- Role of the article written by Gutiérrez Lanza & Gómez Castro (2023)
01. Introduction
- Importance of children's literature in their education
- Censorship in literature during the Francoist regime
- Present-day censorship of literary works
02. Aims of the study
Main aims
- To compare the censorship that existed under Franco and the censorship mechanisms that exist today.
- To examine the different nature of censorship now and then.
- To observe the modifications that have been introduced in Third Year at Malory Towers.
- To examine the censorship that exists in democratic societies.
03. Research questions
Has censorship changed or evolved in the last years?
Is censorship today stricter than the Francoist censorship in children's literature taking into account the different periods of time compared?
04. Background information
- Children's literature and censorship
- Francoist censorship policy
- Censorship today
- Adaptations, revisions and retranslations
- Enid Blyton
- The censorship of Enid Blyton's books
- The censorship of Malory Towers
05. Method: the TRACE methodology
Establishment of a parallel corpus
- Chapters 6 & 7
- ST1: Third Year at Malory Towers (Blyton, 1948)
- ST2: Third Year at Malory Towers (Blyton, 2014)
- TT1: Tercer año en Torres de Malory (Blyton, 1964)
- TT2: Tercer año en Torres de Malory (Blyton, 2023)
- Preliminary analysis of contextual data
- (Cataloguing of source texts and their respective target texts)
- Selection of representative sets of texts
- Descriptive and comparative analysis of the texts selected
- Establishment of translation norms
06. Analysis
Third Year at Malory Towers
- 3rd of 6 books
- Published in 1948
- It has been reissued more than 70 times and has sold more than 1 million copies
Tercer año en Torres de Malory
- First published in 1964
- Translated by C. Peraire del Molino
- Positive censor's report
- Advertised as a suitable book for children written by an author with a "literary, moral, educational and entertaining style"
Findings and results
- Table 1: Neutralisation of controversial moral issues (p. 31)
- Table 3: Substitution of dated cultural references (p. 32)
ST1_1948 vs. ST2_2014
- Substitution of adjective "queer" by "odd"
- Substitution of adjective "gay" by "lovely"
- Elimination of names: "Blackie" and "Midnight"
- Modernization of cultural references: "gramophone"
07. Findings and results
TT1_1964 vs. TT2_2023
- Different translator
- Neutralisation of racism: elimination of names or references to slavery.
- Neutralisation of references to corporal punishment
- Substitution of dated references: gramófono
- Neutralisation of some insults: tonta, estúpida
- Modernisation of certain expressions
- Correction of mistakes
- Table 6: Neutralisation of controversial issues (racism) (p. 34)
- Table 7: Neutralisation of references to corporal punishment (p. 35)
- Table 8: Substitution of dated cultural references to current ones (p. 35)
- Table 9: Neutralisation of insults (pp. 35-36)
- Table 10: Modernised use of language (p. 36)
- Table 11: Word-for-word vs. functional translation (p. 36)
08. Conclusion
Mechanisms deduced from the analysis
- Neutralisation of controversial moral issues.
- Elimination of references to corporal punishment.
- Neutralisation of insults.
- Substitution of dated cultural references and modernisation of language.
- Replacement of word-by-word translation by a functional translation.
- Censorship has evolved
- Self-censorship as a by-product of Francoist censorship was justifiable
- Less reading and more engagement with modern technologies
- Lack of censorship regarding really inappropriate material
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Secondary sources
09. Bibliography
Primary sources
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09. Bibliography
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09. Bibliography
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Legislation mentioned in the dissertation
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