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In-depth Knowledge Section 2: Allyship


Allyship: The process in which people with privilege and power take steps to understand, and develop trust and empathy with, people from underrepresented or marginalised groups A lifelong process of building relationships.

Defining allyship


However, people with identities who experience higher levels of discrimination are more likely to feel safe and like they belong in the workplace when they have allies.


more likely to feel they don't belong in their organisation

People who have experienced discrimination in their careers are

Allyship makes a big difference for people who experience discrimination.


more likely to feel unsafe

The State of Allyship: The key to workplace inclusion


People with disabilities are 2.1x

LGBTQIA+ people are 2.0x

Women are 1.9x

Blackpeople are 1.5x

People with disabilities are 2.7x

LGBTQIA+ people are 4.4x

Women are 1.9x

Black people are 1.5x

more likely to feel safe in their workplace and these numbers grow the more allies they have.

When they have experienced discrimination and have at least one ally

When they have at least one ally

The State of Allyship: The key to workplace inclusion


Watch in more detail How To Be An Ally

Get comfortable with being uncomfortable

Show up

Speak up

Ask questions and take action

Listenand educate yourself

What can we do to be allies?Here are 5 tips:


Victim blaming: “You shouldn’t have been walking around people with boots just wearing sandals!”

Denial that the problem can be resolved: “Toes getting stepped on is a fact of life. You’ll be better off when you accept that.”

Tone policing: “I’d move my foot if you asked me more politely.”

Refusal to understand the issue: “All toes matter!”

Changing the conversation: “Some people don’t even have toes, why aren’t we talking about them instead?”

Denial that others’ experiences are different from your own: “I don’t mind when people step on my toes.”

Making it about you: “I can’t believe you think I’m a toe-stepper! I’m a good person!”

Recognising our privilegeBoots and Sandals (based on work by Presley Pizzo)







Sexual orientation

Socio- Economic status


How to be an ally to different groups of peoplebased on their…

Allyship in action


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