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Apollo 11
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In this set of acitivities the students will understand and be capable of using the prepositions of place

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Apollo 11



Match the words with the correct definition. Empareja las palabras con la definición correcta.

This is your last activity about "Prepositions of place". help the frog not to drown while you answer the questions. Esta es tu última actividad sobre "Preposiciones de lugar". Ayuda a la rana a no ahogarse mientras respondes a las preguntas.
Instructions. Watch the following video about "PREPOSITIONS of place" and then go to the first activity to learn more about this topic and the apollo 11. Instrucciones. Mira el siguiente vídeo sobre "PREPOSICIONES de lugar" y después ve a la primera actividad para saber más sobre este tema y el Apolo 11.
Prepositions of place
Now, find the prepositions of place in the word search. Ahora, encuentra las preposiciones de lugar en la sopa de letras
Instructions. Decide if the sentences are true or false. if the sentence is true click yes ON THE button, and if the sentence is negative click no. Instrucciones. Decide si las frases son verdaderas o falsas. si la frase es verdadera pulsa sí sobre el botón, y si la frase es negativa pulsa no.
Based on the previous activity, fill in the blanks with the correct preposition in the text. Basándote en la actividad anterior, completa los espacios en blanco con la preposición correcta del texto.
Instructions. re- write the sentences using the prepositions of place. Instrucciones. Re escribe las oraciones utilizando las preposiciones de lugar.

On a big rocket called Apollo 11, three brave astronauts flew from Earth to the Moon. Their names were Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Michael Collins. Inside the rocket, there were two parts: the Command Module and the Lunar Module. Neil, Buzz, and Michael sat inside the Command Module. It was like a cozy room with lots of buttons and screens. They wore special suits to keep them safe in space. After a few days of traveling through space, they reached the Moon. Neil and Buzz climbed into the Lunar Module. It was a smaller spaceship attached to the bottom of the Command Module. Michael stayed behind in the Command Module, orbiting the Moon. Neil and Buzz carefully landed the Lunar Module on the Moon's surface. When they opened the door, they saw the gray, dusty ground stretching out in front of them. Neil was the first to step out onto the Moon. He said, "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind." Buzz followed Neil out onto the Moon's surface. They walked around, leaving footprints in the dust. They collected rocks and soil samples to take back to Earth. Together, they flew back to Earth, where they splashed down safely in the ocean. Everyone cheered as they were lifted out of the water and brought back to land.

Please, read the brief introduction about the Apollo 11. then go to the first activity and match the words with THE correct definition. Por favor, lee la breve introducción sobre el Apolo 11. Después ve a la primera actividad y empareja las palabras con LA definición correcta.

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