Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


Aleksandra Mijović

Questionnaire results


The research included 216 students from the countries participating in the project - Portugal, Greece, Turkey, Italy, Bulgaria and Serbia.

The aim of the research was to determine the level of students' knowledge about biodiversity.

the totality of genes, species and ecosystems on Earth

Correct answer

all of the above

Correct answer

Yes, warm and humid environments with long days (such as tropical rainforests) provide living organisms with more resources to grow and reproduce

Correct answer

Yes, it leads to a greater use of natural resources and endangerment of the habitats

Correct answer

no, it can be very harmful

Correct answer

bad - it is disastrous for biodiversity

Correct answer

bad - it leads to habitat loss and endangers certain species

Correct answer

human activities

Correct answer

transmitted by humans, knowingly or unintentionally

Correct answer

climate change

Correct answer

Only one question was answered incorrectly by the majority of students. On the other hand, only a few questions were answered correctly by a significant majority. Generally, the number of correct answers is slightly higher than the number of incorrect ones.


However, there is plenty of room for upgrading students' knowledge of biodiversity.


The results show that the students' level of information is relatively high.