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André Samuel 11º1 
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André Samuel 11º1

Sarah Goody

Her origin

Changes she wants to bring about in the future

What she does to get her message across

Her motivations

Why she started out in the world of activism

Let´s talk about Sarah Goody

Climate Now

Climate NOW is a youth-led organization educating young people about climate change and the ways in which they can take action for a better future. Climate NOW aims to empower the next generation to be leaders in sustainability and social justice...



Climate Now

From Tanzania, Africa to Milan, Italy, Climate NOW has chapters around the World working to reduce carbon emissions in their own communities.

Sarah Goody won the "The Diana Award 2020" for her attempts to raise awareness about climate change

The Diana Award

Sarah Goody won the "George W. Bush Daily Points of Light Award 2021" for her attempts to raise awareness about climate change

Marin Youth Volunteer of the Year Award

Sarah Goody won the "Marin Youth Volunteer of the Year Award 2019" for her attempts to raise awareness about climate change

George W. Bush Daily Points of Light Award

Sarah Goody won the "Gloria Barron Prize 2021" for her attempts to raise awareness about climate change

Gloria Barron Prize for Young Heroes Honoree

Sarah Goody - NBC Nightly News


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