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Completion often leads to recognized certifications, enhancing employability.
Apprenticeships offer education without accumulating university debt
 Apprentices earn a wage while gaining practical experience.
Apprenticeships blend on-the job training with classroom-based learning.
Apprenticeship Guide: An inclusive resource for aspiring apprentices.
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Completion often leads to recognized certifications, enhancing employability.

Apprenticeships offer education without accumulating university debt

Apprentices earn a wage while gaining practical experience.

Apprenticeships blend on-the job training with classroom-based learning.


Apprenticeship Guide: An inclusive resource for aspiring apprentices.


This guide covers the following topics in regards to apprenticeships:
Cisco's Program
Interview Prep
Additional Resources
Application Tracker
CV - Tips & Template
Application Processes
Requirements of Apprenticeships
What an Apprenticeship is






What an apprenticeship is

An apprenticeship is a program where individuals, known as apprentices, work and learn simultaneously. They gain practical skills on the job while receiving formal education, usually earning a wage. This hands-on training is designed to prepare apprentices for a specific profession or trade.



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  • Inclusive communities within the company
Cisco offers many other benefits to its employees which include:
This video was made by some of the apprentices in my cohort and it highlight why we all love being at the company and the benefits that it brings us.

Cisco's Degree Apprenticeship Program.

Additional Requirements

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4 - 7

Level 6 - 7

Requirements of Apprenticeships - Grades

When searching for an apprenticeship, make sure that you align your own profile to what grades universities are looking for and what skills companies want. If you meet both, you're more likely to secure the apprenticeship that's perfect for you!
Degree Apprenticeships
The common grade requirement is -3 A-levels with grades ABB or equivalent.
Higher Apprenticeships
A-levels (or equivalent) or completion of an advanced apprenticeship.
Advanced Apprenticeships
5 GCSEs at grade 4 or above or have completed an intermediate apprenticeship.
Intermediate Apprenticeship
5 GCSEs at A* - C grade (or 9 to 4 ).

Application Submission

Assessment Centre

Final Interview

Offer & Contract

Onboarding & Induction.

Application Processes & Different Stages

The application process for every programme and company will differ and it's important to understand how you will be assessed at each one.

Research & Selection

Online Assessments

Initial Screening


Not all of these stages will a part of the application process but this is more or less an overview of all the possible stages you could come across as part of a recruitment process.


CV Tips & Template

Your CV is the most important part of your application due to the fact that it determines whether or not, an employer chooses you to progress onto the next stage of the recruitment process.

I have added some tips below and a template that I used to structure my CV in the plus button

  • Always make sure that the email address & phone number you add to your CV is updated and professional. Recruiters do use this information to contact applicants.
  • It's very important to make sure that when you are attaching your CV to your application, the name of the file is appropriate and the document is in the right format. For example, they may ask you to submit it as a PDF rather than a Word document.
  • Ensure you check your spelling and grammar, a CV can become unprofessional very quickly based on these two.
  • Keep the format of the CV consistent - making a CV aesthetically pleasing is a good thing, however, you should not have different fonts unless it is to make a subheading more prominent.
  • Be concise and straightforward with it - do not exceed 2 pages. This is also the maximum length that your CV can be.
  • Include a Cover Letter where applicable but this is aside from your CV. Do not add this to the same document.
  • MAKE SURE YOU KNOW YOUR CV INSIDE OUT. Once you progress to the Interview stage, you will be asked questions based on this.


Application Tracker

In my own journey to becoming an apprentice, my biggest challenge was managing my studies and applications without missing deadlines for applications so I developed a system for managing them.

The application tracker will help you organize and summarise essential information for each job application.

With the tracker, you can also monitor the status of your applications. You can track key details such as submission dates, interview schedules, and follow-up actions.

In order to manage to use this in an effective manner, it would be good to leave it open in the background or save it onto your desktop so it's in front of you.

I have also added a document with the most frequently asked questions for practice purposes.

R - Result: Do a short conclusion to your answer, what was the outcome of your efforts

A - Action: Highlight the actions you took to address the situation and accomplish the task. Focus on your contributions and highlight the skills you used.

T - Task: Explain the task or objective you were assigned within that situation. What needed to be accomplished or resolved? Clarify your role and responsibilities.

S - Situation: Describe the situation or context where the event took place. Set the scence by providing necessary details without going into excessive background information.

The best structure for your answers in any interview is the STAR method.

Interview Prep & Tips

This document will help you prepare for an initial interview. Most companies will assess you based on some of these aspects but it is not fixed.

I have attached my LinkedIn to the heart above, please feel free to reach out to me if you face any issues. Good Luck 🙂







The Muse - Additional Interview questions.

Cisco Apprenticeship - Sales Degree Apprenticeship Program

Cisco Apprenticeship - Customer Experience Degree apprenticeship.

Additional Resources

Psychometric Tests -

UCAS Page on Apprenticeship.

Not going to Uni - Searching platform

Levels of an Apprenticeships & Equivalency

There are different levels to an apprenticeship which are equivalent to different qualifications

1. Intermediate Apprenticeship (Level 2): - Equivalent to GCSEs or similar qualifications. 2. Advanced Apprenticeship (Level 3): - Equivalent to A-levels or similar qualifications. 3. Higher Apprenticeship (Level 4-7): - Equivalent to a foundation degree and above. 4. Degree Apprenticeship (Level 6-7): - Equivalent to a full bachelor's or master's degree.

Assessments: Some programmes also have psychometric tests as part of their application process which is a short quiz that helps employers assess your skills and personality.
Experience: Some degree of experience may also be required but as long as you can link all aspects of your education & any part-time job you may have had to their programme, this won't prove to be a hurdle.
Skills: Some companies will offer programmes that require the apprentices to have a specific set of skills, i.e. confidence, communication skills, and organisation.

Additional Requirements for Apprenticeships.

There are other requirements which should also be taken into consideration when looking for the right apprenticeship.

There are some practice psychometric tests linked in the additional resources section and in the link.

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