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एकं सुवर्णं गन्धद्रव्यम्
Sanskrit Project 
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एकं सुवर्णं गन्धद्रव्यम्


Sanskrit Project



We sincerely thank our Sanskrit teachers for their invaluable guidance and support. Their expertise shaped our understanding of Sanskrit. Our group's collaborative effort, with each member playing a vital role, ensured the successful completion of this project. Thanks for the shared commitment to excellence and our journey of learning together.

३. श्लोकः।

७. श्लोकः।

६. महत्त्वम्।

२. इतिहासः आयुर्वेदः च।



गृहजः उपयोगाः।

औद्योगिक उपयोगाः।

४. उपयोगाः।

५. उपयोगाः।



हरिद्रा नाम निशावर्णम्| सा ओषधेषु वृक्षेषु प्रमुखा |सा शोभनप्रदगुणैः स्त्रीषु 'योशितप्रिया' नाम्ना प्रसिद्धास्ति | तथैव ओषधीयगुणानां कारणात् आयुर्वेदे हरिद्रायाः अद्वितीयं महत्वम् अस्ति| अन्नस्य स्वादवर्धनात् रुचीवर्धनात् च तथा ओषधीयगुणप्रदानपर्यन्तं हल्दियाः उपयोगितयास्ति| एतस्य उत्तमं उदाहरणं भारतीयभोजने अस्याः बहु उपयोगः द्रुश्यते| अतः समयं नष्टं विना अस्माकं परियोजना " हरिद्रा " प्रति गच्छामः |



इतिहासः आयुर्वेदः च।

आयर्वेुदे लिखितं यत-्हरिद्रायाः नकैाः औषधगुणाः सन्ति। सम्पुर्णशरीरस्य सदृुढीकरणम् कीटकानां सर्वनाशं मासिकधर्मस्य नियमनम् इत्यादिनी उपयोगानि सन्ति हरिद्रायाः। रक्तस्य शद्ुध्यर्थं, त्वक्क्स्थितयः विशोधयितंु च एषा हरिद्रा सहायकरा। हरिद्रा कीटकनि, जन्तुनि अपि अस्मात् दूरं स्थापयति । एषा हरिद्रा भारतीय चिकित्सा संस्कृतौ तथा चीनी चिकित्सा संस्कृतौ ‘'तिक्ता, पाचका' ईदृशीं वर्णिता।

धर्मकार्येग्रण्यास्ति सौंदर्यदात्री योशितप्रिया। आरोग्यदायी जंतूनाशकगुर्णेषां साः बहुपयोगी हरिद्रा ॥

- किर्ती गिरी

गृहजः उपयोगाः।


⁠● एषः सर्वभूषणानाम् अधिक समानः , रचिररुपायां च रुचिरं समादाय सम्भवति। ● हरिद्रा कुर्कुमिनं यः सम्भावितोऽस्ति , स विषशमन आयुर्वर्धन गुणैः युक्त: मान्यते।केचिद् ● लोके हरिद्रां स्वदेहविकसितरूपेण प्रयुञ्जन्ते मुखमास्कृतौ।



औद्योगिक उपयोगाः।




●हरिद्राया: योग्यता: विविधान् आरोग्यविज्ञानक्षेत्रेषु, विशेषत: व्रणनिर्मूलने औषधप्रवहनप्रणालीषु च अन्वेषणाय अध्ययन्ति ।●हरिद्राया: सारः सुगन्धसारनिर्माणे प्रयुक्तवान् भवति। ●हरिद्रा सौंदर्यकलाप्रयोगे प्रदर्शित; तस्य त्वयाः त्वच्यसौहार्द्यगुणै: । ●हरिद्रा प्राकृत्यरूपः वस्त्रसंस्कृतिशाखायां पीताघरूपान् वस्त्राणि रङ्गयितुं प्रयुक्ते ।


देशे कृषिकार्यार्थं प्रयुक्तासु कुलभूमिषु एकलक्षहेक्टेर भूमिः हरिद्राकृष्यर्थं प्रयुज्यते। वैश्विकरूपेण विश्वस्य आशीतिः प्रतिशतं हरिद्रा केवलं भारतेएव उत्पाद्यते। इदं स्वर्णवर्णीयं, बहुप्रयोजनं हरिद्रा मूलतः पर्णपर्यन्तं उपयोगी भवति। यदि तस्य सम्यक प्रकारेण भवति तर्हि मानवस्य बहुः लाभः भवति।



हरिद्रा कृषी:

हिताहितं सुखं दुःखं आयुः तस्य हिताहितं।मानं च तच्च यत्रोक्तं आयुर्वेदः स उच्यते॥

- महर्षि चरक।चरक संहिता १.३९

महर्षि चरक।100 BCE - 200 CE




Haridra is commonly known as nishavarnam in Sanskrit. She is the chief among the herbs and trees.She is known among women as 'Yoshitapriya' for her beautiful enhancing qualities. Similarly, turmeric has unique importance in Ayurveda due to its herbal medicinal properties Turmeric has been used to enhance the flavor and taste of food and to impart its herbal properties. A good example of this is seen in its widespread use in Indian cuisine. So without wasting any time let's move towards our project " haridra "


Domestic Uses

⁠● It is a common spice in many cuisines, adding color and flavor to dishes. ⁠● Turmeric contains curcumin, which is believed to have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. ⁠● Some people use turmeric in homemade facemasks.


Of the total land used for agriculture in the country, one lakh hectares are used for haldi (turmeric) cultivation. Globally, eighty percent of the world's haldi is produced in India alone. This golden colored , multipurpose haldi is useful from root to leaf. If it is used in the right way, it will benefit a lot to human beings.


Industrial Use

● Turmericccompounds are being researched for their applications in various biomedical fields, including wound healing and drug delivery systems. ● Turmeric's essential oil may be used in the production of perfumes and fragrances. ● Turmeric is utilized in the cosmetic industry for its skin-friendly properties. ● Turmeric is used as a nural dye in the textile industry to impart yellow or orange hues to fabrics.


- Kirti Giri


She is the foremost in religious activities, beauty-giving, dear to women, health-giving, anti-inflammatory and versatile

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With Genially templates you can include visual resources to leave your audience speechless. Also highlight a specific phrase or data that will be engraved in the memory of your audience and even embed surprising external content: videos, photos, audios... Whatever you want! Need more reasons to create dynamic content? Well: 90% of the information we assimilate comes through our sight and, furthermore, we retain 42% more information when thecontent moves.

In Ayurveda, various uses of turmeric are mentioned. Strengthening of the body, destruction of bacteria, regulation of the menstrual cycle, etc. are the uses of turmeric. Turmeric is also helpful for purifying blood, improvement of the skin conditions. It also helps to keep bacteria away from our body. Turmeric is also described as 'bitter and a digestive' product in the Indian and Chinese medicinal culture.

History and Aurvreda

Do you have an idea?

With Genially templates you can include visual resources to leave your audience speechless. Also highlight a specific phrase or data that will be engraved in the memory of your audience and even embed surprising external content: videos, photos, audios... Whatever you want! Need more reasons to create dynamic content? Well: 90% of the information we assimilate comes through our sight and, furthermore, we retain 42% more information when thecontent moves.

Do you have an idea?

With Genially templates you can include visual resources to leave your audience speechless. Also highlight a specific phrase or data that will be engraved in the memory of your audience and even embed surprising external content: videos, photos, audios... Whatever you want! Need more reasons to create dynamic content? Well: 90% of the information we assimilate comes through our sight and, furthermore, we retain 42% more information when thecontent moves.

- Maharshi Charak Charaka Samhita 1.39


Ayurveda is a Veda that provide the knowledge of good, bad, hapry and unhappy life, it's promoters and non-promoters, measurement and nature.

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