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Session 1: Students as lifelong learners
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Session 1: Students as lifelong learners

Two weeks ago you looked at how your educational philosophy connects with the purposes of the IB
share where you are in your personal journey of developing students as lifelong learners and inquire into the IB philosophy of students as lifelong learners



Participant Slidedeck

Discuss the questions in your breakout room and discuss how you could further develop your students as lifelong learners:

  1. What would developing each indicator look like?
  2. How could you identify development?
  3. Why should this development process matter?

Developing the Indicators

Find a picture that represents what students as lifelong learners would look like in your classroom, then copy and paste it onto the Padlet.

Answer this question: What did you learn about your own journey for developing students as lifelong learners?

Then choose one of the following:

  • How does what I learned affect my classroom?
  • What resources does this session call for that I need to look into (personnel, media, readings . . .)?
  • What processes/learning engagements have we used that I might use with my students?

Reflection Journal: on your slides

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