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UNIVERSIDAD AUTONOMA DE NUEVO LEONPreparatoria No.4Mi conexión al mundo en otra lengua 1Evidencia de Aprendizaje 2Docente: Diana Magdalena Martinez SanchezAlumno: Osvaldo Salvador Cárdenas MejoradoMatrícula: 2141553

On a vacation my family decided to get together and we went to a river and fished.

My dad really likes riding horses so he taught me too.

My friends invited me to be a part of a school report, it was fun and I had good experiences.

I went to Real de Catorce to see the place and spend some time with my family.

As it was my birthday recently, my godparents gave me a trip to Tampico.

I have fished together with my family
I have ridden a horse when I was a kid
I have participated in a school report
I have traveled to Real de Catorce
I have been to Tampico

Positive sentences

I haven't gotten married yet
I have never drunk alcoholic beverages
I haven't taken a trip in a hot air ballon
I haven't been to Canada yet
I have never eaten crickets

Negative sentences