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Неправильные глаголы
"To be going to"
Future Simple
Present Continuous
Present Simple
Present Perfect
Past Continuous
Past Simple 
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Past Simple

Present Perfect

Present Simple

Future Simple

Past Continuous

"To be going to"

Present Continuous

  • every minute/day/week/month/year/summer/winter etc.,
  • on Mondays/ on week days etc.,
  • always (всегда)
  • usually (обычно)
  • often (часто)
  • sometimes (иногда)
  • rarely / seldom (редко)
  • never (никогда) (не используются в отрицании и вопросах)

Present Simple - время, которое отвечает на вопрос "как часто ты что-то делаешь".

do do do do does does does

play ?play ? play ? play ? play ? play ? play ?

Iwe you they he she it

Do Do Do Do Does Does Does

Краткий ответ

No,No, No. No, No, No, No,

Iwe you they he she it

Yes,Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes,

Iwe you they he she it

don`t don`t don`t don`t doesn`t doesn`t doesn`t

IWe You They He She It

play play play play plays plays plays

don`t playdon`t play don`t play don`t play doesn`t play doesn`t play doesn`t play

IWe You They He She It

don`t play doesn`t play

IWe You They He She It

IWe You They He She It

play plays

do does

Краткий ответ

No,No, No. No, No, No, No,

Iwe you they he she it

Yes,Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes,

Iwe you they he she it

don`t doesn`t

play ? play ?

Iwe you they he she it

Do Do Do Do Does Does Does

Present Simple - время, которое отвечает на вопрос "как часто ты что-то делаешь".

  • now (сейчас)
  • at the moment (в настоящий момент)
  • at present (в настоящий момент)
Краткий ответ

No,No, No. No, No, No, No,

Iwe you they he she it

am not aren`t aren`t aren`t isn`t isn`t isn`t

Yes,Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes,

Iwe you they he she it

am are are are is is is

playing ?playing ? playing ? playing ? playing ? playing ? playing ?

Iwe you they he she it

Am Are Are Are Is Is Is

`m not playingaren`t playing aren`t playing aren`t playing isn`t playing isn`t playing isn`t playing

IWe You They He She It

IWe You They He She It

Present Continuous - действие, которое происходит в настоящий момент. Часто используется для описания фотографий (что просиходит на ней).

am playingare playing are playing are playing is playing is playing is playing

play / buy ?play / buy ? play / buy ? play / buy ? play / buy ? play / buy ? play / buy ?

Iwe you they he she it

Did Did Did Did Did Did Did

  • yesterday
  • last week/month/year/Monday etc.,
  • ago (month ago, year ago etc.)
  • long ago / long time ago
  • then (затем)
  • when (когда)
  • in 1980, in 20th century, in 2005 etc.
Краткий ответ

No,No, No. No, No, No, No,

Iwe you they he she it

didn`t didn`t didn`t didn`t didn`t didn`t didn`t

Yes,Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes,

Iwe you they he she it

did did did did did did did

IWe You They He She It

played / boughtplayed / bought played / bought played / bought played / bought played / bought played / bought

didn`t play / buydidn`t play / buy didn`t play / buy didn`t play / buy didn`t play / buy didn`t play / buy didn`t play / buy

IWe You They He She It

Past Simple - действие в прошлом, есть четкий ответ на вопрос когда конкретно что-то произошло (без указания времени по часам).

  • yesterday at 5 pm/o`clock etc.,
  • last Monday at 5 pm/o`clock etc.,
  • when + Past Simple
Example: I was reading, when he came (Past Simple).
Краткий ответ

No,No, No. No, No, No, No,

Iwe you they he she it

wasn`t weren`t weren`t weren`t wasn`t wasn`t wasn`t

Yes,Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes,

Iwe you they he she it

was were were were was was was

playing ?playing ? playing ? playing ? playing ? playing ? playing ?

Iwe you they he she it

Was Were Were Were Was Was Was

wasn`t playingweren`t playing weren`t playing weren`t playing wasn`t playing wasn`t playing wasn`t playing

IWe You They He She It

IWe You They He She It

Past Continuous-действие , которое длилось в определенный момент в прошлом (есть указание времени по часам). Длительное действие, которое было остановлено другим действием в прошлом.

was playingwere playing were playing were playing was playing was playing was playing

  • yesterday at 5 pm/o`clock etc.,
  • last Monday at 5 pm/o`clock etc.,
  • when + Past Simple
Example: I was reading, when he came (Past Simple).
Краткий ответ

No,No, No. No, No, No, No,

Iwe you they he she it

wasn`t weren`t weren`t weren`t wasn`t wasn`t wasn`t

Yes,Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes,

Iwe you they he she it

was were were were was was was

gotgot got got got got got

Iwe you they he she it

Have Have Have Have Has Has Has

wasn`t playingweren`t playing weren`t playing weren`t playing wasn`t playing wasn`t playing wasn`t playing

IWe You They He She It

IWe You They He She It

Past Continuous-действие , которое длилось в определенный момент в прошлом (есть указание времени по часам). Длительное действие, которое было остановлено другим действием в прошлом.

was playingwere playing were playing were playing was playing was playing was playing

haven`t played / boughthaven`t played / bought haven`t played / bought haven`t played / bought hasn`t played / bought hasn`t played / bought hasn`t played / bought

No,No, No. No, No, No, No,

Iwe you they he she it

haven`t haven`t haven`t haven`t hasn`t hasn`t hasn`t

Yes,Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes,

Iwe you they he she it

have have have have has has has

played / bought ?played / bought ? played / bought ? played / bought ? played / bought ? played / bought ? played / bought ?

Iwe you they he she it

Have Have Have Have Has Has Has

Краткий ответ

IWe You They He She It

have played / boughthave played / bought have played / bought have played / bought has played / bought has played / bought has played / bought

IWe You They He She It

Present Perfect - действие в прошлом, но нету четкого ответа на вопрос когда конкретно.

  • Recently / lately – недавно
  • Just – только что
  • Already – уже
  • Never – никогда (не используются в отрицании и вопросах)
  • Ever - когда- либо (используется только в вопросах)
  • Yet – еще нет (используется только в отрицании и вопросах)

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