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Woke and Woke Culture
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Woke and Woke Culture

Woke: “aware of and actively attentive to important societal facts and issues (especially issues of racial and social justice)".

-Merriam Webster Dictionary

"Woke": - Pushing a leftist agenda and leftist views. Being in tune particularly with the ideas of the American left.

- Associated connotation and colloquial usage

"Woke culture": - Negatively associated with a culture that values emotions over factual information.

- Associated connotation and colloquial usage


  • Brings a greater focus on recognizing and celebrating diversity
  • Culture that preaches inclusivity and respect for all individuals
    • Debatable
  • Puts a spotlight on issues of injustice, giving them more visibility and attention.
    • Has led to more representation of different minority groups in society and more inclusive practices in the workplace.

beneficial or illusory ?

Source: Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences website

New inclusion Quotas (Academy Awards)

1 lead actor

from underrepresented racial or ethnic group

at least 2

women in key creative roles


from underrepresented groups, in secondary and minor roles

1 lead actor

must be LGBT+

Is forcing and demanding inclusivity the correct approach?


People are oftenly reduced to their sexuality, their gender and their race.Having a certain sexual preference should in no means be a factor that determines whether you are getting a role or not

1. Woke culture and identity

Woke culture prevents individuals from developing their own unique identity
Can lead to: - unhealthy reliance on group identity to validate self-worth - sense of victimhood or entitlement and lack of personal responsibility

A detrimental effect on personal identity



Sexual Orientation

Complex Individuals

We must recognize and celebrate the individual, while promoting a healthy sense of self-worth and personal identity.

2. Polarization of society

2020 Presidential Elections


The polarization of society can not be attributed to a single factor. American society, for instance, has been polarized throughout history on a variety of issues.

American Slavery


Women's suffrage movement

Late 19th to early 20th century (1920 Amendment is ratified)

American rise of civil rights movements

1950s-1960s (with the Civil Rights Act in 1964 and the Voting Rights Act 1965)

Vietnam War


Culture Wars 80s and 90s

Debates over issues such as: abortion, homosexuality and censorship.

A lense that can lead to a lack of empathy and understanding towards those who hold different beliefs or opinions.

" Us VS Them "

“Uncivil Agreement- How Politics Became Our Identity” - A study by Liliana Mason

Identity politics have become more prominent in recent years and that has led to an increase in political polarization


2. Polarization of Society

3. Cancel Culture

Cancel Culture “The practice of boycotting or shaming individuals or organizations that do not align with one’s values".

-Merriam Webster Dictionary

Woke culture preaches tolerance but is intolerant to anyone holding different beliefs.

It’s important to be respectful and tolerant towards all individuals.


People are silenced or shamed for holding different beliefs or opinions

as empirically observed

Cancel culture and free speech


Open and honest discussion



It is affecting us directly.


Rachel Dolezal, a white woman who identified as black

  • Individuals view themselves primarily as members of a particular group.
  • There is a mentality in which being a victim is a privilege in society.


  • 2020 Presidential Elections
    • Both sides of the political spectrum viewed the election battle between good and evil, rather than a complex issue with many different perspectives.
  • Pro choice VS Pro Life

Cancel Culture

  • J.K Rowling has expressed that men and women have biological differences
  • She also expressed concern about the impact of transgender rights in women’s rights particularly in the context of sports and single-sex spaces

Ultimately, the question of whether transgender women should be included in women's safe spaces is a complex one that requires consideration of the rights and needs of all individuals involved

In prison facilities

Women's safety

Male prisoners are now allowed to move to a female facility if they claim to be a woman, even if they haven’t undergone any type of process or treatment. Result: Rape cases and pregnancies


  • Demi Minor, serving a 30-year sentence for manslaughter
  • Incarcerated at a women’s only prison in New Jersey
-> Impregnated 2 female inmates.

Language censorship

  • Latinx
    • While some individuals argue that the term is more inclusive and gender-neutral, others argue that it is culturally insensitive and ignores the linguistic and cultural differences between Latin American countries.
  • Other words

CurriculaIncorporation of lessons on gender identity and LGBTQ+ issues into curricula, for very young ages.- (the extent to which this is happening varies by location).Children:

  • Do not have emotional maturity or cognitive development to fully understand the implications of sexual content or to make informed decisions about their own sexuality.


It is important for parents and educators to approach these topics with sensitivity and to ensure that children are receiving age-appropriate information and support


There must be a balance between promoting openness and not imposing our own ideals onto others.

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