Autonomous Zones Team # 1
María Fernanda Rosales Franco
Created on February 25, 2023
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Temporary Autonomous ZoneBlack Rock City
Burning man, n.d.
What it is?
- A city that is created during the end of august and in the beginning of september in order to held for a week one of the biggest artistic and cultural events (The Burning Man).
- It occurs in the north of the city of Reno, in the US state of Nevada, in the high desert plains of the Black Rock Desert..
Burning man, n.d.
- Reduction and management of waste that is produced.
- No cars, only pedestrians and cyclists at a speed of less than 8km/h.
- A space adapted for those who have a disability in order to let them enjoy the festival withouth complications.
- Camps that helps people with food allergies or other situations.
- Radical Inclusion.
- Money is prohibited, there's a system of trade.
- A community with a compromise of civic responsibility.
What does it offer?
- The quality of the air in nevada is moderated, by the PM2.5 concentration, being currently 2.6 times higher than WHO's annual air quality guideline (IQ Air, 2023).
- The contamination of the air causes that sensitive groups have to reduce their outdoor exercise (IQ Air, 2023).
- Raise of deaths on the roads of Nevada, the year 2022 ranked as one of the five deadliest years of the State by having 382 deaths, Bicyclist deaths soared 114 percent (Akers, 2023).
- Bicyclists are the fifth deadliest user type in the state (Bourassa, n.d.).
Weak signals that triggered the change
- The majority of the streets and environments of Nevada are not suitable for the 269,000 people that have a form of disability in the state (Nevada Government, n.d.).
- 26 million U.S. adults have a food allergy, that either produce certain symptoms or are life threatening (Pery, 2019).
- 15 percent of Nevadans live in poverty according to the census of 2020.
- According to Nevada Crime Statistics in 2022, Nevada hate crimes increased 4.15% . Most cases with a cause of hate towards the Race, Ethnicity, or sexual orientation.
- The Nevada Crime Statistics declared that in 2022 there were 13,972 cases of violent crimes (Murder and Nonnegligent Manslaughter, Rape, Robbery and Aggravated Assault).
Air Quality
Adapted spaces for people with disabilities
No cars are allowed. Only bikes and pedestrians.
No cars allowed within the community. Waste managment.
Disability friendly streets.
Reduce car usage and wreckless driving.
Reduce air pollution through regulations
269,000 people have a form of disability
382 cyclist deaths
Sensitive groups decrease their time outdoor
The streets and environments of nevada are not suited for people with disailities
Cars are the main vehicle employed
Nevada doesn't have good air quality
-Trade makes you understand the importance of othes, in order to get something you need -Understand the value of what you own and how to take care of it
-Make the most vulnerable groups feel included -Make community with civic responsability
-Sustainable transportation -Sustainable spaces that works for everyone including people with disabilities
SDGs this proposal respond to
-Not encouraging people to buy stuff its not necessary (Avoid Overconsumption) -Reduction of the waste
- Bureau of Land Management.
- Department of Public Works.
- Technology innovation companies and urban planners from around the world.
- Black Rock Labs and Portable.
- Mobility Camp.
- Dirty Hands.
- Blind Burners.
- Uni-Corny.
- Rangers.
Actors involved
Black Rock City centers around some core principals in response to bigger global issues such as radical inclusion, gifting, decomodification, self reliance, self expression, communal effort, civic responsability, leaving no trace, participation and immediacy. The goal of having them is to create an utopia within the festival thinking globally acting localy.By having these principals it creates a sense of community and responsability towards it building trust and respecting the event giving it importance. The value of it comes form the sense of belonging of each person attending the festival making it significant for them. Specially since black rock centers around the user and the main purpose is not to make it profitable but to create a positive experience for all. Overall the concept of it all fits the criteria but the execution of it still needs work for it to be coherent between what they want to achive and what it is currently.
Transformation Paradigm
Akers, M. (2023, January 9). 2022 uno de los cinco años más mortales en las carreteras de Nevada en 32 años. Retrieved from Las Vegas Review Journal: Bourassa. (n.d.). CÓMO LOS CONDUCTORES DE NEVADA PUEDEN PREVENIR ACCIDENTES DE CICLISMO. Retrieved from Bourassa: Brooks, L. (2022, September 2). ¿Qué es el festival Burning Man y por qué es tan famoso? Récupéré sur National Geographic: Brand, Reon & Rocchi, Simona. (2010). Rethinking value in a changing landscape. A model for strategic reflection and business transformation. Philips Design. Burning Man Project. (n.d.). Black Rock City 2023. Retrieved from Burning Man Project: Foreman, N. (2022, October 14). Propuesta en Nevada busca abordar pobreza generacional con cuentas de ahorro infantil. Retrieved from The Nevada Independent: IQ Air. (2023, February 25). Calidad del aire en Nevada. Retrieved from IQ Air: IQ Air. (25 de February de 2023). Calidad del aire en Nevada. Obtenido de IQ Air: Nevada Crime Statistics. (s.f.). Nevada Crime Statistics. Obtenido de Nevada Crime Statistics: Nevada Government. (n.d.). People with Disabilities. Retrieved from Nv.Gov:,around%20inside%20of%20their%20homes. Pery, S. (2019, January 7). More than 26 million U.S. adults have a food allergy, study finds. Retrieved from MinnPost: