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Organization of the Human Body

Main Topics





Levels of organization in the human body include:Cells, tissues, organs, and organ systems. At each level all of the parts work together to carry out the main functions of the body. Single-celled organisms vs. Multicellular organisms.

Levels of organization

¿Why are they so different?

  • Basic unit of structure and function in living beings.
  • Individual cells in multicellular organisms tend to be specialized.
  • They are uniquely adapted to do a particular function.
  • 250 different types of cells in the human body.


TISSUESA group of cells that perform a unique function.

types of tissue

Covers the inside and outside of body surfaces. Function: Protection, absorption and excretion of materials. Location: Skin, coatings of the digestive system, certain glands.

Epithelial tissue

Most abundant tissue in the body. Some cells produce collagen (protein). Function: Binding of epitelial tissue to structures, support and transport of substances. Location: Under the skin, surrounding organs, blood and bones.

Conective Tissue



Cartilage Tissue

Adipose Tissue

  • Fluid located in blood and lymphatic capillaries.
  • Transports nutrients and oxygen.
  • Red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets.
  • Structure with inorganic salts. (calcium)
  • Strong tissue with good blood supply.
  • It has elastin and collagen fibers.
  • Acumulate fat.
  • They provide reservartion of energy.
  • Thermal insulation.
  • Cells are called Adipocytes.

Connective Tissue

Muscle fibers specialized in muscle contraction. Function: Generates body heat, movement. Types: -Cardiac muscle -Skeletal muscle -Smooth muscle

Muscle Tissue

Tissue made up of nerve cells called neurons and supporting cells called neuroglia. Function: Nerve impulses (Communication). Location: Brain and Spinal Cord

Nerve tissue

Branch of biological sciences concerned with the identification and description of the structures of the human body


Upright and resting human body.With your feet together, arms outward, palms facing front. Thumbs pointing out of the body, arms away from the body so that the arms do not touch the sides.

PRinciples of Anatomy1. Anatomical position:


2. Planes of the human body




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Search which organs are protected inside this cavities.

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3. Body Cavities

3. Body Cavities

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