Grade Improvement
Catherine Yohe
Created on January 10, 2023
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10 STEPS TO Grade Improvement
It does not matter how, but contact your teacher Ms. Yohe. She is here to help you pass the course.
- edio chat
- webmail
- phone
- carrier pigeon
Contact Ms. Yohe
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10 STEPS TO Grade Improvement
Why is there a difference, some examples are:
- Do you have a lot of overdue lessons?
- Do you have a Project that needs completed?
- Have you skipped Quizzes or Tests?
Identify if You Have Difference in Current and Projected Grade
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10 STEPS TO Grade Improvement
Start by completing those overdue lessons. Too many? Need help? Ms. Yohe has a plan for that, go back to Step 1!
Complete Overdues
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Check your Gradebook for Feedback
10 STEPS TO Grade Improvement
You can make corrections to any Test or Quiz by following the process outlined in the video.
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10 STEPS TO Grade Improvement
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10 STEPS TO Grade Improvement
Are the overdue lessons maybe too much? Ask Ms. Yohe about a specific Catch-Up Plan
Ask about a specific Catch-Up Plan
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10 STEPS TO Grade Improvement
Take Advantage of our Extra Credit Opportunities. Today in History EPIC! Library Magazine Cover
Extra Credit
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10 STEPS TO Grade Improvement
If you have completed steps 1-7 but are still having trouble, ask Ms. Yohe if there is an alternate completion method.
Alternate Assesment
10 STEPS TO Grade Improvement
Do not wait until it is too late. Our course has a lot of content. Reach out for assisstance.
Be a Thermostat, Not a Thermometer
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10 STEPS TO Grade Improvement
If you have reached step 10 and followed all of these steps, you should now be enjoying a GREAT grade in Ms. Yohe's class. If you still want to make improvements, you can. Start the process over, by identifying those lessons or assessments you can improve - Go back to Step 4 and work your way back!
Enjoy your NEW and IMPROVED Grade