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Work safety

By Josué Ramírez

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Work safety By Josué Ramírez

Occupational health and safety is a multidisciplinary area related to the safety, health and quality of life of people in the occupation.



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In this other part the work is concluded


Development of the topic

This is where the theme develops from there the name



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Agenda Style

Work Safety

2016 ~ 2019 And this year it was because of old and poorly maintained equipment.

2014 ~ 2016 This year they occurred because they were not the aceduador equipment or due to carelessness of the operator

2013 ~ 2014 In these years there were 147,123 accidents due to mishandling of the equipment

Get a modern PowerPoint Presentation that is beautifully designed. I hope and I believe that this Occupational health and safety (also occupational health and safety, occupational health and safety, among other terms) is a multidisciplinary area related to the safety, health and quality of life of people in the occupation. Occupational safety and health also protects any person who may be affected by the occupational environment. It is built in an adequate occupational environment, with fair conditions, where workers can carry out an activity with dignity and where their participation is possible for the improvement of health and safety conditions.

Progress Company

Work Experience

random worker





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Machinery, equipment, products and work toolse

Not only the employer who has a worker is bound by the occupational risk prevention regulations, but obligations are also usually established that affect manufacturers, importers and suppliers of machinery, equipment, products and work tools. In addition, the workers themselves are obliged to collaborate with the companies in the development and application of occupational risk prevention.

Sanitary equipment

approved audiometer and audiometric cabin, in all external prevention services; in the case of own prevention services, only in the event that the companies they serve are exposed to noise;

Prevention with transport vehicles and cargo handling

Falling objects due to poor load securing Fall of detached objects due to breakage of the fastening elements, (hooks, ropes, cables...) Shocks against moving objects due to oscillation of the load.

General appearance of the work center

The general appearance of a work center is defined by the structural safety offered by its buildings, that is, the absence of risks of landslides or subsidence due to being excessively old or overloaded; not be affected by sick building syndrome; absence of environmental risks both with the emission of pollutants into the atmosphere and contamination of water or land by waste or emissions







Occupation can be considered a source of health because it provides those who carry it out with a series of positive and favorable aspects. With the salary that is received, the necessary goods for maintenance and general well-being can be acquired, a physical and mental activity is developed that revitalizes the organism by keeping it active and awake, social relationships with other people are developed and activated through cooperation necessary to perform tasks and also increases self-esteem because it allows people to feel useful.4 However, work can also cause different types of mental, physical or emotional health damage, depending on the social and material conditions in which to be done. How many workplace accidents are there per year? In 2021 there have been a total of 1,137,523 taxpayers, of which 565,075 are without leave and 572,448 with leave. Of the accidents with sick leave, 4,572 were serious and 705 were fatal.


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