CA 1
Samantha Lopez
Created on September 1, 2022
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Core Activity 1
Study Plan: 401 Group: 013
Core Activity # 1: English Culture Influence in human development
Culture is the set of knowledge and characteristic features that distinguish a society, a certain era, or a social group. The culture of a country plays a determining role in the development of human beings, regardless of their social or economic status. Culture influences people to achieve a standard of living according to the conditions where they develop. For example, when we talk about English culture we think of cordiality, respect for others, and good manners, which are characteristic parts of the behavior of said society. In my opinion, the English culture influenced most countries and societies in diverse matters, in education, government, and technological progress, and has made countries adopt these traditions, characteristics, and language as their culture.
Daily Life
Ancient civilizations
How English Culture Influences human development in:
Education is diverse in different parts of the world, it depends on the culture and the educational system that is used, some countries give more importance to creativity, while others to discipline. Certain countries keep the same educational system for years, while some learn from other countries and their cultures. English culture stands out a lot for having a first-world educational level, serving as an example, and influencing so that societies can evolve in the educational aspect.
Among its main benefits and characteristics are boarding schools and certificates which have great recognition, it is known that in 2014, 92% of students who attended independent British boarding schools continued with their higher -level education and 75% of These students received offers from the most prestigious universities in the United Kingdom. Therefore, in recent years there has been a notable increase in students from outside England, enrolled in UK colleges and universities, in search of quality and future-oriented education.
We can also say that education in the United Kingdom has had an impact on other countries since some countries in the Middle East or Latin America seek to implement the same knowledge, that is, the same courses and diplomas. One of the characteristics that in the future we could adopt in our country would be the freedom that is given to the student and the support to be the same, as well as the reduced classes which refer to a smaller number of students to have better attention in each student.
Finally, education is important for every human being, since this makes us a better person as well as growth as a society, in terms of progress and coexistence.
Likewise, among a country that has a better education, we can consider it a superior country to those that do not have as much education.
Education in any part of the world is a fundamental aspect to consider, it is always considered and there is a world ranking.
Why is it important to talk about education?
Around 500 B.C. when Celts came to Britain from Europe introducing the Celtic language, one construction that has prevailed through the centuries is Stonehenge.
This shows his early knowledge of engineering and mathematics, the degree of his construction is associated with a mystical accuracy or even other beings. They were the first to discover how to manipulate iron to make iron tools and weapons. On the other hand, various professions were practiced, such as priests, doctors, and sometimes lawyers. The most significant influence that has lasted the most to this day is art and design, as well as music.
Ancient civilizations
We can know the reason for current things since they were the ones who started the way of living
It is important to know what our ancestors did so as not to go through the same mistakes and be able to improve
Ancient civilizations were greatly influenced by English culture, because thanks to its discoveries it was how they modernized and improved their quality of life.
Thanks to ancient discoveries is that today we have everything we use
Why is it important to talk about ancient civilizations?
British literature, music, cinema, art, theatre, comedy, media, television, philosophy, and architecture are influential and respected across the world. The United Kingdom is also prominent in science and technology. Sport is an important part of British culture; numerous sports originated in the country, including football. The UK has been described as a “cultural superpower”, and London has been described as a world cultural capital. Years later, some societies and cultures began to consider this sport formally.
British cinema has a unique and different identity, which, like Hollywood, is a very prominent industry, and in the film industry, it inspires and influences new generations.
The Industrial Revolution, with its origins in the UK, had a profound effect on the socio-economic and cultural conditions of the world. As a result of the British Empire, significant British influence can be observed in the language, culture, and institutions of a geographically wide assortment of countries, including Australia, Canada, India, Republic of Ireland, New Zealand, Nigeria, Pakistan, South Africa, and the United States.
England’s contribution to both British and world culture is too vast for anything but a cursory survey here. Historically, England was a very homogeneous country and developed coherent traditions, but, especially as the British Empire expanded and the country absorbed peoples from throughout the globe.
English has a very large influence on us because we are living next to a English speaking country, our way of living is in some ways shaped by the culture of our country neighbors.
English knowledge has helped us grow as a society throughout the centuries.
The English culture has influenced some of our traditions and holidays.
Why is it important to talk about generalities?
The English culture is unique in its kind, its models of education of high values and specific customs in the way of sitting, speaking, eating, dressing and practically all the actions of the English citizen from the moment he starts to grow up are unique and these models have been replicated in many parts of the world in people who consider this form of culture superior or simply admire it.
Daily Life
Tea time
Famous customs of the English
Some aspects of daily life that were previously common only in English culture have spread and are now part of other cultures, characteristics such as punctuality and cordiality have become essential in most societies, that is, something that was previously rare is now common.
The English culture is inherited from many colonies that previously settled in the territories occupied by the United Kingdom, it is the consequence of conquest, kings and the ability of its inhabitants to maintain the customs that saw them born. Nowadays it keeps magnificent works of art as well as architecture in its immense castles and a giant clock known as Big Ben that reminds every minute the time, red telephone booths used since many years ago and the double level buses that are very seen in England and its surroundings.
The advantages of the English language in all fields, but especially in the professional field. It should also be noted that the emergence of international consumers, the existence of an increasingly aggressive trade, the constant flow of information and a global culture are elements that have also boosted the use of this language.
English Culture influences the modern World in a very unique way with its unique customs and traditions, the country of England is one of the fundamental nations in such a way that the cultures and history give a lot to know about it, seeing several of the most significant English ideals and traditions.
The world would not be what it is now without England. We have the British to thank for antibiotics, cement, the jet engine, television, the small world that is the world wide web, just to mention a few. Oh, and chocolate bars of course.
3 reason why it is important
United Kingdom is one of the most developed economies in the world. It has an effective legal system and high levels of security for private companies, which is why it ranks ninth in the Index of Economic Freedom (2016) and sixth in the Ease of Doing Business Index (2016). It is also one of the most innovative economies, ranking third in the World Innovation Index (2016). Due to the recognition that the economy has in English culture, it is not uncommon for other countries or societies to repeat or see this economy as an example, which in turn allows the world economy to improve, and therefore human development as well.
The main countries to which the United Kingdom exports are the United States, Germany, the Netherlands, France, and China, being the same countries from which it imports products. Mexico represented 3.7% of the exports and 0.52% of the imports of the United Kingdom. From this, we also have that the so-called BREXIT which entered into force on February 1st of this year will generate an impact that is not yet quantifiable both at a global level, touching the ground first with its main partners, the European Union, and the major emerging economies.
These issues will be significant and preponderant in the coming decades.
We observe a very clear tendency of certain governments to have greater maneuverability in their finances, on issues of migration, trade, and climate change, among other issues.
Some governments will be more agile in their finances, migration, etc.
The British economy is more complex which can benefit the nation and allow the advancement and growth of our economy.
We still do not know if the decision made by the British government led by Boris Johnson was correct, only time will tell, but what we do know is that the impact will be seen soon in the face of a complex macroeconomic scheme where there are tensions in the Middle East, the emergence of the Coronavirus, climate change, the slowdown in China and the global economy
It is important because thanks to its exports it improves the needs of people.
Reason why it is important
Claudia Yisel Rodríguez Villarreal
Ángel Aaron Lozano De Los Reyes
Samantha Guadalupe Lopez Guevara
Brenda Giselle Hinojosa
Oscar Hernández Chávez
César Andrés González Martínez
César Andrés González Martínez
The English culture has expanded the entire world over the centuries, without them the entirety of the west wouldn´t be the same, the English empire had territories across the world too, so it`s obvious that they gathered a lot of different knowledge from various places like China, India, the Caribbean, the United States colonies, etc. That´s why we have a lot of influence from them, we inherited some traditions and costumes from them, even some holidays.
Oscar Hernández Chávez
We managed to learn about different aspects of how the UK has influenced different issues, so that we can understand why some things happen today, because as some say, those who do not know their history are condemned to repeat it. It was interesting to know everything they did and how they did it because it was a time where technology was null because they only used tools made of iron.
Brenda Giselle Hinojosa
With these aspects of the United Kingdom that were investigated, we were able to learn more about that country. Likewise, we realized how this has influenced countries globally, how this has seen an improvement in education, culture and in our day-to-day coexistence. Finally, I think it is very interesting to take subjects where different cultures and history of other countries are seen, which today are of great importance, and I would like to continue reading and learning about everything related to the UK and how this relates to us as a Mexican society.
Samantha Guadalupe Lopez Guevara
In my opinion, the culture of a country can influences many aspects of society, helping it to evolve. Mainly, the English culture seems to me to be one of the strongest, and this makes some other societies or nations take certain customs and make them part of their culture. Education, for example, has been influenced by English culture, in the way that its educational system and its ideals have allowed the societies that adopt them to grow. In addition, the preparation for this activity allowed me to learn to use new digital tools that I did not know before.
Ángel Aaron Lozano De Los Reyes
I found this research very interesting in everything that can influence UK in the development of humanity and all cultures, meals that we have adapted or made the same in the country where we live, in this case Mexico. The importance that English has now in daily life is incredible that just knowing it opens too many doors in professional fields.
Claudia Yisel Rodríguez Villarreal
Having to do this type of research allows us to learn about important characteristics or issues that sometimes we think do not affect us just because it is not related to our country or culture, but we must give it importance because we do not know how it can benefit or affect us. Sometimes what is affected is the value of the Mexican peso, which will affect us all equally economically.
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