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Royal University of Bhutan College of Natural Resources LOBESA: PUNAKHA
Module Title: Dairy Technology

Module Code: TEC301

Module Tutor: Sumba 

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Royal University of Bhutan College of Natural Resources LOBESA: PUNAKHA

Module Title: Dairy Technology Module Code: TEC301 Module Tutor: Sumba

Module Descriptor

General Objective: 1. The module provides fundamental principles underlying the processing of dairy products, examining their quality and preservation techniques.

Royal University of Bhutan College of Natural Resources LOBESA: PUNAKHA

Learning outcomes: On completion of the module, students will be able to: 1. Explain the mechanism of milk synthesis and production. 2. Describe the physicochemical properties of milk. 3. Identify microbes present in milk. 4. Collect milk and milk product samples. 5. Evaluate the composition and properties of milk and milk products. 6. Operate the different types of equipment used for milk processing.

Royal University of Bhutan College of Natural Resources LOBESA: PUNAKHA

Learning outcomes: 7. Develop different types of milk products. 8. Use different types of starter cultures involved in the manufacturing of fermented products. 9. Conduct milk platform test. 10. Apply the techniques used for the storage and transportation of milk and milk products.

Royal University of Bhutan College of Natural Resources LOBESA: PUNAKHA

Assessment Approach:1. Written Exam - Midterm Exam (50 marks )- 25% 2. Poster presentation - 10 % 3. Practicals - 10 % Product processing-(15%) 4. semester end examination (100 marks) - 40%

Learning and Teaching Approach

Royal University of Bhutan College of Natural Resources LOBESA: PUNAKHA

Subject Matter

Unit I: Introduction to Dairy TechnologyUnit II: Physicoheical properties of milk Unit III: Milk quality control Unit VI: Introduction to dairy microbiology Unit V: Cold chain management and dairy equipment Unit VI: Fat rich Dairy products Unit VII: Cheese making

Royal University of Bhutan College of Natural Resources LOBESA: PUNAKHA

Subject Matter

Unit I: Introduction to Dairy TechnologyUnit II: Physicoheical properties of milk Unit III: Milk quality control Unit VI: Introduction to dairy microbiology Unit V: Cold chain management and dairy equipment Unit VI: Fat rich Dairy products Unit VII: Cheese making

Royal University of Bhutan College of Natural Resources LOBESA: PUNAKHA

List of Essential Reading books Mart, E.H., & Steele, J.L. (2001). Applied dairy microbiology (2nd edn.). Eastern Hemisphere Distribution, Basel, Switzerland. NIIR Board. (2004). Modern Technology of Milk Processing & Dairy Products (2nd edn.). National Institute of Industrial Research. ISBN: 8186623442. Sukumar, D. (2001). Outlines of dairy technology. Oxford University Press, New Delhi.

Royal University of Bhutan College of Natural Resources LOBESA: PUNAKHA

Thank you, Everyone, Wishes, and prayers to have a a wonderful and fruitful learning experience for the fall semester.

Royal University of Bhutan College of Natural Resources LOBESA: PUNAKHA

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