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From the French Revolution to the present.


Alejandro Covarrubias 3ºD

Covid-19 Pamdemic, 2020-today

Fall of the Soviet Union 1991

Fall of the Berlin Wall 1989

Man lands on the Moon 1969

World War II 1939-45

wSpanish Civil ar 1936-39

New York stock exchange crash 1929

Bolshevik revolution, Russia 1917

World War I 1914-18

European Liberal Revolutions 1848

Napoleonic Wars 1799-1815


Fall of the Bastile, Paris 1789

revolution and restoration 1789-1848


  • 1789- french revolution
  • 1804- french dominion over europe (napoleonic age)
  • 1817- Beginning of the Independence of the Spanish colonies.
  • 1829- First steam locomotive, Industrial Revolution
  • 1848- Liberal and nationalist revolutions in Europe

- The disappearance of the colonial empires begins.- Birth of the Industry. - Age of Enlightenment or Enlightenment. - Birth of the principles of separation of powers and popular sovereignty. - Class Society

-It began with the French Revolution and ended with the European revolutions of 1848. Stage of tension between those who wanted to end the absolute monarchy and those who tried to maintain it.- Motto of the French Revolution: Liberty, Equality and Fraternity.

Revolution and restoration

Capitalism, nations and imperialism (1848-1918)


  • 1861- United States Civil War
  • 1873- Second Industrial Revolution
  • 1914-1918- World War I
  • 1917- Bolshevik Revolution

Capitalism, nations and imperialism (1848-1918)

Capitalism as an economic and social system.

The bourgeoisie as ruling class.

Civil War in the United States of America (1861-1865)

Start of the Consumer Society.

World War I pits Germany and Italy against Britain, France, and Russia, supported by the United States (1914-1918)

The Bolshevik Revolution overthrows the government of the Tsars in Russia (1917)

Interwar period (1919-1938)


  • 1919- Signing of the Treaty of Versailles ending World War I.
  • 1922- Creation of the Soviet Union.
  • 1929- Crash of the New York Stock Exchange causing the Great Depression.
  • Rise of totalitarian regimes: Nazism, fascism, Stalinism.
  • 1936-1939-Spanish Civil War

World War II and Cold War (1939-1989)

- Exploitation of natural resources and increased pollution- 1969, The American mission Apollo XI lands on the Moon: "One small step for man, one big step for humanity", phrase by Armstrong, the first man to walk on the Moon. -1989, Fall of the Berlin Wall, a symbol of the Cold War.

- 1939-1945, World War II between France, Great Britain, Russia and the United States, against the Axis powers, Germany, Italy and Japan.- 1948, The UN proclaims the Universal Declaration of Human Rights - Second half of the 20th century the birth rate begins to decline and some societies begin to age


Llegada del hombre a la luna 1969

The globalized world (1989-present)

1989- Present

- Dissolution of the Soviet Union. - War in the former Yugoslavia (Balkan War) - 1991- Presentation of the Internet as it is currently known, two years later its commercial use began


Covid-19 pandemic

2020- present (2022)

1993, Creation of the European Union2001, Al-Qaeda terrorist attacks in the United States

1993- 2001

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